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Bad Economy Challenges Churches but Provides Opportunities Survey of 1,000 Protestant Pastors February 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Bad Economy Challenges Churches but Provides Opportunities Survey of 1,000 Protestant Pastors February 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bad Economy Challenges Churches but Provides Opportunities Survey of 1,000 Protestant Pastors February 2009

2 2 Methodology  The telephone survey of Protestant pastors was conducted February 2-10, 2009  The calling list was randomly drawn from a list of all Protestant churches. Up to six calls were made to reach a sampled phone number  Each interview was conducted with the senior pastor, minister or priest of the church called  Responses were weighted to reflect the geographic distribution of Protestant churches

3 3 Methodology  The completed sample is 1,000 phone interviews  The sample provides 95% confidence that the sampling error does not exceed +3.2%  Margins of error are higher in sub-groups.

4 4 Protestant Churchgoers in America Remain Generous Despite Tough Economy

5 5 71% of Protestant churches finished 2008 with offerings at or above 2007’s total Compared to your calendar year 2007 offerings, were your total offerings for 2008…above 2007s or below 2007s or the same as 2007s? Larger churches are more likely to have seen offerings grow in 2007 Attendance Above ’07 1-49 35% 50-99 45% 100-249 51% 250+ 56%

6 6 The average Protestant church saw giving increase 4% in 2008 Approximately what percentage were your calendar year 2008 offerings above/below 2007s offerings?

7 7 Over half of pastors say the current economy is negatively impacting their church How is the current economy impacting your church? 53% of churches under 100 and 62% of churches with 100+ in attendance indicate the economy has impacted their church very or somewhat negatively 3% Don’t know

8 8 71% of Protestant churches are meeting or exceeding their budget Since the beginning of 2008, have your offerings been: higher than budgeted, lower than budgeted, or about what we budgeted? Larger churches are more likely to have been exceeding their budget with their offerings Higher than Attendance budgeted 1-49 19% 50-99 26% 100-249 27% 250+ 35%

9 9 Protestant Churches Have Increased Their Ministry to the Needy During Gloomy Economic Conditions

10 10 More than a third of churches have increased spending to help the needy Compared to recent years, has your church seen changes in any of the following areas in the last year? 9% None of these 1% Not sure

11 11 Actions churches have taken in response to the economy Have the recent problems in the economy caused your church to take any of the following actions? 37% None of these 1% Not sure

12 12 Actions pastors have personally taken in response to the economy Have the recent problems in the economy caused you personally to take any of the following actions? 63% None of these 0% Not sure Higher personal giving among pastors most affected: 34% of pastors whose salaries were held at last year’s level and 55% of pastors whose salaries were reduced have ‘paid for more ministry items out of their own pocket than normal’

13 Bad Economy Challenges Churches but Provides Opportunities Survey of 1,000 Protestant Pastors February 2009

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