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Number of the Days. Created By: Michelle Fowler Barrow County Schools.

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1 Number of the Days

2 Created By: Michelle Fowler Barrow County Schools

3 EQ: How do I demonstrate my mathematical understanding? 2 nd Grade Standards Used: *M2N1- Place Value *M2N1- apply money skills M2N5- compare and order numbers M2N2- solves multi-digit addition and subtraction problems M2N2- reasonable estimate M2G1, G2, G3- describes & classifies plane and solid figures M2D1- creates graphs and interprets data M2P1, P4- solves word problems & explains using numbers, pictures, and words

4 EQ: How do I demonstrate my mathematical understanding? 3 rd Grade Standards M3N3a- multiplication relating + & x in pictures, words, & numbers M3N3b- x facts 0-10 M3N3d- effect to product with multiples of 10 M3N3e- identity, communitive, and associative property of x M3N3f- mental math & estimation M3N3g- word problems using multiplication & division M3N4. meaning of division and develop the ability to apply it in problem solving * a. Understand the relationship between division and multiplication and between division and subtraction. M3N5. understand the meaning of decimal fractions and common fractions in simple cases and apply them in problem-solving situations. – a. Identify fractions that are decimal fractions and/or common fractions. – b. Understand that a decimal fraction (i.e. 3/10) can be written as a decimal (i.e. 0.3). – c. Understand the fraction a/b represents a equal sized parts of a whole that is divided into b equal sized parts. – d. Know and use decimal fractions and common fractions to represent the size of parts created by equal divisions of a whole. – e. Understand the concept of addition and subtraction of decimal fractions and common fractions with like denominators. – g. Use mental math and estimation strategies to add and subtract decimal fractions and common fractions with like denominators. – h. Solve problems involving decimal fractions and common fractions with like denominators.

5 Monday- 2 nd Grade 72 Number of the DayOdd or even even Write 72 in expanded form. 70 + 2 Name this shape triangle How many sides? 3 How many vertices (corners)? 3 Do the vertices form acute, obtuse, or right angles? acute There were some elves in the workshop. 7 more elves came in. Then there were 17 all together. How many elves were in the workshop to begin with? 10

6 Monday- 3 rd Grade 72 Number of the Day Odd or even even Write 72 in expanded form 70 + 2 Write a multiplication equation for the shaded boxes. 5 x 10 = 50 Write a multiplication equation using the pictures above. 5 x 3 = 15

7 Tuesday- 2 nd Grade 73 Number of the DayOdd or even odd If I take 2 tens and 2 ones away from 73, what is my new number? 51 Sam and Molly went to the beach and found shells on Monday and Tuesday. Sam found 165 shells on Monday and 39 shells on Tuesday. Molly found 187 shells on Monday and 18 shells on Tuesday. Sam says he found more shells, but Molly said she found more shells. Who is right? Show your work ****Hint- think IN ALL for Sam and then IN ALL for Molly Sam had 165 + 39= 204 Molly had 187 + 18= 205 so Molly had more

8 Tuesday- 3 rd Grade 73 Number of the DayOdd or even odd If 73 really looks like 73.0 and I moved the decimal 1 place to the left, what would my new number look like? 7.3 or seven and 3 tenths If this pattern continues, what will the 9 th shape be? oval Alex has some tomato plants. There are 8 tomatoes on each plant. All together there are 24 tomatoes. How many tomato plants does Alex have? ***HINT- draw a picture if you’re not sure but remember each plant ONLY HAS 8 TOMATOES*** 3

9 Wednesday- 2 nd Grade 74 Number of the DayOdd or even even If I add 3 tens and 5 ones to 74, what is my new number? 109 Kids at school built 502 snowmen during the last snow storm. The next morning 161 had melted. How many snowmen were left standing? 341 The class is going on a picnic. There are 26 children in the class. Of those children, 26 brought their lunch. How many children brought their lunch? 26 If this pattern continues, what will the 9 th shape be? oval

10 Wednesday- 3 rd Grade 74 Number of the DayOdd or even even If I added 3 tens and 5 ones to 74, what is my new number? 109 Sally has 17 bracelets in the classroom. She gives Susie some bracelets. Now Sally has 9 bracelets. Solve for the missing number 17 – = 9 8 INOUT 312 4? 520 624 Look at the chart below. What is the missing number? 16

11 Thursday- 2 nd Grade 75 Number of the Day Odd or even odd Show 75 using the fewest number of dimes and nickels How many people liked strawberries? 9 How many more people liked oranges than pears? 1

