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The 40 Book Challenge “Failure is not an option, so why talk about it?” - Donalyn Miller, The Book Whisperer.

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Presentation on theme: "The 40 Book Challenge “Failure is not an option, so why talk about it?” - Donalyn Miller, The Book Whisperer."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 40 Book Challenge “Failure is not an option, so why talk about it?” - Donalyn Miller, The Book Whisperer

2 You Want Me To Do What?  You will be reading FORTY books this year. This includes books that we read together for class.  You will be reading from a variety of genres in order to explore books you might not ordinarily read and to develop an understanding of literary elements, text features, and text structures.

3 The Expectations  Poetry anthologies/novels: 2  Traditional literature: 2  Realistic fiction: 6  Historical fiction: 2  Fantasy: 4  Science fiction: 3  Mystery: 2  Informational: 5  Biography, autobiography, memoir: 2  Personal-choice chapter books: 11

4 Something REALLY important  Any book you read that is more than 350 pages long will count as TWO books.

5 Noteworthy: POETRY ANTHOLOGIES/NOVELS  Shortened form of writing  Contains figurative language – similes, metaphors, personification  Author’s expression of feelings, opinions  May follow a form/structure but does not have to



8 NOTEWORTHY: HISTORICAL FICTION  Takes place in the past (forty years before now is considered historical)  Plot (storyline) contains historical events  Characters may be historical figures


10 NOTEWORTHY: Fantasy  Contains unrealistic or unworldly elements  Characters may have magical powers in addition to humanqualities  Theme is often focused on good versus evil

11 Fantasy

12 NOTEWORTHY: Science Fiction

13 Noteworthy: Mystery  Involves something unknown  Centered around person investigating wrongdoing or obtaining secret information

14 Mystery

15 Noteworthy: Traditional Literature

16 NOTEWORTHY: Informational


18 40 Book Challenge  How you will be graded:  Grades will be based on documentation of reading log, postings on Hardin’s Chalkboard (Facebook) and average test scores (not AR points!) each quarter.  Keep a reading log  Document reading with Ms. Hardin’s signature  Read novels that are upper middle school or above for reading levels.  Each week:  Post two discussions on Hardin’s Chalkboard Facebook page:  Book summary in your own words (1-2 sentences)  Book recommendation (who would like this book?)  Comment on five peer threads.  Take AR test on books you have read.  Your quarter grade is based on average test scores (not AR points!)

19  Information taken from:  allenge%202011-2012%20PPT.pdf

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