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Coptic Alphabet Hieroglyphics. 0325 1054 1517 Early Christians Great Schism Eastern Orthodox Greek Roman Catholicism Latin Protestant Reformation Lutheran.

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Presentation on theme: "Coptic Alphabet Hieroglyphics. 0325 1054 1517 Early Christians Great Schism Eastern Orthodox Greek Roman Catholicism Latin Protestant Reformation Lutheran."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coptic Alphabet Hieroglyphics

2 0325 1054 1517 Early Christians Great Schism Eastern Orthodox Greek Roman Catholicism Latin Protestant Reformation Lutheran Calvinist Presbyterian Anglican- Henry VIII Methodist Anabaptist…. Russian Orthodox (founded in 900’s followed Byzantine, Eastern Orthodox tradition “Right-belief” Holy Roman Emperor: Constantine Martin Luther: 95 Theses Council of Ephesus 431 Assyrian Church 451 Oriental Orthodox (Coptic) Council of Chalcedon Council of Nicaea

3 Copts: (from Arabic word Gibt or Gypt = Egyptians) History of Copts: Founded in Alexandria by St. Mark in 1 st Century CE Separated from mainstream Christianity after the Council of Chalcedonian Today, 10% of Egypt is Coptic News: – /article/0,9171,2076714,00.html /article/0,9171,2076714,00.html 1.Holy Roman Emperor- Constantine 1.Legitimized Christianity 2.Council of Nicaea: 325 1.Christians convened in Turkey by Constantine 2.Nicaean Creed 3.Settled Trinitarian issue 3.Council of Ephesus 4.Council of Chalcedonian: 451 CE 1.Jesus of Nazareth is one person or hypostasis in two natures - human and divine. He is fully human. He is fully divine. He is perfect God and perfect man. As God, He is "of one essence" (homoousios) with God the Father and the Holy Spirit. As man, He is "of one essence" (homoousios) with all human beings. 2.Oriental Orthodox COPTS rejected: 1.Believe in the old formula of Saint Cyril, which claimed that in His incarnation, Christ, has but one nature 5.Great Schism: 1054 CE 1.Greek speaking Eastern of the Byzantine empire 1.EASTERN ORTHODOX 2.Latin speaking Western traditions within the Christian Church 1.ROMAN CATHOLIC


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