12 Thursday- 3 rd Grade 75 Number of the DayOdd or even odd Show 75 using the fewest number of dimes and nickels. Sam has 26 pencils. He gives the same number of pencils to six of his friends. How many pencils will he have left over after giving them to his friends? 2 How many clouds are there in all? 6 How many clouds have red behind them? 3 To write a fraction to show part of a group, I would put the number of clouds with red backgrounds over the total number of clouds. What would my fraction look like? 3/6

13 Friday- 2 nd Grade 76 Number of the DayOdd or even even Show 76 using rods and units Kadeem had 53 rocks in his collection. He gave 22 of them to Cindy. Is 53 closer to 50 or 60? Is 22 closer to 20 or 30? After you round, then solve. About (round) how many rocks did he have left? 50 20 30

14 Friday- 3 rd Grade 76 Number of the DayOdd or even even Show 76 using rods and units Complete the pattern: 723, 725, ___, 729, 731 What is the value of the ? 110 + 20 + 35 = 20 + 110 + = 35 How many pieces is the rectangle divided into? 4 How many pieces are colored red? 1 How would I write a fraction to illustrate the parts colored out of this whole rectangle? 1/4 727

15 Number of the Day For Days 77-81 Created by: Michelle Fowler Barrow County Schools

16 EQ: How do I demonstrate my mathematical understanding? 2nd Grade Standards Used: *M2N1- Place Value *M2N1- apply money skills M2N5- compare and order numbers M2N2- solves multi-digit addition and subtraction problems M2N2- reasonable estimate M2G1, G2, G3- describes & classifies plane and solid figures M2D1- creates graphs and interprets data M2P1, P4- solves word problems & explains using numbers, pictures, and words

17 EQ: How do I demonstrate my mathematical understanding? 3rd Grade Standards M3N3a- multiplication relating + & x in pictures, words, & numbers M3N3b- x facts 0-10 M3N3d- effect to product with multiples of 10 M3N3e- identity, communitive, and associative property of x M3N3f- mental math & estimation M3N3g- word problems using multiplication & division M3N4. meaning of division and develop the ability to apply it in problem solving * a. Understand the relationship between division and multiplication and between division and subtraction. M3N5. understand the meaning of decimal fractions and common fractions in simple cases and apply them in problem-solving situations. a. Identify fractions that are decimal fractions and/or common fractions. b. Understand that a decimal fraction (i.e. 3/10) can be written as a decimal (i.e. 0.3). c. Understand the fraction a/b represents a equal sized parts of a whole that is divided into b equal sized parts. d. Know and use decimal fractions and common fractions to represent the size of parts created by equal divisions of a whole. e. Understand the concept of addition and subtraction of decimal fractions and common fractions with like denominators. g. Use mental math and estimation strategies to add and subtract decimal fractions and common fractions with like denominators. h. Solve problems involving decimal fractions and common fractions with like denominators.

18 77 Monday- 2 nd Grade & 3 rd Grade Number of the Day Odd or even odd Write 77 in expanded form 70 + 7 If I have a clock, and draw an line from 12:00 down to 6:00, how many pieces will I have? 2 If I leave the line from 12 to 6 and add a line from 9:00 across to 3:00, how many pieces will I have? 4

19 78 Tuesday- 2 nd Grade Number of the Day Odd or even even In the number 78, what digit is in the tens place? 7 What is the value of the tens place in 78 ? 70 Jack bought an apple for 30¢. He paid the clerk with 2 quarters. How much change did he get back? 20¢ Two classes are going to the art museum. They are riding on the same bus. Mrs. McNeal’s class has 25 students. Mrs. Poe’s class has 27 students. How many students will ride on the bus? 52

20 78 Tuesday- 3 rd Grade Number of the DayOdd or even even In the number 78, what digit is in the tens place? 7 What is the value of the tens place in 78? 70 Three friends are given a pack of trading cards to share equally. The pack contains 18 cards. How many cards should each person get? 6 Alyssa has 3 brothers. If each of her brothers have 2 friends over, how many boys are there? 6 What fraction of the shape is shaded? 1/3 What fraction of the shape is not shaded? 2/3

21 79 Wednesday- 2 nd & 3 rd Grade Number of the DayOdd or even odd What digit is in the ones place? 9 What is the value of the digit in the ones place? 9 How much change is shown? 97¢ Laura has $38 saved in her piggy bank. She earned $13 baby-sitting her brother. How much money does she have now? $51

22 80 Thursday- 2 nd Grade Number of the Day Odd or even Even How many more days will it be until the 100 th day of school? 20 Which number makes this number sentence true? 5 + 2 + = 12 5 How would you use the inverse operation to check this problem? 57 – 25 = 32 32 + 25 = 57 What number does this model represent?***HINT~~ be careful when counting rods and units~~ 492

