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February 17, 2015 What are we doing today? Virtual Dissections Earthworms - LINKLINK Frog (LINK1 and LINK 2)LINK1LINK 2 Fish (LINK1 and LINK 2)LINK1LINK.

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Presentation on theme: "February 17, 2015 What are we doing today? Virtual Dissections Earthworms - LINKLINK Frog (LINK1 and LINK 2)LINK1LINK 2 Fish (LINK1 and LINK 2)LINK1LINK."— Presentation transcript:

1 February 17, 2015 What are we doing today? Virtual Dissections Earthworms - LINKLINK Frog (LINK1 and LINK 2)LINK1LINK 2 Fish (LINK1 and LINK 2)LINK1LINK 2 Complete the dissections as instructed on the web pages Conclusion - Create a DATA TABLE that shows the major parts of each organismDATA TABLE - What are the similarities and differences? We are looking for specifics! (Organs especially) Target Apply scientific ideas to construct an explanation for the anatomical similarities and differences among modern organisms. Question of the Day Q: Fossil Fuels contain energy that was stored by living organisms millions of years ago. Where did the energy that was stored originally come from? A. The soil B. Geothermal energy C. Flowing water D. The sun

2 February 18, 2015 What are we doing today? Virtual Dissections Complete the dissections from yesterday as instructed on the web pages Conclusion - Create a DATA TABLE that shows the major parts of each organismDATA TABLE - What are the similarities and differences? We are looking for specifics! (Organs especially) Due: Today Target Apply scientific ideas to construct an explanation for the anatomical similarities and differences among modern organisms. Question of the Day Q: Many animals, from small insects to large mammals, hibernate during the winter. An increase in which abiotic factor signals the animals that it is time to come out of hibernation? A. Increase in prey population B. Humidity C. Rainfall D. Sunlight

3 February 19, 2015 What are we doing today? Trackin’ those Tracks - pg. 184 - 86 Complete steps 1 & 2 with your partner When the class is ready to move forward with step 3, I will put up the transparency on the board. After we finish the procedure (steps 1-8), complete wrap-up questions 2-5 and turn in by the end of the period. Due: Today Target Analyze and interpret data for patterns in the fossil record that document the existence, diversity, extinction, and change of life forms throughout the history of life on Earth. Question of the Day Q: A field of flowers is dominated by one type of flower, but the flower can be found in many different sizes. Which explanation could be one reason for this? A. Some flowers have access to more resources than others do. B. Species are healthier if there is physical variety among individuals. C. Having smaller flowers allows for faster reproduction. D. Species spread faster if not all the individuals are the same.

4 February 20, 2015 What are we doing today? A Strange Fossil - pg. 186 - 191 Read through procedure & background information Collect packet of fossil bones Create restoration Do not tape/glue it together until you show it to me Discuss wrap-up questions as a class Monday Due: Monday Target Analyze and interpret data for patterns in the fossil record that document the existence, diversity, extinction, and change of life forms throughout the history of life on Earth. Question of the Day Q: Why is there concern for how humans affect the ozone layer? A. The ozone layer stops light from reaching Earth. B. The ozone layer is where water is stored until it rains. C. The ozone layer protects all living organisms from dangerous radiation. D. The ozone layer protects the surface of Earth from dangerous space debris.

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