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Did you know? As you watch the video, make a mental note of one of the facts. How does it effect the economy? We will discuss this! Did you know?

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Presentation on theme: "Did you know? As you watch the video, make a mental note of one of the facts. How does it effect the economy? We will discuss this! Did you know?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Did you know? As you watch the video, make a mental note of one of the facts. How does it effect the economy? We will discuss this! Did you know?

2 Real Life Economics 5 minutes Play as many games of Rock-Paper- Scissors –Winner earns candy of choice –Winners continue playing into you have the desired candy (or none at all) Why did we do this?

3 Introductions Interview your partner –Name –Best thing about being a senior –Post high school plans –Preferred superpower—Fly OR Be invisible Return to Your Seat Introduce Your Partner to the Class

4 01 Limits, Alternatives, and Choices McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

5 What is Macroeconomics? Quick definition of Macroeconomics

6 LO1 Introduction Economics defined: Economic wants exceed productive capacity. A social science concerned with making optimal choices under conditions of scarcity. 1-6

7 LO1 The Economic Perspective Thinking like an economist Key features: Scarcity and choice Purposeful behavior Marginal analysis 1-7

8 LO1 Scarcity and Choice Resources are scarce Choices must be made Opportunity cost There’s no free lunch 1-8

9 LO1 Purposeful Behavior Rational self-interest Individuals and utility Firms and profit Desired outcomes 1-9

10 LO1 Marginal Analysis Marginal benefit Marginal cost Marginal means “extra” Comparison between marginal benefit and marginal cost 1-10

11 LO2 Theories, Principles, and Models The scientific method: Economic principles Generalizations Other-things-equal assumption – ceteris paribus Graphical expression Observe Formulate a hypothesisTest the hypothesis Accept, reject, or modify the hypothesis Continue to test the hypothesis, if necessary 1-11

12 LO3 Microeconomics and Macroeconomics Microeconomics Decision making by individual units Macroeconomics Aggregate 1-12

13 LO3 Positive and Normative Economics Positive economics- Deals with economic facts The rising price of crude oil on world markets will lead to an increase in cycling to work Normative economics - A subjective perspective of the economy Unemployment is more harmful than inflation 1-13

14 LO4 Society’s Economizing Problem Scarce resources Land Labor Capital Entrepreneurial Ability 1-14

15 LO4 Society’s Economizing Problem Entrepreneurial ability Takes initiative Makes decisions Innovates Takes risk Entrepreneurs 1-15

16 LO5 Production Possibilities Model Illustrates production choices Assumptions: Full employment Fixed resources Fixed technology Two goods PPC video 1-16

17 LO5 Production Possibilities Table Type of Product Pizzas (in hundred thousands) Industrial Robots (in thousands) Production Alternatives ABCDE 109740 01234 Plot the Points to Create the Graph… 1-17

18 LO5 Production Possibilities Curve The law of increasing opportunity costs makes the PPC concave. 1-18 Pizzas Industrial Robots Attainable 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Unattainable A B C D E U

19 Optimal Allocation LO5 a b c d e MB = MC MC MB 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 Quantity of Pizza Marginal Benefit & Marginal Cost 1-19

20 LO6 A Growing Economy Causes of Economic Growth More resources Improved resource quality Technological advances International trade – it leads to specialization 1-20

21 Type of Product Pizzas (in hundred thousands) Industrial Robots (in thousands) Production Alternatives A'A'B'C'D'E' 1412950 02468 A Growing Economy LO6 1-21

22 LO6 A Growing Economy Pizzas Industrial Robots Attainable 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Unattainable A B C D E Economic Growth Now Attainable A’ B’ C’ D’ E’ 1-22

23 LO6 Present Choices, Future Possibilities Goods for the Present Goods for the Future Goods for the Present P F Current Curve Current Curve Future Curve Future Curve Presentville Futureville 1-23

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