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By: Desmond Seaton. Anonymity is when someone makes mean and threating comments to you, but is able to keep anonymous. Anonymity can include the use of.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Desmond Seaton. Anonymity is when someone makes mean and threating comments to you, but is able to keep anonymous. Anonymity can include the use of."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Desmond Seaton

2 Anonymity is when someone makes mean and threating comments to you, but is able to keep anonymous. Anonymity can include the use of aliases pseudonyms.

3 A pseudonym is like a nickname, bullies will often call themselves a different name when cyberbullying. They will do this because they will not be identified and caught for what they have done.

4 Flaming is an intense argument, that normally takes place in chat rooms and instant messaging services. The bullies usually use capital letters and images to hurt the other persons fellings.

5 Masquerading is when the bully pretends to be someone else or a made up person. They might make fake email addresses or fake instant message names, they also can use other peoples accounts to bully you.

6 Cyberstalking is when the bully uses a form of harassment the makes it seem that their being stalked. Messages are sent through email text message etc…

7 Outing is a public display or fowarding of personal messages. The bully will often print the message and show it around, It will often contain sexuale or personal information.

8 Harassment is the more offensive way of cyberbullying, it involves the bully targeting offensive messages to a specific group or person. The bully will often send the message more then once and at odd time of days.

9 Most of the time exclusion has to do with teenagers that have cell phones excluding people without cell phones.

10 Mediums used are: Facebook, Instant messaging, Instagram, Twitter etc… Cyberbullyes can use more than the mediums listed above.

11 Cyberbullying affects the victim including their family, It can change the victim’s moods and lifestyle.

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