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*All graphics without a citation are courtesy of Microsoft Power Point.

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1 *All graphics without a citation are courtesy of Microsoft Power Point

2 The Hapsburgs Germans took over parts of Italy When an emperor of the Holy Roman Empire died, the German princes met to elect a new ruler This assembly was known as a diet

3 The Hapsburgs 1273: elected Rudolf Hapsburg; his family served as the Holy Roman Emperor for the next 650 years! Family encouraged learning; built universities throughout their empire By 1520, the Hapsburgs ruled half of Europe

4 The Hapsburgs: What happened to them? By 1867 the territory they controlled was reorganized as Austria & Hungary 1914: Archduke Ferdinand was next in line for the throne, but when he & his wife, Sophie, visited Sarajevo, Bosnia they were shot by a member of a Serbian nationalist group This shooting led to a war between Austria and Serbia, which developed into World War I. franzferdinand.jpg

5 Spain 711: Spain was controlled by a group of Muslims called the Moors Spaniards were mostly Christians & wanted the Moors out By 1200s, the Moors controlled only a small southern kingdom in Spain (Granada)

6 Spain most powerful kingdoms were Castile and Aragon 1469: Prince Ferdinand of Aragon married Princess Isabella of Castile united their kingdoms into one country

7 Spain Ferdinand & Isabella also unified Spain through religion; wanted everyone to be Catholic Jewish people were no longer welcomed; thousands were killed many Jews converted to save themselves

8 Spain Ferdinand & Isabella believed that many people who converted were practicing their old religion secretly set up the Spanish Inquisition, which was made to get rid of people committing heresy.

9 Spain thousands of people were tried and tortured the Jews that remained refused to change their religion 1492: Non-christians were told to convert or leave; most decided to leave ition.jpg&imgrefurl= =&h=290&w=432&sz=45&hl=en&start=17&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=k56J6B8cEMcUrM:&tb nh=85&tbnw=126&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dspanish%2Binquisition%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%2 6tbs%3Disch:1&ei=-YlaTZaSIdSRgQeJ_JDmDQ

10 Spain Spain became weaker than ever! most artisans, merchants, bankers, doctors, and educators were either Jews or Moors; few Spaniards could take their place /Medical_Clip_Art/Helth013.gif

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