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Nokia Names. NOKIA VIDEO Background NOKIA 1865 - Forest industry enterprise in southwestern Finland. Manufacture pulp and paper on the Nokia River. 1967.

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Presentation on theme: "Nokia Names. NOKIA VIDEO Background NOKIA 1865 - Forest industry enterprise in southwestern Finland. Manufacture pulp and paper on the Nokia River. 1967."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nokia Names


3 Background NOKIA 1865 - Forest industry enterprise in southwestern Finland. Manufacture pulp and paper on the Nokia River. 1967 - Nokia merged with Finnish Rubber Works and Cable Works (Nokia Corporation). 1980s - Increased its position in the telecommunications and electronics markets. First mobile phones in the 1980s 1994 - decided to focus on mobile phones and telecommunications as the core of the business and divested its non-core operations 1998 - Nokia bought a number of small companies that develop e-commerce and telephony technologies to expand its drive into mobile Internet capability. According to sales figures of 2003, Mobile Phones generated 80% of Nokia’s net sales, networks 19%, and ventures 1%. It is obvious that Nokia’s primary business is mobile phones.

4 Competitors

5 Problem

6 Clam Shell Developed Market Manufacturing Cost Developing Market

7 What happened? Missed trends Owns factories Change of market (ext environment)

8 SWOT Strength Weakness - Build on current technology -Existing knowledge of target market (developing) - Wide Range of Products - User friendly products - Product warranty World-Wide -Higher prices compared to competitors - late in clam shell phones - Low rate of adaptation -Dependence on strength in low-end and mid-range phones OpportunityThreat -Expand their market -Innovation -Capitalize on different trends than only telecommunication -Other competitors growth -Lost market share -Market become more saturated -Developing Countries -Small local Companies -Cell phone brand piracy in the developing world

9 Key Success Factors Emerging markets Technology – R&D Investment Marketing Brand Image

10 Marketing MIX Price Developed Vs. Developing Promotion Innovative Technology Informative Product Customization Place Distribution

11 Options/ Alternatives Option 1: Continuing the way they are Option 2: Restructure and Innovation Option 3: Counting Nokia out (big mistake)

12 Recommendations for… …Problem 1 – Trends Open source policy R&D Internal communication Alliances (local-regional)

13 Recommendations for… …Problem 2 – owned factories Cutting cost: – Out-sourcing – Working locally Benchmark (Walmart?)

14 Recommendation for… …Problem 3 – Change of Markets Collaboration Differentiate between developed and developing market Investment in emerging markets Converging markets  Joint ventures

15 Nokia Today Structure Current market share/ Industry Latest phones Newest markets Profits

16 THANK YOU Questions ??

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