23 80 Thursday- 3 rd Grade Number of the Day Odd or even even How many more days until the 100 th day of school? 20 Emma is making bows using 8 feet of ribbon. How many bows can she make if she has 256 feet of ribbon? 32 HINT~~~ 1/3 of 12 = 4. Diane has 12 cookies and gives 2 to each of her friends. How many friends received cookies? Jodie solved this problem with this equation: 12 ÷ 2 = _____ How could she have solved this using repeated subtraction? 12 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 = 0

24 81 Friday- 2 nd Grade Number of the DayOdd or even odd Show 81 in expanded form 80 + 1 Jess has twice as many crayons as Joan. Joan has 12 crayons. How many does Jess have? 24 I am a number that has 4 ones and 5 tens. What am I? 54 There are 5 birds in a tree. How many bird legs do you see? 10 Which shape has more sides – a trapezoid or a pentagon? pentagon

25 81 Friday- 3 rd Grade Number of the DayOdd or even odd Write 81 in expanded form 80 + 1 My quotient is 5. My dividend is 45. I have no remainder. What is my divisor? 9 Make an array and include 3 x 7 snowflakes. The Wildcats scored 10 baskets worth 2 points each. How many points did they score? 20

26 Number of the Day for Days 95-98 Created By: Michelle Fowler Barrow County Schools

27 EQ: How do I demonstrate my mathematical understanding? 2 nd Grade Standards Used: *M2N1- Place Value *M2N1- apply money skills M2N5- compare and order numbers M2N2- solves multi-digit addition and subtraction problems M2N2- reasonable estimate M2D1- creates graphs and interprets data M2P1, P4- solves word problems & explains using numbers, pictures, and words M2N4. understand and compare fractions M2N3. understand multiplication, multiply numbers, and verify results.

28 EQ: How do I demonstrate my mathematical understanding? 3 rd Grade Standards M3N3 multiplication M3N4. division M3N5. decimal fractions and common fractions M3N1. whole numbers and decimals M3G1. (a-d)geometric figures -state and explain their properties, types of triangles, compare angles, circle M3M1. time - elapsed time of a full, half, and quarter-hour. M3M2 (a-d). measure length choosing appropriate units and tools, km & mi, ¼ in, ½ in, mm (ft, yd, cm, m),estimate length, compare units M3M3 (a-c) measure the perimeter of geometric figures, linear unit & measurement, length of boundary, measure & summing sides M3M4 (a-c) measure the area of simple geometric figures (squares and rectangles), sq. unit & measurement in area, model (tile) area of simple geo. Figure using sq. units (in, ft, etc), M3A1. (a-c) use mathematical expressions to represent relationships between quantities and interpret given expressions, extend patterns, describe and explain a quantitative relationship represented by a formula (such as the perimeter of a geometric figure), use a symbol, such as □ and Δ, to represent an unknown and find the value of the unknown in a number sentence.

29 Happy Birthday Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

30 Tuesday- 2 nd Grade 95 Number of the DayOdd or even odd If I took 4 tens and 2 ones away from 95, what would my new number be? 53 How many parts are in all? 4 How many parts are shaded in? 2 How many parts are not shaded in? 2 Write a fraction to represent the shaded in part. 2 / 4 Write a fraction to represent the part that is not shaded in. 2 / 4 If I shaded in all the parts, what would the fraction look like? 4 /4 or 1 whole

31 Tuesday- 3 rd Grade 95 Number of the DayOdd or even odd If I take 4 tens and 3 ones away from 95, what will my new number be? 52 If this pattern continues, what will be the 10 th shape? triangle What time is on this clock? 12:45 Tony went for a walk at the time that is on the clock. His walk lasted 1 hour. What time did his walk end? 1:45

32 Wednesday- 2 nd Grade 96 Number of the Day Odd or eveneven Which digit is in the ones place? 6 Which digit is in the tens place? 9 There are 248 students at EBC School. 159 students went of a field trip. How many students stayed at school? 89 What symbol belongs in the blank to make this number sentence true? 12 – 2 ____ 10 = Name this shape octagon Number of sides 8 Number of vertices (corners) 8

33 Wednesday- 3 rd Grade 96 Number of the Day Odd or even even What digit is in the tens place? 9 What digit is in the ones place? 6 Fill in the missing numbers. 723, 725, ____, 729, 731, _____, 735 727 733 A BC D Which is the center? Point A Which is the diameter? BC Which is the radius? AD

