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Drug Unit Review Game GOOD LUCK ON the Test. Using a legal drug for the proper reason but not in the correct amount is drug______ UseAbuse MisuseNone.

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Presentation on theme: "Drug Unit Review Game GOOD LUCK ON the Test. Using a legal drug for the proper reason but not in the correct amount is drug______ UseAbuse MisuseNone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drug Unit Review Game GOOD LUCK ON the Test

2 Using a legal drug for the proper reason but not in the correct amount is drug______ UseAbuse MisuseNone

3 misuse misuse

4 A term made up by drug users to justify their habit or claim it is not harmful is called? Weekend UseRecreational use PlayingDrug Dependency

5 Recreational drug use Recreational drug use

6 A drug that has a strong link to Reye’s syndrome is TylenolAspirin IbuprofenAleve

7 asprin asprin

8 A very popular hallucinogen that can be swallowed, sniffed or placed on the tongue to dissolve MarijuanaAleve LSDCocaine


10 The following is a reason or risk factor as to why people abuse drugs Having friends that useLacking respect Genetic PredispositionAll of these

11 All of these All of these

12 Any illegal drug controlled by the federal government is called a Drug Legal Substance Toxic substance Controlled substance

13 Controlled substance Controlled substance

14 A strong craving or desire to use a drug is called Psychological Physical DependenceDependence WithdrawSharp Dependence

15 Psychological dependence Psychological dependence

16 When your body starts goes through withdraw this is called ______ dependence. Cranky Psychological PhysicalPhysiological

17 physical physical

18 Drug classification that reduces pain and slows down the central nervous system is _____ StimulantsNarcotics HallucinogensSteroids

19 Narcotics Narcotics

20 One of the most powerful legal pain relievers used today is? CodeineHeroin MorphineLSD

21 morphine morphine

22 Certain prescription cough medicines contain? Brominemorphine Codeinecocaine

23 Codeine Codeine

24 Benzodiazepines/Tranquilizers are examples of what classification? SedativesNarcotics StimulantsHallucinogens

25 Sedatives Sedatives

26 Which of the following symptoms are caused by inhalants? Severe brain damage Kidney liver Damage Mental all of these confusion

27 All of these All of these

28 A-motivational syndrome is caused by which drug? CrackMarijuana CocaineLSD

29 Marijuana Marijuana

30 Final approval to allow the sale of all drugs is done by the______. FDA ATF DEALCB


32 PCP & Psilocybin are illegal drugs found in what drug classification? HallucinogensInhalants Sedative HypnoticsNarcotics

33 hallucinogens hallucinogens

34 One time use of this drug is known to negatively change the mind forever. StimulantsHallucinogens SedativesNarcotics

35 hallucinogens hallucinogens

36 What classification is used medically to relieve tension, anxiety and calm the central nervous system StimulantsHallucinogens SedativesNarcotics

37 sedatives sedatives

38 This narcotic is most commonly injected and is illegal in the US HeroinOpium CocaineCodeine

39 Heroin Heroin

40 A mothers use of this drug can endanger the unborn fetus. Marijuanacrack Alcoholall of these

41 All of these All of these

42 Regular users of this drug may require less of the drug to feel the same effects (in-verse tolerance) PCP`Marijuana TranquillizersEcstasy

43 Marijuana Marijuana

44 A synthetic narcotic drug used to help heroin addicts going through withdraw is called? Benzedrine Methadone Codeinenone of the above

45 methadone methadone

46 A vivid memory of a hallucination is called a FlashbackDepression Psychosisall of these

47 flashback flashback

48 The most common way to take a drug is? InjectedAbsorbed OrallyImplanted

49 orally orally

50 The two most potent (enters the bloodstream quickly) ways to take a drug are? Orally & InjectedInhaled & Implanted Injected & InhaledOrally & inhaled

51 Injected & inhaled Injected & inhaled

52 Opium is derived from a? CactusRose MushroomPoppy flower pod

53 Poppy flower pop Poppy flower pop

54 A stimulant drug found in Coca Cola drinks TODAY is? CocaineTHC CaffeineEthanol

55 Caffeine Caffeine

56 There are smoked forms of THC approved by the FDA in the US. TrueFalse

57 false false

58 THC can remain in the body for up to ____ days. 710 2030

59 30 30

60 Marinol is used to treat what kind of patients? Canceranorexic AIDSall of these

61 All of these All of these

62 The most severe drug withdraw symptoms comes from what classification? NarcoticsSedatives HallucinogensStimulants

63 Sedative hypnotics Sedative hypnotics

64 Which drug has been known to cause the most violent and bizarre behaviors? PCPHeroin MorphineCocaine


66 An illegal drug that has a stimulating ability to cause hallucinations is? OxycontinMDMA BarbituratesPCP


68 Blocking or reducing the effects of a drug is a/an _________ reaction. AntagonisticSynergistic

69 antagonistic antagonistic

70 Example of an inactive feature is? ColorShape Flavorall of these

71 All of these All of these

72 A physical addiction always has a psychological addiction? TrueFalse

73 True True

74 The THC % today is lower than in the 60s & 70s. TrueFalse

75 false false

76 The first stage in treatment is? OutpatientDetoxification InpatientHalfway house

77 detoxification detoxification

78 A live in facility where you can not attend work or school, medical supervision & counseling is provided OutpatientDetoxification School resources Recovery Programs Inpatient Halfway house

79 Inpatient Inpatient

80 The Student Assistant Program is an example of this OutpatientDetoxification School resources Recovery Programs Inpatient Halfway house

81 School Resurces School Resurces

82 NA, CA, AA are examples of this type of treatment OutpatientDetoxification School resources Recovery Programs Inpatient Halfway house

83 Recovery Programs Recovery Programs

84 This is a place when an addict can go after inpatient care before they live on their own again. OutpatientDetoxification School resources Recovery Programs Inpatient Halfway house


86 Hashish oil belongs to the ________ drug Classification NarcoticsStimulants Sedative Hypnotics SteroidsHallucinogensMarijuanaInhalants

87 Marijuana Marijuana

88 Paint thinner belongs to the _________ drug classification. NarcoticsStimulants Sedative Hypnotics SteroidsHallucinogensMarijuanaInhalants

89 Inhalents Inhalents

90 Mushrooms belong to the ____________ drug classification. NarcoticsStimulants Sedative Hypnotics SteroidsHallucinogensMarijuanaInhalants

91 Hallucinogens Hallucinogens

92 Methamphetamines belongs to the ______ drug classification. NarcoticsStimulants Sedative Hypnotics SteroidsHallucinogensMarijuanaInhalants

93 Stimulants Stimulants

94 Opium belongs to the ________ drug classification. NarcoticsStimulants Sedative Hypnotics SteroidsHallucinogensMarijuanaInhalants

95 Narcotics Narcotics

96 What schedule does heroin belong too? 131355242413135524245

97 1

98 What schedule does cocaine belong too? 131355242413135524245

99 2

100 What schedule does OTC drugs belong too? 131355242413135524245

101 5

102 What schedule does LSD belong too? 131355242413135524245

103 1

104 _______ is a stimulant drug used to treat Asthma. MethylphenidateMDMAEphedrineMorphine

105 Ephedrine Ephedrine

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