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Industrial emissions and effluents

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1 Industrial emissions and effluents
Food chain Industrial emissions and effluents Landfills Vehicle emission Agricultural practices Livestock Crops Seafood Cooking Processing Storage Retail To prevent foodborne illnesses, we have to improve food hygiene. Food goes through a number of stages from production to consumption, including harvesting, processing and manufacturing, transport and distribution, preparation for consumption. Thus, different sectors and authorities share the responsibility for hygiene control. Distribution

2 Common routes of cross - contamination
Food handler who is a carrier of infection Customer Food preparation area Food handlers Surfaces Refrigerator Meals Cooked food Raw food Transmission of disease by food handlers follows some predictable routes. Whether the food causes a problem depends on the opportunities for growth and survival.

3 Clean hands, nails and hair Avoid touching ears, nose, lips and hair
A teaching chart Clean hands, nails and hair Avoid touching ears, nose, lips and hair Cover cuts Wear protective clothing and head cover Pick up cutlery and glasses by handles or stems Report illness or skin complaints It is easy to see how food handlers can be sources of pathogens, and to see ways to prevent the problem. This teaching chart shows how to prevent transmission of infection by food handlers.

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