34 Thursday- 2 nd Grade 97 Number of the Day Odd or even odd Put the following numbers in order from least to greatest- 97, 79, 979, 797 79, 97, 797, 979 Fill in the blank with > < or = 45 75 one hundred one 100 + 0 + 1 117 711 <=< This figure shows 2 ____________ angles. right

35 Thursday- 3 rd Grade 97 Number of the Day Odd or even odd Put the following numbers in order from least to greatest- 97, 79, 979, 797 79, 97, 797, 979 Write a fraction for the shaded area 2 / 6 Write a fraction for the part that is not shaded 4 / 6 If my dividend is 42, my remainder is 0, and my quotient is 7, what is my divisor? 6

36 Friday- 2 nd Grade 98 Number of the Day Odd or even even Write 4,198 in expanded form 4000 + 100 + 90 + 8 Write seven thousand two hundred four 7,204 What number do these base 10 blocks show? 453 What number is 100 more than 765? 865 What is 100 less than 931? 831

37 Friday- 3 rd Grade 98 Number of the Day Odd or even even What number do these base 10 blocks represent? 453 What time is displayed on the clock? 3:30 What time will it be in 15 minutes? 3:45 What time was it 30 minutes ago? 3:00

38 Number of the Day for Days 99-103 Created By: Michelle Fowler Barrow County Schools

39 EQ: How do I demonstrate my mathematical understanding? 2nd Grade Standards Used: *M2N1- Place Value *M2N1- apply money skills M2N5- compare and order numbers M2N2- solves multi-digit addition and subtraction problems M2N2- reasonable estimate M2D1- creates graphs and interprets data M2P1, P4- solves word problems & explains using numbers, pictures, and words M2N4. understand and compare fractions M2N3. understand multiplication, multiply numbers, and verify results.

40 EQ: How do I demonstrate my mathematical understanding? 3rd Grade Standards M3N3 multiplication M3N4. division M3N5. decimal fractions and common fractions M3N1. whole numbers and decimals M3G1. (a-d)geometric figures -state and explain their properties, types of triangles, compare angles, circle M3M1. time - elapsed time of a full, half, and quarter-hour. M3M2 (a-d). measure length choosing appropriate units and tools, km & mi, ¼ in, ½ in, mm (ft, yd, cm, m),estimate length, compare units M3M3 (a-c) measure the perimeter of geometric figures, linear unit & measurement, length of boundary, measure & summing sides M3M4 (a-c) measure the area of simple geometric figures (squares and rectangles), sq. unit & measurement in area, model (tile) area of simple geo. Figure using sq. units (in, ft, etc), M3A1. (a-c) use mathematical expressions to represent relationships between quantities and interpret given expressions, extend patterns, describe and explain a quantitative relationship represented by a formula (such as the perimeter of a geometric figure), use a symbol, such as □ and Δ, to represent an unknown and find the value of the unknown in a number sentence.

41 Monday- 2 nd Grade Number of the Day 99 Odd or even odd If I took 7 tens and 8 ones away from 99, what would my new number be? 21 Draw 3 circles. Inside each circle draw 4 smiley faces. 3 groups of 4 is the same as 3 x 4. How many smiley faces do you have in all? 12

42 Monday- 3 rd Grade Number of the Day 99 Odd or even odd If I took 7 tens and 8 ones away from 99, what would my new number be? 21 The school opened at 7:15. The tardy bell rang at 7:45. How much time was there from the time school opened until the tardy bell rang? 30 minutes Which sport was played the least? tennis Which sport was played the most? soccer

43 Tuesday- 2 nd Grade Number of the Day 100 Odd or even even If there are 180 days of school, how many more days are left? 80 If a firecracker goes straight up into the sky from the ground, what kind of angle does the ground and the firecracker make? Right angle 645 firecrackers were set off during the show. Only 619 exploded. How many firecrackers did not explode? 26

44 Tuesday- 3 rd Grade Number of the Day 100 Odd or even Even If there are 180 days of school, how many more days are left? 80 645 firecrackers were set off during the show. Only 619 exploded. How many firecrackers did not explode? 26 If the fireworks show starts at 9:00 and the gates open at 6:30, how long is it from the time the gates open until the fireworks show? 2:30

45 Wednesday- 2 nd Grade Number of the Day 101 Odd or even odd If I doubled 101, what would my new number be? 202 In a field there were 27 horses grazing. Some of the horses moved to the other side of the pasture. There were 15 horses left. How many horses moved? 12 What type of angle does this directors board create? acute What type of angle does the foot and leg bones create? right

