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Modeling and Analysis Objectives: To successfully complete 3 projects that deal with various data types, modeling and/or analysis situations. Goal: To.

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Presentation on theme: "Modeling and Analysis Objectives: To successfully complete 3 projects that deal with various data types, modeling and/or analysis situations. Goal: To."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modeling and Analysis Objectives: To successfully complete 3 projects that deal with various data types, modeling and/or analysis situations. Goal: To provide a hands-on Modeling and Analysis experience with problems of interest to the engineering community. Residual Saturation of soil by jet fuels Comparison of two outfall dilution models Developing a model to estimate ethylene glycol use in State of Florida Meets: MW 8:00 AM

2 Project Due Dates Residual saturation of soil by jet fuels 3 weeks from now Developing a model to estimate ethylene glycol use in State of Florida Comparison of two outfall dilution models 15 weeks from now 7 weeks from now

3 Project Deliverables for Each Student Summary, copy, and or explanation of code, method and or procedure use to solve the project Graphics that assist or explain the model or analysis of the project. Development of any models (equations) needed to solve the project. Report (Hardcopy): Power Presentation: Some and/or all of you will present some, and/or all projects to the class

4 Grading Policy Each hardcopy project report 20% of total grade Midterm exam 20% of total grade Oral PowerPoint presentation(s) 20% of total grade

5 Project #1 2) obtain, read and assimilate the contents of the report “Migration of Petroleum Products in Soil and Ground Water, Principles and Countermeasures” published by the American Petroleum Institute, December 1972. Residual saturation of soil by jet fuels 4) Discuss with some detail the appropriateness of fit of the provided data to the intended models. Make clear recommendations if you feel models are not adequate. 1) obtain, read and assimilate the contents of a paper by George E Hoag and Michael C Marley, “Journal Environmental Engineering Volume 112, No. 3 June1986 3) Determine the conditions the provided experimental soil data meet the two different empirical models described in the reference reading provided above.

6 Field Capacity Soils Soil 1C11530.44508.0031081260.34 Soil 2C11530.39445.00270168620.23 Soil 3C11530.48553.44228136600.17 Notes: 1 This value more accurately represents the effective porosity than the total porosity. For samples 1C and 3C, complete saturation may not have been attained even though ponding occurred. These values were compared using the bulk density and the solids density to check porosity values. The porosity of Soil 3 was changed from 0.33 to 0.48 based on this evaluation. 2 Values shown for samples 1A, 3A, and 3B may be higher than estimated. Complete saturation was not achieved in these samples.

7 Jet Fuel Spill Non specific descriptor for fixed volume, V bulk, of contaminated soil Local water table Oil lens at top of water table Base your conclusion on four separate uses of your model using information from; a) experimental data provide, b) the empirical model from Hoag and Marley, c) the American Petroleum Institute model, d) The KOPT portion of your downloaded EPA HSSM model. Develop a model that will indicate if removing contaminated soil is a viable solution for removing carcinogenic component in the spilled jet fuel. Compartment model for contained spill M jc = V 1  jc1 + V 2  jc2 + V 4  jf  jc  Note: jc is jet fuel carcinogenic component; jf is jet fuel;  is jc/jf density ratio;  is the corresponding density of jc in the air (1) and water (2) compartments of the model; V 4 is total volume of spilled jet fuel. K jc1,2 =  jc1 /  jc2 Residual Saturation Coefficient S jc = (1/  ) (V 4 / V bulk ) Partition Coefficients take the form


9 T hold ThTh To be Pasteurized Product Stream T c1 Holding Zone T h1 T c2 T hold T1T1 T h2 = T1T1 - ( m c p / w c p ) Energy balance for heat transfer from working fluid to product stream [T hold - T ] Model profile for microbe death as function of residence time, t. Note that t = (z/u) with z the position along tube and u the linear velocity of product stream. Pasteurized Product Stream w m c p dT/dt = U A ( T h - T) m Temperature profile of hot working fluid Model for thermal death of microorganism is typically first order with an activation energy,Ea, between 60 and 120 cal/gmole e -{Ea/RT(t)} T = T 1 + ( ? ){ e ( ? ) } Temperature profile of product stream in heating heat exchanger ln (n v1 / n v0 ) = -k o (1/n v ) dn v / dt = -k o e -{Ea/RT(t)} = ? An example of an exponential model with a bit of a bite! (Please finish it off)

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