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ADEA CCI Faculty Liaisons: Curriculum Change Agents Denice Stewart, Oregon Health & Science University School of Dentistry Sang Park, Harvard School of.

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Presentation on theme: "ADEA CCI Faculty Liaisons: Curriculum Change Agents Denice Stewart, Oregon Health & Science University School of Dentistry Sang Park, Harvard School of."— Presentation transcript:

1 ADEA CCI Faculty Liaisons: Curriculum Change Agents Denice Stewart, Oregon Health & Science University School of Dentistry Sang Park, Harvard School of Dental Medicine Diane Ede-Nichols, Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine Cynthia Gadbury-Amyot, University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Dentistry

2 A sea of change is all around us!! CODA and Revised Predoctoral Accreditation Standards JCNDE and National Board Dental Exam changes Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaboration Team-Based Competencies

3 ADEA CCI Liaisons A special group of faculty appointed by their deans to be an agent of change both within their institution and the larger dental education community by: ▫Actively participating in projects that build institutional capacity and advance the goals of ADEA CCI ▫Share with other faculty, administrators, and staff at their school Liaisons/Pages/WhatDoesItMeantobeanADEACCILiaision.aspx Liaisons/Pages/WhatDoesItMeantobeanADEACCILiaision.aspx

4 Change agents/leaders It is not enough for leaders to have a vision, members of an organization must also share the vision and when they do, the organization’s ability to change and reach its potential soars ▫Kouzes and Posner, 2006

5 Change Change initiatives are as likely to be derailed over disagreements about process as they are about substance (ACE, 1998-2001) Process is the actions and strategies that change agents/leaders employ during the planning and implementation of change (Armenakis & Bedeian, 1999)

6 We are going to hear three CCI liaisons describe their individual leadership strategies and the action plans they put into place to deal with barriers to implementing their projects, i.e., ▫Faculty resistance ▫Changes in leadership ▫Financial constraints ▫Competing priorities ▫Faculty development (or lack thereof..)

7 Panelists – leadership strategies and action plans Diane Ede-Nichols, Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine ▫InNOVAtions  Curricular change Sang Park, Harvard School of Dental Medicine ▫Case Completion Curriculum (CCC)  A new clinical education model for predocs Denice Stewart, Oregon Health & Science University School of Dentistry ▫Clinical Group Practices  4 phases of change: setting the stage; design; implementation; reinforcement

8 Next Steps 10:15 – 11:00 a.m. ULTIMATE GOAL: ▫Develop an action plan for you or your liaison group for sharing the information and knowledge gained during the ADEA CCI Liaison Summer 2011 Meeting with faculty and administrators back at your schools STEPS TO GET THERE: ▫Each table has been assigned a facilitator who will pose questions for discussion ▫The questions are designed to elicit CCI Liaison’s ideas for how to translate information gained at this meeting into “action at home”

9 Next Steps 11:00 – 11:15 a.m. This time will be spent on table reports ▫Yup, you guessed it! Each table will need to assign someone to act as a reporter/recorder for the table reports

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