46 Wednesday- 3 rd Grade Number of the Day 101Odd or evenodd If I doubled 101, what would my new number be? 202 To measure a paperclip, would I use a ruler or a yard stick? ruler To measure the distance of a race, would I use a centimeter or a kilometer? kilometer Which is larger: a centimeter or an inch? inch Which is larger: a millimeter or a centimeter? centimeter

47 Thursday- 2 nd Grade Number of the Day 102 Odd or even even If I added 2 hundreds, 3 tens, and 7 ones to 102, what would my new number be? 339 How do I use repeated addition to represent this array? 4 + 4 + 4 (3 rows with 4 in each row) If I took these stars and divided them into 2 groups, how many would be in each group? 12 ÷ 2 = 6

48 Thursday- 3 rd Grade Number of the Day 102 Odd or even even If I added 2 hundreds, 3 tens, and 7 ones to 102, what would my new number be? 339 AB C D Which letter names the center? C Which letters make up the diameter? AB If my radius is 3 inches, what is my diameter? 3 x 2 = 6 inches If my diameter is 18 centimeters, what is my radius? 18 ÷ 2 = 9 centimeters

49 FRIDAY- 2 ND GRADE Number of the Day 103 Odd or even odd Write 103 in expanded form 100 + 0 + 3 Mrs. Smith’s class wants to go on a field trip. They need to raise $500 to go on a field trip. Sara and her friends raised $375 to go on the trip. Bobby and his friends raised $89 to go on the field trip. Do they have enough money to go on the field trip? Explain. No, 500-375= 125-89= 36, they need $36 more Tom added 37 and 52 together and the sum was 85. How would he check his work using subtraction? 85 – 52 = 33 his answer is not correct, the correct answer is 89.

50 FRIDAY- 3 RD GRADE Number of the Day 103 Odd or even odd Mrs. Smith’s class wants to go on a field trip. They need to raise $500 to go on a field trip. Sara and her friends raised $375 to go on the trip. Bobby and his friends raised $89 to go on the field trip. Do they have enough money to go on the field trip? Explain. No, 500-375= 125-89= 36, they need $36 more Mike wants to build a fence around his rectangular yard. It is 9 yards long and 5 yards wide. Find the perimeter to see how much fencing is needed. ****Draw a rectangle. Label each side that is 9 yards and each side that is 5 yards. Then add all the sides together**** 9 + 9 + 5 + 5 = 28 yards

51 Number of the Day for Days 104-108 Created By: Michelle Fowler Barrow County Schools

52 EQ: How do I demonstrate my mathematical understanding? 2nd Grade Standards Used: *M2N1- Place Value *M2N1- apply money skills M2N5- compare and order numbers M2N2- solves multi-digit addition and subtraction problems M2N2- reasonable estimate M2D1- creates graphs and interprets data M2P1, P4- solves word problems & explains using numbers, pictures, and words M2N4. understand and compare fractions M2N3. understand multiplication & division, multiply numbers, and verify results.

53 EQ: How do I demonstrate my mathematical understanding? 3rd Grade Standards M3N3 multiplication M3N4. division M3N5. decimal fractions and common fractions M3N1. whole numbers and decimals M3G1. (a-d)geometric figures -state and explain their properties, types of triangles, compare angles, circle M3M1. time - elapsed time of a full, half, and quarter-hour. M3M2 (a-d). measure length choosing appropriate units and tools, km & mi, ¼ in, ½ in, mm (ft, yd, cm, m),estimate length, compare units M3M3 (a-c) measure the perimeter of geometric figures, linear unit & measurement, length of boundary, measure & summing sides M3M4 (a-c) measure the area of simple geometric figures (squares and rectangles), sq. unit & measurement in area, model (tile) area of simple geo. Figure using sq. units (in, ft, etc), M3A1. (a-c) use mathematical expressions to represent relationships between quantities and interpret given expressions, extend patterns, describe and explain a quantitative relationship represented by a formula (such as the perimeter of a geometric figure), use a symbol, such as □ and Δ, to represent an unknown and find the value of the unknown in a number sentence.

54 Monday- 2 nd Grade 104 Number of the DayOdd or even even What number is 5 hundreds 8 tens 14 ones? 594 How many shapes in all? 5 What fraction represents the number of stars? 3 / 5 What fraction represents the number of triangles? 2 / 5 If all of the shapes were stars, what would the fraction be? 5 / 5 or 1 whole

55 Monday- 3 rd Grade 104 Number of the Day Odd or even even What number is 5 hundreds 8 tens 14 ones? 594 Write a decimal for the shaded part of this picture. 0.7 9 /12 – 4 /12 = 5 /11 + 3 /11 = 5 /128 /11 Place these in the order of shortest to longest. one mile one foot two yards three inches three inches, one foot, two yards, one mile

