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Opening up the open access archive Amanda Lawrence APO Managing Editor.

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Presentation on theme: "Opening up the open access archive Amanda Lawrence APO Managing Editor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opening up the open access archive Amanda Lawrence APO Managing Editor

2 The obesity epidemic

3 How is policy made? The Hollowmen, Episode 1. Fat chance






9 Benefit of subscription vs open access publishing Ref: John Houghton 2006, Research cmmunication costs in Australia: Emerging opportunities and benefits

10 So who reads APO and why?

11 Lecturers, researchers, teachers, students I use it to support my teaching of undergraduate social work students and for my own postgraduate research.

12 Government bureaucrats, researchers, policy makers “Its a major asset to me. It has opened up links with all sorts of researchers with my govt health work…”

13 Community sector and NGOs “It's one of the most valuable resources available to help NGOs connect with current research work, without having to have a direct link to a university and/or academic in the field”

14 Journalists, librarians & other professionals “ Have frequently found out about reports from APO rather than the original source, many of which I DO monitor. Have recommended this site to other librarians.”

15 Why the need to upgrade? “That cute little classification scheme you devise when you have 1,000 records will be driving you crazy with its inadequacies by the time there are 10,000 records.” (Marcia Bates 2002)

16 The information architecture process

17 Goals of the upgrade Tailor content to readers’ interests Make content more browsable Make search faster and more accurate Increase revenue

18 What our readers told us Don’t change!

19 What our readers told us - functionality Faster Topic subsites More specific browsing options Full text search of pdfs Bookmarks/favourites

20 What our readers told us - content Research, research, research Research guides – wiki style Policy news - feeds Website listings Audio/video

21 What the business needed More efficient catalogueing More contextual advertising Online credit card payment

22 New classification Creative economy Economics Education Environment & Planning Health Justice Indigenous International Politics Social Policy

23 Original APO site map

24 Creative Economy site

25 New APO site map

26 Report page wireframe


28 Home page wireframe: final version




32 Thank you Contact: or

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