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The Church and Christ The Distinct Mission of the Church.

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2 The Church and Christ The Distinct Mission of the Church

3 The “Church” and Christ

4 In the Universal “Church” …. Jesus is Head Individual Individual Individual comprise the Body Gal.3:26-29 Mk.16:15-16 Eph.1:22-23 Eph.5:23-25 1Cor.12:13ff

5 The “Church” and Christ OK, but what about the Local church?

6 The “Church” and Christ In the Local church-- Jesus is still Head but Elders/Bishops/Pastors/Overseers function subordinately to Him over the members, Acts 14:23; 20:17 >28; Heb.13:17; 1Pet.5:1-3

7 The “Church” and Christ But, in the Local church-- We have Liberal and Conservative??? What does that mean??? Depends on who is using the terminology….could mean practically anything…. Or Nothing!

8 The “Church” and Christ So, in the Local church-- Institutional? or Non-Institutional? “Institutional” is simply the upholding of institutions. Placing emphasis upon the institution or the highly organized. “Non-Institutional” is the opposite- generally.

9 The “Church” and Christ From where did these concepts of the Local church come? In the 1950’s local churches split and aligned themselves respectively over primarily 4 related issues: 1. Church supported Orphans/Widows Homes 2. Church supported Missionary Societies 3. Church supported Preaching Colleges 4. Church supported Social Gospel- Fellowship Halls, Gymnasium, etc.

10 The “Church” and Christ Though much debate & division has evolved relative to authority, organizational structure, independence of local congregations and their work and purpose, the basic premise upon which the arguments are and must be made can still get lost….

11 The “Church” and Christ Ask yourself this question: If something has been institutionalized…. What was it before?

12 The “Church” and Christ Understand that one’s concept of “church” dictates one’s view of its work! Notice: Orphans/Widows homes> Benevolence Missionary Society> Evangelism Preaching Colleges> Evangelism Social Gospel> Edification

13 The “Church” and Christ All seem to agree that these items- evangelism, edification, and benevolence, comprise “the work of the church”, but the disagreement has at its heart our concept of exactly what or who comprises the “church”. Was the “church” institutional from the beginning?

14 The “Church” and Christ Look at how it first did its work to help answer that question. Did the early church need or use an institution to: 1. Function Benevolently? Acts 4:32-35; 11:29 2. Preach the Gospel? Acts 9:31; 11:19-24; Phil.4:15;Acts 16:1-3 3. Edify itself, Acts 20:32; Eph.4:11-16

15 The “Church” and Christ Now, we can see that the early church did not create or maintain separate institutions to do the work God assigned it to do. But, please do not lose sight of this fundamental question/issue:

16 The “Church” and Christ Is man’s relationship with God (obviously through Jesus Christ) direct and immediate ? or Is it his relationship with an institution (the church) which puts him in contact with God ???

17 The “Church” and Christ Or put another way…. Is the local church the individual’s link with God or is it simply a tool for the use of the saints to work together while their link to God remains direct and immediate?

18 The “Church” and Christ In the Universal “Church” …. Jesus is Head Individual Individual Individual comprise the Body Gal.3:26-29 Mk.16:15-16 Eph.1:22-23 Eph.5:23-25 1Cor.12:13ff

19 The Distinct Mission: When we properly understand the difference between the Church (universal) and a Church (local), as well as what each can do, is prevented from doing, and how it is to fullfill its Mission…. Then the Church- universal & local will truly be DISTINCT in that Mission!


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