56 Tuesday- 2 nd Grade 105 Number of the DayOdd or even odd Write 105 in expanded form 100 + 0 + 5 Write a fraction for the part that is shaded 3 / 6 Write a fraction for the part that is not shaded 3 / 6 What number do these base 10 blocks represent? 247

57 Tuesday- 3 rd Grade 105 Number of the DayOdd or even odd Write 105 in expanded form 100 + 0 + 5 Write a fraction for the part that is shaded 3 /6 Write a fraction for the part that is not shaded 3 /6 How many millimeters long is the pencil? ***Look at the red line*** 53 millimeters

58 Wednesday- 2 nd Grade 106 Number of the Day Odd or even even If I switch the ones place with the hundreds place in the number 106, what would my new number be? 601 What is the total value of the coins? 82¢ When I went to the store, I bought a pencil for 37 cents and an eraser for 10 cents. I paid with 2 quarters. How much change did I get back, if any? 3¢ Is this shape a polygon? no Why or why not? It’s an open figure

59 Wednesday- 3 rd Grade 106 Number of the DayOdd or even even If I switch the digit in the ones place with the digit in the hundreds place in the number 106, what will my new number be? 601 What is the value of the 3 in the number 37,548? 30,000 This clock shows the time that Vanessa left to go on a walk. She walked for 1 hour 30 minutes. What time did she finish her walk? 9:00 What is the length of this paperclip to the nearest ¼ inch? 2 ¼ inches

60 Thursday- 2 nd Grade 107 Number of the DayOdd or even odd If the pattern continues, what will be the next 3 numbers? 107, 110, 113, 116, 119, 122 Name this shape Rectangular prism Number of faces 6 Number of vertices 8 Number of edges 12

61 Thursday- 3 rd Grade 107 Number of the Day Odd or even odd If the pattern continues, what will be the next 3 numbers? 107, 110, 113, 116, 119, 122 5 yds 9 yds What is the perimeter of the rectangle? 28 yds If the radius is 9 cm, how long is the diameter? 18 cm If the diameter is 20 in., how long is the radius? 10 in.

62 Friday- 2 nd Grade 108 Number of the DayOdd or even even Show 108 using flats, rods, and units Name this shape triangle Number of sides 3 This shape has 1 angle and 2 angles. rightacute

63 Friday- 3 rd Grade 108 Number of the Day Odd or even even Show 108 using flats, rods, and units Which unit of measure is longer than a meter? Millimeter, kilometer, centimeter, or foot kilometer It takes Lindsey 15 minutes to walk to her grandparents’ house. If she leaves at 6:30 P.M., what time will she arrive? 6:45 P.M. Which is longer: a radius or a diameter? diameter

64 Number of the Day for Days 109-113 Created By: Michelle Fowler Barrow County Schools

65 EQ: How do I demonstrate my mathematical understanding? 2nd Grade Standards Used: *M2N1- Place Value *M2N1- apply money skills M2N5- compare and order numbers M2N2- solves multi-digit addition and subtraction problems M2N2- reasonable estimate M2D1- creates graphs and interprets data M2P1, P4- solves word problems & explains using numbers, pictures, and words M2N4. understand and compare fractions M2N3. understand multiplication & division, multiply numbers, and verify results.

66 EQ: How do I demonstrate my mathematical understanding? 3rd Grade Standards M3N3 multiplication M3N4. division M3N5. decimal fractions and common fractions M3N1. whole numbers and decimals M3G1. (a-d)geometric figures -state and explain their properties, types of triangles, compare angles, circle M3M1. time - elapsed time of a full, half, and quarter-hour. M3M2 (a-d). measure length choosing appropriate units and tools, km & mi, ¼ in, ½ in, mm (ft, yd, cm, m),estimate length, compare units M3M3 (a-c) measure the perimeter of geometric figures, linear unit & measurement, length of boundary, measure & summing sides M3M4 (a-c) measure the area of simple geometric figures (squares and rectangles), sq. unit & measurement in area, model (tile) area of simple geo. Figure using sq. units (in, ft, etc), M3A1. (a-c) use mathematical expressions to represent relationships between quantities and interpret given expressions, extend patterns, describe and explain a quantitative relationship represented by a formula (such as the perimeter of a geometric figure), use a symbol, such as □ and Δ, to represent an unknown and find the value of the unknown in a number sentence.

