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The Authors  Richard DuFour  Long-time educational administrator, author  Professional Learning Community (PLC) expert  Co-authored primary text.

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3 The Authors  Richard DuFour  Long-time educational administrator, author  Professional Learning Community (PLC) expert  Co-authored primary text in EDD 8111 Communities of Practice (DuFour & Eaker, 1998)   Robert Marzano  Long-time educational researcher and author 

4 Similarities to EDD 9100  Kouzes and Posner (2007) extensively cited  Five practices of exemplary leadership (Model the way, Inspire a shared vision, Challenge the process, Enable others to act, and Encourage the heart)  Staying in love; leadership is an affair of the heart  Northouse (2012): leadership is an influence process to achieve common goals, and leadership is about relationships and results  Clawson (2012): importance of emotion; VABEs  Vision is essential

5 Similarities (cont’d)  Principalship is key to creating culture and building capacity (self-efficacy)  Distributed leadership  Principal’s Actions Collaborative Teams Teacher Actions Student Achievement  Professional development is embedded (learn from work versus taken away from work to learn)  Importance of communication (clear, inspiring)  Importance of celebration of milestones

6 Dissimilarities to EDD 9100  Focused primarily on leading educational systemic change and improving student achievement through PLCs  Less on interpersonal aspects of leadership  No discussion of ethics and integrity

7 Learnings/Reinforcements  Every great leader is teaching and every great teacher is leading  Power of PLC to align resources to measurably improve student learning  Three Big Ideas  All students learn at high levels  Collaborative effort to meet student needs  Results orientation (use SMART goals: Strategically aligned, Measurable, Attainable, Results focused, Time-bound)  Evidence of impact  Administrivia Focus on Student Learning

8 Learnings (cont’d)  Collaborative practice, sharing, and observation  Learning from peers, mutual accountability  Shift from principals vertically ‘supervising’ teachers to educators horizontally building collaborative capacity  Transformation from culture of isolation to culture of collaboration  Recurring cycle of collective inquiry  Curriculum Learning engagement design Monitoring student learning  Individual student differentiation

9 Job Relevance  My role as 8Red PLC leader  Essential to gain shared vision and ownership of direction  My role on Middle School Leadership Team  Help us improve PLC effectiveness  My role on upcoming Differentiation Task Force  TBD, student learning enrichment  My role as Algebra 1 teacher  Individual student learning needs

10 Agreements  Senior leadership must ensure organization has the capacity to deliver against coherent initiatives  Avoid initiative fatigue  Focus on the critical few  Sustained, patient, continual effort  Provide time and resources  Collaborative time (i.e., common planning time)  Role of effective educator is a calling, a work of love, because it is fundamentally about serving others  The people; passion for a moral purpose  The process; must be a lifelong learner

11 Agreements (cont’d)  Beware the Dark Side  Clawson (2012): “Be aware that when people work on something they believe in deeply, they can work so hard that they begin to do damage to themselves and others” (p.232)  Be mindful of sphere of influence  Move to standards-based reporting including learning behaviors (O’Connor, 2007)

12 Disagreements  Including traditional letter or numeric grading schemes on standards-based report cards (O’Connor, 2013)  Discussion on formative assessment omitted importance of student self-assessment (McMillan & Hearn, 2008)

13 Who Should Read and Why?  Constituents in education at all levels  From Board of Directors to teachers  Alignment of organization on initiatives key to student learning  Professional Learning Community model is a paradigm shift in pedagogy

14 References  Clawson, J. G. (2012). Level three leadership: Getting below the surface (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.  DuFour, R., & Eaker, R. (1998). Professional learning communities at work: Best practices for enhancing student achievement. Bloomington, IN: National Educational Service.  DuFour, R., & Marzano, R. J. (2011). Leaders of learning: How district, school, and classroom leaders improve student achievement. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree.  Kouzes, J., & Posner, B. (2007). The leadership challenge (4th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

15 References (cont’d)  McMillan J. H., & Hearn, J. (2008). Student self-assessment: The key to stronger student motivation and higher achievement. Educational Horizons (87)1, 40-49. Retrieved from pdf  Northouse, P. G. (2012). Introduction to leadership (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.  O’Connor, K. (2007). A repair kit for grading: Fifteen fixes for broken grades. Portland, OR: ETS Assessment Training Institute.  O’Connor, K. (2013). Essentials for principals: The school leader’s guide to grading. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree.

16 Image URLs  Slide 9. SAS logo. Retrieved from http//  Slide 13. Board of Directors. Retrieved from  Slide 13. Teacher. Retrieved from

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