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Shuttle Service in Mumbai Vijay Madanu17 Ankur Rathi37 Vishal Roge38 Sachin Shah42 Deepak Singh47 Nikhil Thadani52.

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Presentation on theme: "Shuttle Service in Mumbai Vijay Madanu17 Ankur Rathi37 Vishal Roge38 Sachin Shah42 Deepak Singh47 Nikhil Thadani52."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shuttle Service in Mumbai Vijay Madanu17 Ankur Rathi37 Vishal Roge38 Sachin Shah42 Deepak Singh47 Nikhil Thadani52

2 Research proposal Executive Summary Background of research Objective of the research Research Approach Time and Costs required.

3 Mumbai – Sabki Jaan Total Population of Mumbai = 21 million Transportation in Mumbai Public Transport Rail & Bus : 88% of commuters Taxis & Auto-rickshaw : 35% of commuters Private Vehicles Private Buses : 1% Personal Vehicles : 25%

4 Objective – Shuttle Services Advance public transit system with best technology On-time performance Cost efficient and accessible Reliable and rapid mode of transport Door – to -door synchronized service. An alternate to personal & over -crowded public transport system Least possible travel time. Park and ride concept

5 Reasons for Shuttle Service Traffic Congestion Over loaded public transport system – Buses / trains Rising Cost of fuel Lack of Robust Public Transport system encouraging people to switch their mode of transport. Environmental Concerns – Failure of Car Pool, Pollution Parking problems / costs Rapid expansion of the city.

6 Advantages of Shuttle Service Environment Consciousness. More convenient than driving Cost savings – parking, fuel etc Travel time savings. Efficient/Dependable transit system. Safety Reduction in stress Chance to meet people and socialise. Reduction in traffic conjestion

7 Challenges - Shuttle Services Long transfer time – from pick up to the shuttle station Long waiting time – one of the major reasons why people avoid public transport. Safety Lack of Flexible schedules.`

8 Research Objective Who will use it? Why will they use it? What kind of service, features are likely to attract consumers or make them switch over from their personal vehicles. To assess the travel characteristics and profile of the potential users. To identify attributes necessary to support the Shuttle service, including waiting time, no of stops, fare structure etc.

9 Research Problem Demand Analysis - Should a Shuttle Service be launched in Mumbai Key Routes to run the service Target & Potential Commuters Service attributes that would attract consumers - Needs? Types of Service (Pick-up/ Boarding) Door – to – Door Point – to – Point Mode of transportation Price Commuters/Consumers willing to pay Existing & Potential Threats Entry, Exit & Operational Barriers

10 Define Research Problem -Situation Analysis Own Vehicles Door to Door (+) Parking Problems (-) Self-driven Cars: Driving through traffic(-) Adds to traffic (-) Rising Fuel Cost (-) Pre-booked Taxis (eg. Meru) Comfortable (+) Costly Service (-) Taxis / Autos Only Long / Short Distance (-) Will go to location of their choice only (-) No Comfort Guarantee (-) Only adds to the traffic (-) Public Transports – Trains / Buses Low Cost (+) Good Frequency (+) Overcrowded (-) Not comfortable (-) A/c buses are comfortable but have limited routes & frequency is less (-)

11 Model Development – Mumbai Shuttle Services End-2-End Commuting Solutions Pick-up & Boarding Points Routes to be catered to Mode of Transport Reduced Commuting Time Frequency Comfortable & Safe Commuting AC / Non-AC Refreshments Entertainment Cost Effective Shared Transport System Interconnected Transport System Fuel Efficient Vehicles Solution to Traffic Congestion Reduced use Public & Personal vehicles

12 Specification of information requirements Necessity of End-to-End Shuttle Service Positive – Go ahead with Launch Factors associated with it. Negative – Alternatives Reasons for non-acceptance.

