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Black Bear Hibernation By: Kayla Riley. Preparation for hibernation Gain as much weight as possible Up 18 kilograms per week Bears gather leaves, grass,

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Presentation on theme: "Black Bear Hibernation By: Kayla Riley. Preparation for hibernation Gain as much weight as possible Up 18 kilograms per week Bears gather leaves, grass,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Black Bear Hibernation By: Kayla Riley

2 Preparation for hibernation Gain as much weight as possible Up 18 kilograms per week Bears gather leaves, grass, and twigs to make insulative beds to curl up on They leave only their well-furred backs and sides exposed to the cold

3 Heart Rate Hibernating Heart Rate is 8-40 BPM Summer Heart Rate is 60-80 BPM Breathing slows to about 45 breaths per minute

4 Hibernation Begins Once a bear is hibernating its body temperature drops to about 88 degrees Blood flow reduces by 45% Bears sleep lighter if they are with cubs Hibernate for five to six months Enter Den around October and November

5 During Hibernation N i t r o g e n w a s t e i s b i o c h e m i c a l l y r e c y c l e d b a c k i n t o t h e i r p r o t e i n s consume 25-40% of their body weight footpads peel off while they sleep, making room for new tissue A special hormone, Leptin is released into their systems, to suppress appetite

6 Threats Flooding Humans other animals Such as Dogs Bears that aren't hibernating Wolves

7 Starvation? Many would think that starvation is an issue Black bears do know how to keep themselves fed and healthy They may loose an excessive amount of weight during hibernation The cubs are the ones who would need to worry about starvation

8 Bibliography hibernation.html

9 Hope you enjoyed

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