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Top 10 Reasons Why Children Should Learn Chinese

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Presentation on theme: "Top 10 Reasons Why Children Should Learn Chinese"— Presentation transcript:

1 Top 10 Reasons Why Children Should Learn Chinese
By :

2 Why Learn Chinese? The world is becoming a global economy.
For your child’s future career: The world is becoming a global economy.  Why Learn Chinese?

3 Why Learn Chinese? China’s economic shift
For your child’s future career: China’s economic shift Your child may engage with Chinese businesses in the future. Why Learn Chinese?

4 Why Learn Chinese? For your child’s future career: China has become the factory of the world and is moving up the technology food chain. Why Learn Chinese?

5 Why Learn Chinese? China is a huge export market for the US
For your child’s future career: China is a huge export market for the US Why Learn Chinese?

6 Why Learn Chinese? Mandarin Chinese is all over.
For your child’s future career: Mandarin Chinese is all over. Mandarin Chinese is the most taught foreign language after English in Japan. The Japanese have a sharp nose for business, if they’re learning Mandarin, something’s up.   Mandarin Chinese is the most used language on the net.  Why Learn Chinese?

7 Why Learn Chinese? For your child’s future career: Government leadership requires fluent language skills. And if China is up and coming… diplomacy requires fluent Chinese skills. We can never tell… maybe your child will take a government leadership post someday. Why Learn Chinese?

8 Why Learn Chinese? For your child’s personal development Expand one’s world view. Chinese culture has a 5000-year-old, very rich culture. Why Learn Chinese?

9 Why Learn Chinese? Big Chinese communities all over the world
For your child’s personal development Big Chinese communities all over the world Whether for business or to establish personal ties, knowing the language is not only useful, but endears you to people you want to connect to. Why Learn Chinese?

10 Why Learn Chinese? Gives a student a competitive advantage.
For your child’s personal development Gives a student a competitive advantage.  "We want to give our young people opportunities to advance ... and [Chinese] is a great opportunity to survive in today's economy."  -Mayor Daly, Calif. Students can get higher grades when they take Chinese subjects in school because they started early at home. Why Learn Chinese?

11 Why Learn Chinese? The top of the top 10 Reason?
Family and Community - One factor of bonding with family and far away relatives is being able to talk to them   Why Learn Chinese?

12 Give your Child the Chinese Advantage!
Get your premium quality Learn-Chinese books, textbooks, videos, songs, software for kids specially handpicked by ChildBook. With free learning resources! Trustworthy Money-back guarantee Free shipping option Why Learn Chinese?

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