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About Code for Ireland Brigade is an organizing force for local civic engagement - a network with local chapters of civic-minded volunteers, who contribute.

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3 About Code for Ireland Brigade is an organizing force for local civic engagement - a network with local chapters of civic-minded volunteers, who contribute skills toward using the web as a platform for municipal government and community service.

4 Purpose The purpose of Brigade is to create and sustain local instances of shared goals and strategic outcomes 1. Governments leveraging technology more effectively 2. Citizens and community groups solving civic issues 3. Cities collaborating to work better 4. Civic apps built on linked, open data

5 Targeted Outcome Establish or reinforce a local citizen group for civic tech that interacts with municipal government on a regular basis.

6 Membership Brigades are local volunteer groups who are members of the Code for Ireland Brigade network. Membership is free and open.

7 Our Network


9 Brigades Help Fellows and Local Government Partners by: Informing local communities about CfIre Anchoring local, civic tech community Organizing structured activities

10 Key Membership Roles Coders & Repo Managers o Volunteers who get (or want to learn about) hackathons, agile development, GitHub and open source, civic tech Graphics & UX Designers o Volunteers who understand (or want to learn about) what we mean when we say "let's make the interfaces to government more beautiful and easier to use" Subject Matter Experts o Volunteers who share knowledge with civic technologists about in the inner workings of municipal government operations

11 Metrics How will we know if a brigade is effective? Does Several of: Endorsed by local government partner and CfIre Meets on a regular basis, at least monthly Maintains a clear plan of action, at least annually Curates linked, open data for the common good Implements open source, civic tech locally Affects structural changes in local gov Recruits local & national membership periodically


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