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Title text Welcome, Chicago Users! Callie Louis Product Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Title text Welcome, Chicago Users! Callie Louis Product Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title text Welcome, Chicago Users! Callie Louis Product Manager

2 Optimizely Updates Opticon Takeaways Testing in Practice -Chad Wales (American Medical Association) -Jessica Richardson (Accenture) Segmenting Results -Alexis Bressan (Rise Interactive) Breakout Session

3 Get Optimizely Certified Build your personal brand & get recognized for your experience

4 Join our Online Community Network with your fellow experimenters and discuss hot CRO topics Find help documentation & get your questions answered


6 “Experience will be the primary mode of competition in 2016” - Accenture Q U O T E

7 Stats Engine Goals User Testing Tips Testing Pipeline T A K E A W A Y S

8 Traditional ways of statistics didn’t match how Optimizely consumers were using the platform View data as test is running Stopping tests early New Stats Engine allows users to view useful data as the test is running, not just after a test has reached a pre-determined sample size How Stats Engine functions impacts how we set up our goals Video: S T A T S E N G I N E

9 Setting your Primary Goal is extremely important Secondary goals should be strong Know when to stop a test G O A L S

10 “Goals should be close in the funnel to what you’re testing” U S E R T E S T I N G


12 -53%

13 U S E R T E S T I N G +9%

14 U S E R T E S T I N G Takeaways: 1) If you user test, A/B test too 1) Always include your most important metrics as secondary goals, even when they’re far down the funnel from what you’re testing

15 T I P S Look at behavior, not demographics Go for the big win Test multiple tests at the same time Going responsive? Test your way there Push to production as soon as winner is declared

16 T E S T I N G P I P E L I N E


18 O P T I C O N O N L I N E Opticon videos + slides are available online:


20 G U E S T S P E A K E R Chad Wales American Medical Association Article Abstracts Test

21 G U E S T S P E A K E R Jessica Richardson Accenture Concept Validation Testing


23 G U E S T S P E A K E R Alexis Bressan Rise Interactive Segmenting Results


25 Break into groups of ~5 1 group member volunteers a page on their site(s) for the group to use for the breakout As a group, analyze and develop a testing pipeline 1 group member presents the page you selected and test ideas you came up with B R E A K O U T S E S S I O N

26 NETWORKING Title text

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