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RTF Staff, Subcommittee and Work Updates October 4, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "RTF Staff, Subcommittee and Work Updates October 4, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 RTF Staff, Subcommittee and Work Updates October 4, 2011

2 RTF Staff Updates RTF Operations Subcommittee (9/16) – Reviewed Aug 30, Oct 4 and Nov 1 Agendas – Reviewed Status of Cost, Life and Measure Contracts – Bylaws status discussion – 2012 Workplan Reviewed – RTF Policy Advisory Committee Overview

3 RTF Staff Updates RFP’s to be Published – Measurement and Verification Guidelines ($60k) – End Use Load Study Business Case ($100k) Invitation to RTF Members interested in reviewing proposals

4 RTF Staff Updates Small Rural Utilities Report – Final Report Received – Recommendations Being Finalized RTF Policy Advisory Committee – Meeting Schedule (September 28) – Topics for discussion, interests (RTF Work Plan) – RTF Bylaws review

5 RTF Staff Updates Domestic Heating Fuel Choice Study – No follow up meeting since August RTF Northwest Research Group – Meets November 4 in Tacoma Direct Mail Standard CFL’s to be posted 10/11 Requested Specialty CFL’s to be posted 10/11

6 RTF Staff Updates Variable Capacity Heat Pump Standard Protocol for Fan VFD – Measure calculator contract in place – Request RTF Subcommittee participation in October RTUG – Statement of work and RFP closed – Invite contractor selection committee participation – Finalize the standard protocol and all documentation

7 RTF Staff Updates Contract status and progress – Measure Life Guidelines – SERA – Measure Cost/NEBS – Navigant Web sites set up, materials posted Meetings conducted for draft review (life, cost) November and December RTF presentations – UES Measure Review – SBW

8 Initial Staff UES Measure Review Review Priority Considerations – Initial Staff review for work scheduling - sorting – All measures will be reviewed and work plans by 2012 – Some sunset dates are soon (Request administrative extension) – Utilities provided ranked priorities – Measure data quality varies – Resource potential by measure – Likelihood of remaining UES Subcommittee participation requested

9 Initial Staff UES Measure Review 79 UES measures 16 Reviews done – Recommendations Memos or approved by RTF 60 Reviews remain – 3 deactivate – 6 small savers – 3 Standard Protocol – 40 UES measures – 11 UES ? until review

10 Initial Staff UES Measure Review




14 RTF Staff Updates Forming Lighting Subcommittee – Need new baseline by July 2012 – NW Lighting Trade Ally Network sees need – Likely to be a minimally compliant T12 – Moving to a T8 baseline not representative of the market – Regional lighting calculator update needs assessment – List of RTF participants compiled – Schedule first Subcommittee Meeting: Oct 19 at 9:30 am pdst Review Draft Lighting Protocol, code baseline Identify program needs Overview of NEEA Comprehensive Lighting Pilot Review Lighting RFP and pending RTF protocol/calculator work

15 RTF Staff Updates SEEM Training – Webinar October 31, 2011, 2:00 to 4:00 pst – Additional user training to be decided

16 RTF Staff Updates 2012 Work Plan, Budget and Business Plan – Draft to Operations Subcommittee September – Review By Operations by September 20 – To RTF For Review September 26 – Draft for RTF PAC Review September 28 – RTF Review October 2 – Review by PAC October 27th

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