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HB + HC Steering Committee Meeting. Meeting Objectives To inform community partners about the NW Health Foundation Grant opportunity To introduce the.

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Presentation on theme: "HB + HC Steering Committee Meeting. Meeting Objectives To inform community partners about the NW Health Foundation Grant opportunity To introduce the."— Presentation transcript:

1 HB + HC Steering Committee Meeting

2 Meeting Objectives To inform community partners about the NW Health Foundation Grant opportunity To introduce the Early Learning Multnomah (ELM) Parent Leadership Program To redesign the ELM Parent Leadership Program to meet the needs in Linn, Benton and Lincoln counties To gather input on RFP questions To introduce Collaborative Partners List and sample Letters of Support

3 Healthy Beginnings + Healthy Communities Communities Collaborate 5-Year Partnership Due Date: October 9, 2015

4 Communities Collaborate RFP Summary OVERALL GOALS: Improve child health Build strong alliances and practical skills Strengthen and connect leaders Impact institutions, elected officials and stakeholders Tell our stories

5 Communities Collaborate RFP Summary Measuring Community Capacity Engaged, connected leaders and systems to support resilient communities Community-specific and region-wide action in Oregon and SW Washington Strong, respectful relationships Shared knowledge and understanding of the supports and barriers to healthy childhood outcomes

6 Communities Collaborate RFP Summary Funding Structure RFP is for 1 year 10 collaboratives Annual support ranges from $50,000 to $150,000 per collaborative Total investment per collaborative: $250,000 to $750,000

7 Communities Collaborate RFP Summary Eligibility and Review Structure Leadership Outcomes for better childhoods Building power Regional perspective Partnerships Equity Momentum

8 Communities Collaborate RFP Summary Attachments HB+HC Collaborative Partner List Letters of Support Timeline and Next Steps October 9, 2015: Application submitted December 2015: Awards Announced January 2016: Year One begins Summer 2016: Application for Year Two JANUARY 2016: Year Two Grant Begins

9 Early Learning Multnomah Parent Partnership Program

10 Early Learning Multnomah(ELM) Parent Leadership - Overview Contracts with Culturally-Specific Community Organizations 4 Culturally-Specific Organizations: Latino, Asian-Pacific Islander, African Immigrant and Slavic Parent Leadership Team Meetings Planning Team Parent Accountability Council (PAC) Education for Parent Leadership Community Meetings

11 ELM Parent Leadership: The Process EL Hub Culturally Specific Organizations Parent Leadership Groups Culturally Specific Organizations Planning Team Meeting Parent Advisory Council Community Meeting

12 ELM Parent Leadership: Culturally-Specific Organizations 4 Culturally-Specific Organizations: 1.Latino, 2.Asian-Pacific Islander 3.African Immigrant 4.Slavic Community-Based Early Childhood

13 ELM Parent Leadership: Culturally-Specific Community Organizations Contracted to: Provide staff to support work with parents Provide feedback and advice to Hub Identify 2 parents and alternate from Parent Leadership Teams (PLT) Encourage attendance Reduce barriers for parents Build leadership skills

14 ELM Parent Leadership: Parent Leadership Team(PLT) Meetings Purpose: to broaden parent voice from each culturally- specific community 5+ parents 2 parents attend Parent Accountability Meetings (PAC) Quarterly meetings Topics developed at Planning Team meetings

15 ELM Parent Leadership: Planning Team Staffed by Community-Specific organizations Plan for the Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Prepare for quarterly Parent Leadership Team (PLT) meetings Prepare for Community Meetings

16 ELM Parent Leadership: Parent Accountability Council (PAC) Part of the ELM’s governing structure 2 parent representatives from each culturally- specific community Monthly meetings Facilitator Guiding Principles Expensive parent engagement model

17 ELM Parent Leadership: Education for Parent Leadership Hire a Facilitator for “Popular Education” during PAC meetings

18 ELM Parent Leadership: Community Meetings Other parent-based groups who play an advisory role for other early learning organizations and are valuable sources of parent voice Contractors are responsible for: Parent(s) and staff person present early-learning strategy/issue/topic at a community meeting of parents – in collaboration with ELM Collect feedback from parents Report feedback to Parent Advisory Council (PAC) and/or ELM

19 Activity Redesign the ELM Parent Leadership Program to meet the needs of Linn, Benton & Lincoln Counties

20 ELM Parent Leadership: The Process EL Hub Culturally Specific Organizations Parent Leadership Groups Culturally Specific Organizations Planning Team Meeting Parent Advisory Council Community Meeting

21 Activity Gallery Walk to gather input on the RFP questions Answer questions posted around the room Write your name next to your answer (so we can contact you if we need to)

22 Activity Sample Letters of Support & Collaborative Partner List


24 HB+HC Collaborative Partner List

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