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Advanced Placement Human Geography

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1 Advanced Placement Human Geography

2 Expectations Read a college level textbook (approx ½ hr a night) & prepare for reading quizzes and unit exams Respond frequently to Free Response Questions (writing) Study for unit exams (units lengths vary – see syllabus)

3 What is AP Human Geo? Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives
Population Cultural Patterns and Processes Political Organization of Space Agricultural and Rural Land Use Industrialization and Economic Development Cities and Urban Land Use

4 Why should a student take Advanced Placement?
To develop skills and study habits necessary to succeed in college To prepare for the AP exam High AP exam scores help students get into competitive colleges

5 What can students expect to do in AP Human Geo?
Lecture notes Free Response Questions Geography Quizzes Reading Quizzes Unit Exams

6 Successful students Work every day Request & respond to feedback
Take responsibility for their success or failure Come in for extra help when needed 

7 The Advanced Placement Exam
75 multiple choice questions (60 min) Free Response Section (75 min)

8 FRQ Sample The high-tech centers of Silicon Valley in California and the Research Triangle in North Carolina developed in the past 40 years. Discuss the following three factors that contributed to the rise of such industrial regions Investment capital Labor Government Define the concept of agglomeration and explain its role in the continuing expansion of such regions

9 Common problems The student has always done well with little or no help from parents…...until now. The student is having trouble with the quizzes

10 Concerns Difficulty reading the text
Fixation with grades – it’s a journey not a destination

11 Mrs. Perales’ contact information website:

12 DIRECTIONS Text Phone Number: 952-314-9014 Message: @peralesa

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