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Understanding the style of Beowulf

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1 Understanding the style of Beowulf
The Epic Poem Understanding the style of Beowulf

2 I. What is an epic? A. Epic: a long narrative poem that celebrates a hero’s deeds. Came into existence as spoken words and were retold for generations Many based on historical facts Performers, called scops, got inspiration from old legends and songs and embellished them. Oral poetry then was the repetition of certain words, phrases, and lines (makes memorization easier and why Beowulf has so many repeated phrases).

3 II. Characteristics of an epic
A. The hero (usually male) is of noble birth (rich and from high-ranking family) and of legendary importance. B. Hero’s character traits show the ideals of his society C. Hero performs courageous, superhuman deeds D. Hero’s actions decide the fate of a whole group (they’re doomed otherwise) E. Setting is huge (more than one nation)

4 II. Characteristics of an epic (cont.)
F. Formal diction and tone. G. Long, formal speeches at times. H. Supernatural beings and dangerous journeys. I. Timeless values highlighted--courage, honor, etc. J. Timeless themes--good vs. evil, life and death

5 II. Characteristics of an epic (cont.)
K. Kennings are used often throughout Beowulf. Kenning: literary device where a phrase substitutes for a noun. Ex: stout-hearted (brave), dwelling place (home), battle sweat (blood), eye candy (attractive person) **Kennings help the epic stay interesting and help with rhythm.

6 III. How to best read epics
A. Look for the characteristics mentioned on previous slides. B. Figure out the values/morals of the hero. C. Decide if the hero affects others. D. Make a list/diagram of characters (because there are usually a lot). E. If a section is confusing, go back and summarize the main ideas.

7 Final Steps Now write your summary in the space provided in your OWN words. If you did not finish the Powerpoint, finish it for homework over the weekend, along with the ‘Summary’ section. It will be collected Monday for a grade (20 points).

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