13 Estimated value of the information to be provided by the research New Concept High CAPEX Different Consumer Requirements High operational risk Established Transport systems Impact on stakeholders (Direct/ Indirect) Data to be used to design the routing strategies if positive

14 Data Collection Method(s) Primary Data: Survey E-mail Interviews Personal Interviews CATI (Computer Aided Telephonic Interviews) Secondary Data : Government Reports Consultants Data from Metro reports

15 Type of Questionnaire How Do you Commute? RailCarAc/Non AC BusAutoTaxi/Meru Avg distance of commuting in km (per day) 5km10km15km20&above Avg time lost in reaching your destination (traffic congestion) 0.5hr1hr1.5hr2&above hr Preferred mode of transport Road Rail Would you prefer Sea Transport Yes No Need for amenities during travel (water / newspaper) YesNo Ready to spend for end – to – end travel solutions YesNo Avg expense on commuting <50<150 <250 <500

16 Measurement Techniques Survey - CATI Rating Scales Depth Interviews – with transport authorities, consultants and various government bodies.

17 Criteria for Participation Be 18 years or older Be a permanent resident Commute or makes frequent trips away from home by some means other than walking & bicycling. Open towards a public personalized shuttle service.

18 Topics to be included in the survey Trip characteristics – long / short Willingness to use shuttle service Willingness to pay for the service, how much? Current mode of transport Current route frequented. Desired attributes in the shuttle service Demographics of the respondents. No of stops, pick-ups, drops, frequency of using the service – all factors important in designing a shuttle service.

19 Aptitude Test - Rating Scale Suppose a Shuttle service is available via sea route that provided you with a pick up and drop from home, the service would be comfortable, air conditioned and pick ups would be scheduled at convenient timings throughout the day how interested you would be in it? 1 would mean not interested at all and 5 meant very interested. Will cost be a barrier to you? Will entertainment a key driver for you? Would you want a personalized express service?

20 Sample Various traveling groups from different clusters will be surveyed using CATI for the research. Sampling Unit - Long Distance Commuters Traveling by 1 st Class AC Buses Personal Vehicles Sampling Size – 1500 pax of the above Sample Units Sampling Procedure Probability Sample Stratified random sample: 1 st Class, AC Buses, Personal Vehicles Cluster (area) sample: Andheri, Bandra, Dadar, Worli, Churchgate Non Probability sample Quota sample: Interviews with Industry Expert

21 Consumer Groups – Clusters Possible consumer groups in this case could be divided upon the following parameters. Captive Public transport users – ones who are already using some public transport system and can be targeted Capture the driver audience – people using their own vehicles for transport. Further it can also be divided in to: Gender Auto Ownership Household without cars would be keen to adopt. Ethnicity Employment status Employed people are more likely to use the shuttle services.

22 Analytical approach – Survey Results Demographically – Sample is a representation from selected clusters Highly educated Environmentally conscious Middle and higher income group. Most people have the flexibility to choose a transportation mode to get to work, college or other destinations while others have constraints with respect to time etc. Transport paradigm 64% - Commuted to work 27% - School / college 2% - to both equally. 80% start their work before 10am and 20% after 10 am. Of the group – 78% took public transport 19% drove their vehicles 2% - car-pooled

23 Ethics to be followed in research Proper information will be provided to respondents. Questions will be tightly woven Keep best interests for all in mind. Willing participation by Respondents Proper and honest conclusions. Zero influence on respondents. Correct tabulated information / no arbit data.

24 Specify the time and financial cost The research will be completed in 6 months 8hrs of individual work hour for the given period with 5 working days a week Experienced Professional to head the entire survey and conclude with logical findings The allocated cost of the research is Rs. 70 lakhs, breakup is as follows – Manpower cost: Rs. 10 lakhs Professionals needs to be hired. 30 people required to conduct CATI Surveys / Rating scale tests, prepare questionnaire etc Session with Industry experts (Depth Interviews): Rs. 2 Lakhs Test Marketing & Infrastructure cost: Rs. 50 Lakhs Managerial Expenses: Rs. 8 Lakhs

25 Post Research Logical Conclusion to research Data to help on further research for routing strategies. Scheduling to depend on the research. Efficient and reliable data for optimal solutions to Shuttle services problems.

26 Thank You

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