67 Monday- 2 nd Grade & 3 rd Grade 109 Number of the Day Odd or even odd If I switched the digit in the ones place with the digit in the tens place in 109, what would my new number be? 190 If you have 3 quarters, 4 dimes, 3 nickels, and a penny, how much would you have? $1.31 How many rows? 2 How many in each row? 3 Use repeated addition to show how many arrows are in all. 3 + 3 = 6

68 Tuesday- 2 nd Grade 110 Number of the Day Odd or even even If there are 180 days of school, how many more days of school are left? 70 If I have 18 jelly beans, I want to give each of my 3 friends the same amount. How many jelly beans will each friend get? **HINT---draw a picture** 6 jelly beans each

69 Tuesday- 3 rd Grade 110 Number of the Day Odd or even even If there are 180 days of school, how many more days are left? 70 Would you measure the length of a dry erase marker with in inches or yards? inches Would you measure the playground in centimeters or meters? meters Would you measure a tunnel through the mountains in inches or yards? yards

70 Wednesday- 2 nd Grade 111 Number of the Day Odd or even odd Write 111 in expanded form 100 + 10 + 1 I have 12 pieces of gum. I want to give each of my 4 friends an equal number of pieces. How many pieces does each friend get? ***HINT- draw a picture*** 3 pieces each

71 Wednesday- 3 rd Grade 111 Number of the Day Odd or even odd Write 111 in expanded form 100 + 10 + 1 8 cm 4 cm What is the perimeter of the rectangle? 8 + 8 + 4 + 4 = 24cm What is the area of the rectangle? 8 x 4 = 32 cm 11 mm 9 mm What is the perimeter of this triangle? 11 + 9 + 9 = 29mm

72 Thursday- 2 nd Grade 112 Number of the Day Odd or even even Write 112 in expanded form 100 + 10 +2 Which type of apple were there more of? Red Rome Which were there less of ? McIntosh How many apples were there all together? 150

73 Thursday- 3 rd Grade 112 Number of the DayOdd or even even Write 112 in expanded form 100 + 10 +2 954 892 38 45 900 - 239 +299 x 5 x 7 - 745 715 1,191 190 315 155

74 Friday- 2 nd Grade 113 Number of the Day Odd or even odd Write 113 in expanded form 100 + 10 + 3 Write 113 in word form One hundred thirteen 95 136 768 900 3 5 + 24 - 35 +184 - 598 x 4 x 5 119 101 952 302 12 25

75 Friday- 3 rd Grade 113 Number of the DayOdd or even odd Write 113 in expanded form 100 + 10 + 3 Write 113 in word form One hundred thirteen If my diameter is 24cm, what is my radius? 12cm If my radius is 15mm, what is my diameter? 30mm I want to put a fence around my rectangular yard. If the length is 25 ft and the width is 8 ft, what is the perimeter? 66 ft What is the area if the length is 25 ft. and the width is 8 ft.? 200 ft


77 2nd Grade Standards Used: *M2N1- Place Value *M2N1- apply money skills M2N5- compare and order numbers M2N2- solves multi-digit addition and subtraction problems M2N2- reasonable estimate M2D1- creates graphs and interprets data M2P1, P4- solves word problems & explains using numbers, pictures, and words M2N4. understand and compare fractions M2N3. understand multiplication & division, multiply numbers, and verify results.

78 3rd Grade Standards M3N3 multiplication M3N4. division M3N5. decimal fractions and common fractions M3N1. whole numbers and decimals M3G1. (a-d)geometric figures -state and explain their properties, types of triangles, compare angles, circle M3M1. time - elapsed time of a full, half, and quarter-hour. M3M2 (a-d). measure length choosing appropriate units and tools, km & mi, ¼ in, ½ in, mm (ft, yd, cm, m),estimate length, compare units M3M3 (a-c) measure the perimeter of geometric figures, linear unit & measurement, length of boundary, measure & summing sides M3M4 (a-c) measure the area of simple geometric figures (squares and rectangles), sq. unit & measurement in area, model (tile) area of simple geo. Figure using sq. units (in, ft, etc), M3A1. (a-c) use mathematical expressions to represent relationships between quantities and interpret given expressions, extend patterns, describe and explain a quantitative relationship represented by a formula (such as the perimeter of a geometric figure), use a symbol, such as □ and Δ, to represent an unknown and find the value of the unknown in a number sentence.

