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CSC 480 Software Engineering PSP Project 3 September 6, 2002.

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1 CSC 480 Software Engineering PSP Project 3 September 6, 2002

2 CSC 480 - Software Engineering2 9/6/2002 Topics OO Modeling  Review static (or structural) models  Dynamic (or behavioral) models Case Study – Displaying Punch-in Info

3 CSC 480 - Software Engineering3 9/6/2002 Basic Structural Modeling Class members (or responsibilities)  Attributes  Operations Relationships  Inheritance  Structural relationships Aggregation Composition

4 CSC 480 - Software Engineering4 9/6/2002 UML Notations – Inheritance Stock SmallCapStockLargeCapStock

5 CSC 480 - Software Engineering5 9/6/2002 UML Notations – aggregation & composition SchoolDepartment StudentCourseInstructor has chair teaches attends memberassigned to

6 CSC 480 - Software Engineering6 9/6/2002 Class V.S. Object Invoice -billingAddress -items +add(aProd, qtty) +format() +getAmountDue() Class diagram i:Invoice street = “123 Main” city = “Macon” state = “GA” addr:Address i1:item product = prod1 quantity = 3 Object diagram

7 CSC 480 - Software Engineering7 9/6/2002 Behavioral Modeling Use case diagram  Organizes the behaviors of the system Sequence diagram  Focused on the time ordering of messages Collaboration diagram  Focused on the structural organization of objects Statechart diagram  Focused on the changing state of a system

8 CSC 480 - Software Engineering8 9/6/2002 Message Passing YourBicycle.changeGears(lowerGear)

9 CSC 480 - Software Engineering9 9/6/2002 Use Case Diagram Print invoice system actor use case 1.… 2.… 3.…

10 CSC 480 - Software Engineering10 9/6/2002 Sequence Diagram

11 CSC 480 - Software Engineering11 9/6/2002 Collaboration Diagram

12 CSC 480 - Software Engineering12 9/6/2002 Statechart Diagram

13 CSC 480 - Software Engineering13 9/6/2002 Case Study The PunchIn program from chapter 14  Programming & Problem Solving with C++ Dale, Weems, and Headington Classes used  Time  TimeCard  TCList

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