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Bryson Christy.  A psychometrician practices the science of measurement, or psychometrics. Psychometrics refers to the measurement of an individual's.

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Presentation on theme: "Bryson Christy.  A psychometrician practices the science of measurement, or psychometrics. Psychometrics refers to the measurement of an individual's."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bryson Christy

2  A psychometrician practices the science of measurement, or psychometrics. Psychometrics refers to the measurement of an individual's psychological attributes, including the knowledge, skills, and abilities a professional might need to work in a particular job or profession.

3  Psychometricians write exams, and are trained to be able to tell a good item from a bad item, a good exam from a bad exam. They also determine how the exams should be graded, how to score them, and ensure the reliability and durability of exams.

4  Most psychometricians go to school for a pretty long time. The educational requirements are: a Master’s degree in either educational measurement, industrial/organizational psychology, mathematics. A Ph.D. is not required but helps you to be a more qualified applicant for jobs.

5 Required Math: Analysis Calculus I and II College Algebra Differential Equations Linear Algebra Statistics and Probability Trigonometry

6  Everything that psychometrician’s do is based around math. For example they use math when they determine- units of measurement, scores, norming groups, and predictions based on scores. They also use the concepts of correlation, distributions, means, medians, multiple progressions, and percentages in their everyday work life.

7  Psychometricians live wherever there are there are testing organizations. One of the main employers of psychometricians is the College Board.

8  The yearly salary of a psychometrician is between $50,000 – $200,000 with the average pay being around $59,000  The job outlook for psychometrician’s is very good right now because there is a large demand for their skills but there aren’t very many qualified people.

9  Domingo, Michael. "Microsoft's Resident Psychometrician -- Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine Online." -- Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 June 2010.. "Psychometrician | When Will I Use Math?." When Will I Use Math?. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 June 2010.. "Psychometrics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 June 2010. <  Career Information Center Ninth Edition. Farmington Hills, Mississippi: Thomson Gale, 2007. Print.

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