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CANONICAL REQUIREMENTS Sacraments: Baptism Confirmation Reconciliation Holy Eucharist Pre-nuptial interview for sufficient instruction in the Christian.

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Presentation on theme: "CANONICAL REQUIREMENTS Sacraments: Baptism Confirmation Reconciliation Holy Eucharist Pre-nuptial interview for sufficient instruction in the Christian."— Presentation transcript:

1 CANONICAL REQUIREMENTS Sacraments: Baptism Confirmation Reconciliation Holy Eucharist Pre-nuptial interview for sufficient instruction in the Christian doctrine Pre-Cana seminar Documents: Baptismal certificate Certificate of Confirmation Certificate that the couple completed a family planning seminar Duly approved marriage license from the civil registrar Publication of Wedding Banns

2 STATE REQUIREMENTS ACCORDING TO NEW FAMILY CODE (Art. 2 and 3) Essential or intrinsic requirements: Male and Female At least 18 years of age Not under legal impediment to marry *If either of both parties are 18-21 years of age, parental advice is required Consent freely given in the presence of the solemnizing officer

3 Formal or extrinsic requirements: Authority of the solemnizing officer Incumbent members of the judiciary Any priest, rabbi, imam or minister of any church or religious sect Consul-general, consul, vice consul of the Philippines (if abroad) Mayor At the point of death by either or both parties Captain of a ship at sea or pilot of a plane in flight (if parties are passengers) Military commander if parties are within the zone of military operations Valid Marriage License

4 FAMILY AND PERSONAL PREPARATIONS Spiritual: Inviting Christ to be the guest of honor and witness to the wedding. Attending a pre- Cana conference or pre-nuptial seminar. Psychological: For the “everydayness of marriage”, knowing each other well, knowing each other’s relatives and friends. Economic: Consider what the couple can afford. Physical: healthy and capable of becoming parents of healthy children.

5 RESPONSIBLE PARENTHOOD 2 aspects of parenthood 1. Paternity and Maternity- the co- creation with God of new life. 2. Fatherhood and Motherhood- providing all that is necessary for the sustenance and development of this new living human persons brought into the world.

6 Means of Planning the Family (Natural) The Mucus Examination Method The Basal Body Temperature Method (BBT) The Sympto-thermal Method Breastfeeding

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