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2 Put on your headphones! This is a narrated presentation!

3 Set up your notebook paper like this and take notes : Define Civic Duty: Examples of Civic Duties: 1. 2. 3. 4. Define Civic Responsibility: Examples of Civic Responsibilities: 1. 2. 3. 4.



6  All people must obey laws  Most important duty  If we do not obey the law, the gov’t cannot maintain order or protect our health, safety & property


8  Property and income taxes are examples  Taxes are the government’s revenue to provide services to citizens  Without taxes, the gov’t could not pay its employees, maintain armed forces to defend the nation, and help those in need


10  All men 18-25 years of age must register for the selective service  We haven’t had a draft since the Vietnam War b/c we have enough volunteers to serve in our military


12  As a witness if subpoenaed  As a juror if called


14  Until 16 years of age  Benefits both you and the gov’t b/c you need knowledge and skills to make wise decisions and our democratic system of gov’t needs informed citizens to operate well



17  Use the Internet, television, magazines, newspapers, radio  Allows citizens to make better decisions when participating in the political process  Allows you to know your rights


19  Allows you to have a voice in government  The most important responsibility  Ensures that leadership is changed in a peaceful manner  U.S. has low voter turn out due to voter apathy The attitude of not caring



22  Volunteer in your community  Join a political party  Call, write or email your legislator  Join a group working for a particular cause


24  For public property as well as the property of others  There are laws against littering, vandalism, graffiti


26  Tolerate others’ differences Even if you disagree w/ a person’s lifestyle, religious beliefs, etc. To be a good citizen, you must treat all people with respect and politeness  Respect others’ rights


28  Responsible citizens are willing to contribute time, money, effort, and money to help other people and to improve the community  Donate to charities  Volunteer

29  Americans do volunteer work to help make their communities better places to live.  A community is a group of people who share the same interests and concerns.  Many volunteers are students in grades 6 through 12.

30  Governments provide for many needs, but their resources are limited.  Also, they are bureaucracies– complex systems with many departments, rules, and people in the chain of command.  Thus, governments cannot respond quickly to social problems.

31  Good citizens are concerned about the welfare–the health, prosperity, and happiness–of all members of the community.

32  Some ways people participate in the community include leading a scout troop, mentoring schoolchildren, visiting a nursing home, and collecting canned goods.  Volunteerism is the practice of offering your time and services to others without payment.  Many Americans also contribute money to charity.

33  The federal government has created national volunteer programs.  Americans in the Peace Corps help people in the poorest corners of the world.

34  AmeriCorps members might help disaster victims, clean up polluted rivers, or assist people with disabilities.  In exchange, they receive a living allowance and money to help pay for college.

35  Americans aged 55 and older can volunteer through the Senior Corps.  There are 3 main programs: Foster Grandparents for children with special need Senior Companions for other seniors the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program in which they might serve Meals on Wheels or do other neighborhood activities

36 The new USA Freedom Corps brought together the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, and Senior Corps, plus a new component called Citizen Corps.





41 DUTIESRESPONSIBILITIES Obey the lawsBe informed Pay your taxesVote in elections Defend the nationParticipate Serve in courtRespect for property Go to schoolRespect for others Contribute to the common good

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