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Update on the NII Information Services CiNii (Google Scholar/OpenURL) IRP (JuNii+) and CSI IRP (JuNii+) and CSI Tomoko Bialock University of Southern California.

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Presentation on theme: "Update on the NII Information Services CiNii (Google Scholar/OpenURL) IRP (JuNii+) and CSI IRP (JuNii+) and CSI Tomoko Bialock University of Southern California."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update on the NII Information Services CiNii (Google Scholar/OpenURL) IRP (JuNii+) and CSI IRP (JuNii+) and CSI Tomoko Bialock University of Southern California NCC 2008 Open Meeting Hyatt Regency Hotel, Atlanta, April 3, 2008 ~Report from the Training Program for Japanese Studies Information Specialists 2007~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inter-University Research Institute Corporation Research Organization of Information and Systems National Institute of Informatics 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 国立情報学研究所 平成 19 年度日本研究情報専門家研修 ( 国立情報学研究所研修プログラム) 平成 19 年 12 月 10 日 ( 月) 2 - 5 pm : 東京都千代田区一ツ橋 2 - 1 - 2 学術総合センター

2 CiNii (Free) Online Full-text Articles Participating learned societies: 284  Journal titles : approx. 1,000 Participating learned societies: 284  Journal titles : approx. 1,000 Bulletins of universities: approx. 2,300 titles Bulletins of universities: approx. 2,300 titles Full text PDF : approx. 3 mil. Full text PDF : approx. 3 mil. 2.72 mil. Journal articles 0.155 mil. (5.7%) Humanities and Social Sciences (inc. 83 free titles) 2.56 mil. (94.3%) Sciences (inc. 373 free titles) 0.3 mil. Bulletins of Japanese universities As of 2008 March

3 CiNii Searched by Google Scholar, released beta version in 2007 Full-text 3 mil. articles indexed by Google and Google Scholar. Full-text 3 mil. articles indexed by Google and Google Scholar. User survey 2007 Oct. 16-Nov. 15 by NII. “How did you first learn about CiNii?” User survey 2007 Oct. 16-Nov. 15 by NII. “How did you first learn about CiNii?”

4 CiNii NII User survey 2007 Oct. 16-Nov. 15

5 CiNii OpenURL-compatible since 2007 CiNii as a target DB to receive OpenURL queries. CiNii as a target DB to receive OpenURL queries. CiNii as a source DB to send OpenURL to DBs and OPAC via your link resolver, if subscribed. CiNii as a source DB to send OpenURL to DBs and OPAC via your link resolver, if subscribed. From

6 Institutional Repositories Program in the Next-Generation Academic Information Infrastructure of the Cyber Science Infrastructure Framework of CSI established in 2005- Network+Resour ces+Research alliances. Framework of CSI established in 2005- Network+Resour ces+Research alliances. IRP began in 2005-7 (1 st phase) 2008-9 (2 nd phase). IRP began in 2005-7 (1 st phase) 2008-9 (2 nd phase). From

7 Institutional Repositories Program Collaborative project with universities to build OA archiving system 3 IRs in Japan in 2005->67 IRs (No. 4 in the world as of 2008 March 12. US 291; Germany 122; UK 118 according to OpenDOAR.) 3 IRs in Japan in 2005->67 IRs (No. 4 in the world as of 2008 March 12. US 291; Germany 122; UK 118 according to OpenDOAR.) Journal articles, theses and dissertations, bulletin papers, research papers, preprints, etc. of the researching faculty, maintained by the university library. Journal articles, theses and dissertations, bulletin papers, research papers, preprints, etc. of the researching faculty, maintained by the university library. JuNii+ NII portal for IRs of Japan, test version. Holdings: 60 IRs 0.27 mil. as of 2008 March 25. JuNii+ NII portal for IRs of Japan, test version. Holdings: 60 IRs 0.27 mil. as of 2008 March 25. CiNii will retrieve IR articles later. CiNii will retrieve IR articles later. OPenDOAR OPenDOAR OAIster OAIster

8 Q &A CiNii (Google Scholar/OpenURL) CiNii (Google Scholar/OpenURL) 学術基盤推進部 学術コンテンツ課 コンテンツチーム(ポータル担当) 学術基盤推進部 学術コンテンツ課 コンテンツチーム(ポータル担当) IR (JuNii+) IR (JuNii+) 学術基盤推進部 学術コンテンツ課 図書館連携チーム 機関リポジトリ担当 学術基盤推進部 学術コンテンツ課 図書館連携チーム 機関リポジトリ担当

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