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November 8, 2010. EXAMI NE BUDG ET PRIORITIES! “Very Good” Financial Condition “Higher than Average” Fund Balance Unrestricted Fund Balances in ISFs.

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Presentation on theme: "November 8, 2010. EXAMI NE BUDG ET PRIORITIES! “Very Good” Financial Condition “Higher than Average” Fund Balance Unrestricted Fund Balances in ISFs."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 8, 2010


3 “Very Good” Financial Condition “Higher than Average” Fund Balance Unrestricted Fund Balances in ISFs No Unfunded Post-Retirement Health Insurance Liabilities Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balances

4 Equipment MechanicLOWEST of 6 Cities Facilities Maintenance Worker2 nd LOWEST of 4 cities GroundskeeperLOWEST of 5 cities Laboratory TechnicianLOWEST of 7 cities and districts Maintenance Worker2 nd LOWEST of 6 cities Plant Operator2 nd LOWEST of 8 cities and districts Tree Maintenance WorkerLOWEST of 5 cities Public Safety DispatcherLOWEST of 4 cities PC Support SpecialistLOWEST of 5 cities Police Records SpecialistLOWEST of 4 cities PrinterLOWEST of 3 cities Management AssistantLOWEST of 6 cities Sr. Accounting AssistantLOWEST of 6 cities Sr. Building InspectorLOWEST of 5 cities Sr. Engineering TechnicianLOWEST of 6 cities OVERALLLOWEST of all cities studied Facilities Maintenance Worker2 nd LOWEST compensation out of 4 cities GroundskeeperLOWEST compensation out of 5 cities Police Records SpecialistLOWEST compensation out of 4 cities PrinterLOWEST compensation out of 3 cities City of Ventura Compensation Rankings

5 CITY OF VENTURA COMPENSATION POLICY OBJECTIVE “to compensate employees at rates generally consistent (WORDS):with the middle of the labor market as measured by the average of the combination of the median and the mean.” REALITY11.9 – 12.8% BELOW Average (ACTIONS): With proposed pay cuts: 15.8 – 16.7% BELOW Average LOWEST PAID MUNICIPAL WORKERS IN VENTURA COUNTY REGION

6 IMPACT OF CITY’S PROPOSAL Groundskeeper ($2965/month) -3.89% Pay Cut -5.29% Health Premium Increases (Family Coverage) -9.18%Reduction in Take-Home Pay

7 Foreclosure Registry Ordinance Reduces Blight

8 Foreclosure Registry Ordinance Increases Revenues Chula Vista$1.5 million Riverside$3.5 million Los Angeles$5 million

9 Foreclosure Registry Ordinance Stabilizes Neighborhoods

10 “We are Ventura!”

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