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Review of Latin & Greek Roots Julie Hunt Northview High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Review of Latin & Greek Roots Julie Hunt Northview High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review of Latin & Greek Roots Julie Hunt Northview High School

2 acer, acid, acri acrid, acerbic, acidity, acrimony

3 bitter, sour, sharp

4 acu acute, acupuncture

5 sharp

6 ag, agi, ig, act agent, agenda, agitate, navigate

7 do, move, go

8 ali, allo, alter alias, alibi, alien, alter

9 other

10 alt altitude

11 high, deep

12 am, amor amiable, amorous, enamored

13 love, liking

14 anni, annu, enni anniversary, annually, centennial

15 year

16 anthrop anthropology, philanthropy, misanthrope

17 mankind

18 arch archaic, monarchy, matriarchy

19 chief, first, rule

20 aster, astr asteroid, asterisk, astronomy, astronaut

21 star

22 aud, aus audible, auditorium, audio, audience, auditory

23 hear, listen

24 aug, auc augment, auction

25 increase

26 auto, aut autograph, automobile, autobiography

27 self

28 belli rebellion, belligerent

29 war

30 bibl Bible, bibliography, bibliophile

31 book

32 bio biology, biography, biopsy

33 life

34 brev abbreviate, brevity, brief

35 short

36 cap, cip, cept capacity, capture, accept, except, concept

37 take

38 capit, capt decapitate, captain

39 head

40 carn carnivore, reincarnataion

41 flesh

42 caus, caut caustic, cauterize

43 burn, heat

44 ced, ceed, cede, cess procedure, secede, proceed, precede, success

45 move, yield, go, surrender

46 chrom monochrome, polychromatic

47 color

48 chron chronological, synchronize

49 time

50 cide, cise suicide, homicide, pesticide, precise, incision, scissors

51 cut, kill

52 cit incite, citation, cite

53 to call, start

54 civ civic, civil, civilization

55 citizen

56 clam, claim clamor, exclamation, proclaim

57 cry out

58 clud, clus, claus include, claustrophobia, recluse

59 shut

60 cognosc, gnosi recognize, incognito, diagnosis

61 know

62 cord, cor, cardi cordial, discord, coronary, cardiac, courage

63 heart

64 corp corporation, corpse, corpulent

65 body

66 cosm cosmic, cosmopolitan, microcosm

67 universe, world

68 crat, cracy democratic, autocracy

69 rule, strength

70 cred credence, credulous, incredible

71 believe

72 deca decade, decathlon

73 ten

74 dem democracy, demographics, epidemic

75 people

76 derm dermatologist, epidermis, hypodermic, taxidermist

77 skin

78 doc doctrine, document, doctrine

79 teach

80 domin dominate, dominion, predominant, domain

81 master

82 dorm dormant, dormitory

83 sleep

84 fid, fide, feder confidante, fidelity, confident, infidelity

85 faith, trust

86 fin finite, finish, refine, finale, infinite

87 end, ended, finished

88 fix fixation, prefix, suffix

89 attach

90 flex, flect reflex, reflect, deflect

91 bend

92 fort, forc fortress, fortify, forte, fortitude, enforce

93 strong

94 fract, frag fracture, infraction, refract

95 break

96 gam monogamy, polygamy, bigamy

97 marriage

98 gastro gastric, gastritis

99 stomach

100 gen genesis, genetics, genealogy, generate

101 birth, race, produce

102 geo geocentric, geography, geology

103 earth

104 gloss, glot glossary, polyglot

105 tongue

106 graph, gram autograph, photography, biography

107 write, written

108 grat gratuity, grateful, ingrate

109 pleasing

110 helio heliocentric

111 sun

112 hema, hemo hemorrhage, hemophiliac

113 blood

114 hetero heterogeneous, heterosexual

115 different

116 homo homogeneous, homonym

117 same

118 hydr hydrate, hydrant, hydrophobia

119 water

120 liber, liver liberty, liberal, deliverance

121 free, freedom

122 luc, lum, lus, lun translucent, luminary, luster

123 light

124 magn magnify, magnate, magnitude

125 great

126 man manual, manicure, manufacture

127 hand

128 mania kleptomania, pyromania

129 madness

130 mar, mari, mer marine, maritime, mermaid

131 sea, pool

132 matr maternal, matriarch, maternity

133 mother

134 mega megaphone, megalopolis

135 great, million

136 meter barometer, thermometer

137 measure

138 micro microscope, microbe, microcosm

139 small

140 mit, miss emit, submit, transmit, omit, mission, missile

141 send

142 mor, mort mortal, immortal, mortality, mortician, mortuary

143 death

144 morph amorphous, metamorphosis

145 shape

146 multi multiply, multilinguist

147 many, much

148 neur neurology, neurologist

149 nerve

150 nomen, nomin, onym nomenclature, pseudonym, nominate, synonym, anonymous

151 name

152 nov novel, renovate, novice, innovate

153 new

154 nox, noc nocturnal, equinox, nocticulent

155 night

156 numer enumerate, innumerable

157 number

158 omni omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent

159 all, every

160 ortho orthodontist, orthopedics, unorthodox

161 straight, correct

162 pac pacifist, pacify

163 peace

164 pan panacea, pantheon

165 all

166 pater, part paternity, patriarch, patron

167 father

168 path, pathy sympathy, antipathy, apathy, telepathy, empathy

169 feeling

170 ped, pod pedal, pedestrian, pedestal, tripod, centipede, podiatry

171 foot

172 phil philosophy, philanthropy, bibliophile

173 love

174 phobia arachnophobia, acrophobia

175 fear

176 phon phonetic, phonics, symphony

177 sound

178 plac placate, placid, complacent

179 please

180 port porter, portable, transport, support, import

181 carry

182 proto prototype, protagonist, protocol

183 first

184 psych psychologist, psychiatry

185 mind

186 sci science, conscious, omniscient

187 know

188 vac vacate, vacuum, evacuate, vacation

189 empty

190 ver, veri verify, verdict, veracity

191 true

192 vert, vers avert, convertible, reverse, controversy, versatile

193 turn

194 vict, vinc victor, evict, convict, convince, invincible

195 conquer

196 viv, vita, vivi revive, survive, vivacious, vivid, vitality

197 life

198 vol malevolent, benevolent, volunteer

199 will

200 tox toxic, intoxicate, antitoxin

201 poison

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