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Creating and Sustaining Real Accountability Elizabeth A. Kaye and Patricia M. Bombard October 6 2014 1:45 – 2:45 p.m.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating and Sustaining Real Accountability Elizabeth A. Kaye and Patricia M. Bombard October 6 2014 1:45 – 2:45 p.m."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating and Sustaining Real Accountability Elizabeth A. Kaye and Patricia M. Bombard October 6 2014 1:45 – 2:45 p.m.

2 Structuring Accountability  Guiding Principle: The way to structure accountability is to ask yourself the right question[s] for right now.  For Today’s Session: Pick one accountability question that feels most personally urgent to you right now to share with the group.

3 Experience Poll  If you had to rate yourself today in terms of your experience of coaching on a scale of 1-5, where would that be?  1 - know nothing  2 - have read/talked about it  3 - know someone who has one or is one  4 - have experienced coaching myself  5 – coach others regularly

4 What is Leadership Coaching?  Actively seek ways to increase choice  Provide greater decision-making authority and responsibility  Develop the capabilities of your team  Foster self-confidence in your staff by letting others lead --James M. Kouzes & Barry Z. Posner, The Leadership Challenge

5 Leadership Coaching Skills / Tools  Active Listening 2 ears, 1 mouth Requires full energy & attention Use reflective listening to: -Help speaker confirm or clarify -Understand the crux - Articulate concept fully

6 Leadership Coaching Skills / Tools  Effective Questioning Personalized and learner-oriented Open-ended, not leading Ask for specifics: who, what, when, where, how  Tread lightly with why Genuinely curious Grounded and realistic

7 Leadership Coaching Skills / Tools  Provide a frame and foundation  Structure  Support  Accountability

8 GROW: Questions sequence  G- Goals: what do you want?  R- Reality: what is happening now?  O- Options: what could you do?  W- Will—what WILL you do?  John Whitmore, Coaching for Performance

9 GOALS Questions  What do you want?  When do you need it?  Who would be involved?  Where would this take place?  What would that look like?  How much do you need to decide now?

10 REALITY Questions  What is within your power?  What are the barriers to doing what you need to do?  Who must be involved in the solution?  When is your closest deadline?  Where are resources to help with this?  How can you get what you need to start?

11 OPTIONS Questions  What are your options?  Have you had success before? What works?  Who could share expertise or experience?  How could you begin to address this?  When do you need to begin?  How will you know it is accomplished? Make a plan for assessment of goals

12 WILL Questions  What are you willing to do?  By when? (specific date)  Must anyone else sign off on this step?  What will you do first? Second?  How will you deal with the barriers?  What will success look like for you?

13 Three Power Keys - Handout 1. What is the least I can do to achieve success? 2. What is within my power in my current leadership situation and what is not? 3. What am I willing to give up to make room for what is most important to me?

14 Thank you!  Elizabeth A. Kaye   Patricia M. Bombard 

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