79 114 Number of the Day Odd or even even Write 114 in expanded form 100 + 10 + 4 Write 114 in word form One hundred fourteen What is the fraction for number of hearts? 3 / 5 What is the fraction for number of suns? 2 / 5

80 114 Number of the Day Odd or even even Write 114 in expanded form 100 + 10 + 4 Write 114 in word form One hundred fourteen My radius is 20 yards. What is my diameter? 40 yards My diameter is 50 inches. What is my radius? 25 inches One summer I helped my grandpa work on his farm. We had to fix a fence but weren’t sure how much fencing to buy. If one side of the fence was 30 yards and another side was 15 yards, what was the perimeter? 90 yards

81 115 Number of the Day Odd or even odd If there are 180 days of school, how many are left? 65 At Tiger Tamers, I bought 2 erasers that were 50¢ each and 3 pencils that were 30¢ each. How much money did I spend? $1.90 If I gave the cashier $5.00, how much change would I get back? $3.10

82 115 Number of the Day Odd or even odd If there are 180 days of school, how many are left? 65 13 cm 9 cm What is the perimeter of this shape? 44 cm What is the area of this shape? 117 sq. cm

83 116 Number of the Day Odd or even even Show 116 using base 10 blocks 68, 392 Which digit is in the tens place? 9 What is the value of the digit in the tens place? 90 What digit is in the thousands place? 8 What is the value of the digit in the thousands place? 8,000

84 117 Number of the Day Odd or even odd In the number 117, if I switched the digit in the ones place with the digit in the tens place, what will my number be? 171 Does his legs make a right, acute, or obtuse angle? obtuse What type of shape is a soccer ball? sphere

85 117 Number of the Day Odd or even odd In the number 117, if I switched the digit in the ones place with the digit in the tens place, what will my number be? 171 What type of triangle is this? isosceles All the angles in this triangle are acute



88 2nd Grade Standards Used: *M2N1- Place Value *M2N1- apply money skills M2N5- compare and order numbers M2N2- solves multi-digit addition and subtraction problems M2N2- reasonable estimate M2D1- creates graphs and interprets data M2P1, P4- solves word problems & explains using numbers, pictures, and words M2N4. understand and compare fractions M2N3. understand multiplication & division, multiply numbers, and verify results.

89 3rd Grade Standards M3N3 multiplication M3N4. division M3N5. decimal fractions and common fractions M3N1. whole numbers and decimals M3G1. (a-d)geometric figures -state and explain their properties, types of triangles, compare angles, circle M3M1. time - elapsed time of a full, half, and quarter-hour. M3M2 (a-d). measure length choosing appropriate units and tools, km & mi, ¼ in, ½ in, mm (ft, yd, cm, m),estimate length, compare units M3M3 (a-c) measure the perimeter of geometric figures, linear unit & measurement, length of boundary, measure & summing sides M3M4 (a-c) measure the area of simple geometric figures (squares and rectangles), sq. unit & measurement in area, model (tile) area of simple geo. Figure using sq. units (in, ft, etc), M3A1. (a-c) use mathematical expressions to represent relationships between quantities and interpret given expressions, extend patterns, describe and explain a quantitative relationship represented by a formula (such as the perimeter of a geometric figure), use a symbol, such as □ and Δ, to represent an unknown and find the value of the unknown in a number sentence.


91 118 Number of the DayOdd or even even Show 118 in expanded form 100 + 10 + 8 Write 118 in word form One hundred eighteen This shape has _______ right angles. 2 This shape has ______ acute angles and ________ obtuse angles. 2 2

92 119 Number of the DayOdd or even odd Write 119 in expanded form 100 + 10 + 9 If there are 180 days of school, how many more days are left? 61 Continue this pattern. What are you counting by? 3, 7, 11, ___, ___, ___ 15, 19, 23 adding 4 At the zoo, there are 16 snakes inside the Reptile House and 22 snakes in the outside cage. Estimate how many snakes there are all together. 20 + 20 = 40 about 40

93 119 Number of the DayOdd or even odd If there are 180 days of school, how many are left? 61 What do these figures have in common? ***think sides or angles*** Both have acute angles Does this figure have parallel or perpendicular lines? parallel

94 120 Number of the DayOdd or even even Write 120 in expanded form 100 + 20 + 0 How much money is shown? 41¢ How would you write seven thousand eight hundred four? 7,804 How would you write 5,000 +200 +40 +9? 5,249

95 120 Number of the DayOdd or even even Write 120 in expanded form 100 + 20 + 0 What type of triangle is shown? right What type of triangle is shown? isosceles What type of triangle is shown? scalene

96 121 Number of the DayOdd or even odd Write 121 in expanded form 100 + 20 + 1 If there are 18 crayons on the floor and 7 are broken, how many are not broken? 11 Fill in the blank with the correct symbol to make the number sentence true. 35 - 5 = 30 5 3 = 15 18 7 = 25 x+

97 121 Number of the DayOdd or even odd Write 121 in expanded form 100 + 20 + 1 Which type of apple were there more of? Red Rome Which type of apple had the least? McIntosh How many Red Delicious and Golden Delicious apples were there? 55

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