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Essential Question: How can I prepare to annotate the text Of Mice and Men as I am reading?

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Question: How can I prepare to annotate the text Of Mice and Men as I am reading?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Question: How can I prepare to annotate the text Of Mice and Men as I am reading?

2 What are the benefits of Literature Circles?  student-centered  critical thinking and reflection  construct meaning with other students  promotes deeper understanding of the text

3 What are the expectations? 1. You will create sticky notes with thoughts/questions for discussion as you are reading. 2. You will think about what you read & be ready to discuss it when you arrive to class. 3. You will bring your novel ( with sticky notes inside ) to the beginning of every class. 4. You will verbally participate in every discussion.

4 What they look like…

5 Looks Like/Sounds Like Sitting in groups of 4 (based on your table #) with open books & sticky notes ready. Always answer with “because…” Text-based support! Stay focused & on-task. Disagreements are OKAY, as long as we are treating the members of our discussion with respect. Demonstrate positive body language. Everyone participates. Dig deep in discussion  critique, analyze, evaluate!

6 Sticky Notes  Predicting: You may not predict more than once per chapter!  Questioning: Ask open-ended questions, rather than closed (yes/no) questions.  Connecting: T-Self, T-Text, T-World, T-Author  Observing: “Wow, that was surprising because…”  Inferring: This is when you are “reading between the lines.”

7 Which strategy is being used?

8 How will I be held accountable? If you are missing your book and/or sticky notes, then… -your homework grade for the day will be affected. -your reading check quiz grade will be affected. -you will be unable to participate in discussion. If you did not read, then… -you will be unable to participate in discussion. -your homework grade for the day will be affected.

9 “A good book should leave you with many experiences and slightly exhausted. You should live several lives while reading it.” -William Styron

10 Should Partner Discussion 1. What are 4 things you need to do/have in order to be prepared for lit circles? 2. What are 4 reading strategies I want to see used on our sticky notes?

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