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Research Proposals & Grants. Research Proposals A proposal sets forth both the exact nature of the matter to be investigated & a detailed account of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Proposals & Grants. Research Proposals A proposal sets forth both the exact nature of the matter to be investigated & a detailed account of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Proposals & Grants

2 Research Proposals A proposal sets forth both the exact nature of the matter to be investigated & a detailed account of the methods to be used Contains material supporting the importance of the topic & the appropriateness of the research methods to be used

3 Research Proposals Functions of a Proposal 1.Means of communication serves to communicate the investigator’s research plans to those who provide consultation, give consent, or disburse funds 2. Research Plan serves as a plan for action, step-by-step guide 3. Contract a completed, approved proposal can serve as a bond of agreement

4 Research Proposals Regulations Governing Proposals All funding agencies have their own guidelines for submissions (for example: NIJ GuidelinesNIJ Guidelines These should be followed exactly Download and complete the proper forms Heed deadlines

5 Research Proposals Specific formats may vary Nearly all proposals include: Introduction/Background Importance of the Study/Project Review of Literature Methodology Definitions Limitations/Applications

6 Introducing the Study Start with a short, well devised statement Establish the overall area of concern, peek interest, communicate essential information for understanding the rest of the proposal Identify & define the central concept Most common error: Failure to get to the point

7 Background Any research problem should show its lineage from the background of existing knowledge, previous investigations, or contemporary practice (in applied cases) What is already known or done? How does this research relate to what is already known or done? Why select this method?

8 State the Question/Goal Set forth a clear and explicit statement of the question or goal to which your research is directed Does not need all subtopics or even formal ‘hypotheses’ Should be a specific & accurate synopsis of the primary target of study

9 Importance of the Study Why is that question or goal an important one? What’s contributed to the knowledge base? Or, Why is it useful in a practical setting? This should also tie in to the Background, Literature, and any Hypotheses or Research Questions

10 Review of Literature See previous notes on Lit Reviews The best research proposals achieve links using the organized framework of the lit review to connect existing knowledge on a topic, the importance of that topic to a specific research question, & how it should best be studied

11 Methodology/Procedures All proposals should include a plan for the careful & systematic investigation of the topic This section is usually the most critically scrutinized Work through your methodology as a step-by-step plan Be detailed

12 Methodology/Procedures Include: sources of data, collection of data, and analysis of data 1.Target population/sampling methods 2.Instruments/techniques for measurement 3.Design for the collection of data 4.Procedures for collecting & recording data 5.Explanation of data analysis procedures 6.Plans for contingencies (like subject mortality)

13 Methodology/Procedures Specific to this class, you should also be sure to note the computer programs you’ll use for these tasks

14 Additional Components Definitions where appropriate: Define the variables, any jargon, etc. Limitations/Applications: Indicate what your study can and cannot do or show (and for what groups) Budget: Personnel, materials, etc. Timeline: Projected start dates and completions dates for each element of the project

15 Example: NIJ Proposal

16 Finding Grants

17 UF - "FYI"

18 UF Division of Sponsored Research

19 Private Foundations

20 Subscription Services

21 Government Grants Finding & Applying

22 Government Grants

23 Government Grant Categories Agriculture Arts Business & Commerce Community Development Disaster Prevention & Relief Education Employment, Labor, & Training Energy Environmental Quality Food & Nutrition Health Housing Humanities Information & Statistics Law, Justice, & Legal Services Natural Resources Regional Development Science & Technology Social Services & Income Security Transportation

24 Government Grants

25 Applying for a Government Grant 1.Register 2.Download application package (& any special instructions 3.Complete all sections 4.Submit on-line or mail, as appropriate 5.Track Status 6.Complete any follow-up requests

26 Government Grants Computer Applications: Most govt. grant applications accept only three types of files PDF files Word documents Text documents PureEdge Viewer Adobe Acrobat

27 Submitting Proposals for Grants Typically forms are in PDF format Complete using Adobe Write the major components in Word All documents then submitted on-line

28 Successful Grant Proposals Best Chance of Success Find a grant opportunity that matches well with your issue, needs, abilities Follow all the guidelines Keep your budget reasonable & appropriate to the tasks proposed Account for all elements of the research plan (especially methods) in detail

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