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MLA Style Manual Updates Changes for Works Cited Entries Addition of the medium of publication of every entry in a works cited entry: Print, Web, DVD,

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Presentation on theme: "MLA Style Manual Updates Changes for Works Cited Entries Addition of the medium of publication of every entry in a works cited entry: Print, Web, DVD,"— Presentation transcript:

1 MLA Style Manual Updates Changes for Works Cited Entries Addition of the medium of publication of every entry in a works cited entry: Print, Web, DVD, TV, Performance, E-mail... Note: Web is the medium of publication for ANY content that you retrieve online, even if it originally appeared in another medium such as a print newspaper. Use italics only. No more underlining! No more URLS. Only include if the citation info doesn’t lead easily to the source. For online databases do not include the library name, city, and state. Inclusion of volume and issue numbers for every journal citation. New abbreviations included: N.p. (no publisher) and n. pag. for no pagination in online journals that appear only online. Style and Formatting Changes Spacing after punctuation: Leave one space after all concluding punctuation marks. The comma before a coordinating conjunction may be omitted if the sentence is short and the connection between the clauses is clear without punctuation: She left and he was sad. The crocodile snapped and the child ran away. Do not capitalize http

2 Parenthetical documentation examples: (Smith et al. 124). or (Jones 34). (“Cuban Missile Crisis” 54). (Reichert and Lawson). (“Nanotechnology”). (342). (Author name #) or (Title #) or (Author no page) or (Title no page) or Subsequent citation or lead-in

3 Anatomy of a citation: Lubell, Sam. “Of the Sea and Air and Sky.” New York Times. New York Times, 26 Nov. 2008. Web. 1 Dec. 2008. (online periodical/website) Kessl, Fabian, and Nadia Kutsche. “Rationalities, Practices, and Resistance in Post-Welfarism. A Comment on Kevin Stenson.” Social Work & Society 6.1 (2008): n. pag. Web. 10 Oct. 2008. (online only publication) Author Article title Publication Publisher Date published Volume/Issue Medium Date accessed

4 Anatomy of a citation: Lazard, Naomi. “In Answer to Your Query.” The Norton Book of Light Verse. Ed. Russell Baker. New York: Norton, 1986. 52-53. Print. (work in an anthology) Leonard, Arthur. “Discourse Analysis Basics.” Discourse Analysis. N.p. 5 May 2007. Web. 9 March 2009. (essay on a webpage) Author Article title Publication Editor Place of pub. Publisher Date pub/updated Page numbers Medium Date accessed

5 Practice! I remember hazing as being a series of demeaning activities which took place during initiation. In retrospect these activities were probably regarded as nothing more than harmless pranks. I don't think my fraternity brothers thought too much about it because that's the way things had always been done during initiation. In other words, hazing is a cycle. – Robert Kennedy’s speech as quoted in “Bobby Kennedy: A Life” by Neil Harmon. Published on the website On the Media (no publisher), May 15, 2007. Accessed September 30, 2009. Write out: a.) The works cited entry for this source. b.) A cited paraphrase of the quote. c.) A cited summary of the quote. d.) Finally, quote the passage using a lead-in with the original speaker, ellipses to take out the green text, and parenthetical documentation.

6 a.) Harmon, Neil. “Bobby Kennedy: A Life.” On the Media. N. p. 15 May 2007. Web. 30 Sept. 2009. b.) In a speech, Bobby Kennedy recognized the cyclical character of hazing. Because of traditional initiation standards, his fraternal brothers probably never considered their activities as more than benign mischief. He remembered, however, the humiliating nature of their teasing (qtd. in Harmon).

7 c.) In a speech quoted in Harmon’s “Bobby Kennedy: A Life”, the late politician recognized the recurring disparity between his frat brothers’ perception of hazing and the reality of its humiliations. d.) Bobby Kennedy once said, “I remember hazing as being a series of demeaning activities which took place during initiation. In retrospect these activities were probably regarded as nothing...” (qtd. in Harmon).

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