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Cient € Service provider. 100% consultancy 100% information Strategic taxonomy K-map I-map Structural capital Human capital Client Service provider.

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Presentation on theme: "Cient € Service provider. 100% consultancy 100% information Strategic taxonomy K-map I-map Structural capital Human capital Client Service provider."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cient € Service provider

2 100% consultancy 100% information Strategic taxonomy K-map I-map Structural capital Human capital Client Service provider

3 100% consultancy 100% information K-map I-map Structural capital Human capital Client Market intelligence & Social Media Based Client exclusive Interface Service Industry The 3.0 business development Positioning exclusive intelligence in the heart of the client dialogue is made into a strong tool in busisness sustainabilty and development. Multi-channeled and content rich, it outplays conservative connections via partners or accountmanagers. Strong revenues and Market responses show the way ahead for Governments how to plan for e-Government 3.0

4 e Client e Four levels of client relation engagement: Client relation 1.0 : Traditional Client Relation Client relation 2.0: e Engaged (interested) Client relation 3.0: e Participating (dialogue) Client relation 4.0: e Initiating (partnering) Client e Serv prov

5 ABCD The decision maker (Budget) Red The influencer (incl. hipo’s) Orange Client team member Blue Client employee Violet Differentiation of added value of connected clients > >> 100%75%25% 5%

6 REV 1 2 3 4 To contribute in order that revenue is SUSTAINED at current clients, at current levels, despite economics or competition. Added value of 3.0 I II III IV To contribute towards development of additional revenue at current clients within one product group. To contribute towards the creation of revenue at NEW clients To contribute towards development of additional revenue at current clients within other product groups, CROSS SELLING.

7 e e Four levels of engagement: Client relation 1.0 : Traditional Client Relation Relation % A, B, C, D Client relation 2.0: E- Engaged Relation % A, B, C, D Client relation 3.0: E- Participating Relation % A, B, C, D Client relation 4.0: E- Initiating Relation % A, B, C, D e 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 Service 1 Service 2 Service 33 Service 4


9 Topographic map Locations of past criminal events Children in social care Ex conduct / rehab locations Debt and refinance data Income & education Pubs, disco’s, high schools, temp. events Youth hangout area’s Multiple Sources Controlled Access The 3.0 Police force By combing datasets from different gov. organizations, local maps have been visualized. Police planning is enhanced Decisions are made more rapidly. Risks on flaws are reduced. Face time or Street time is increased Direct public access to maps is controlled  Improvement of security & Proven reduction of crime figures

10 Schiphol airport Stakeholder monitoring Politics National govt Local govt Investors Airlines Suppliers Passengers Environmental groups Staff VK NRC FD VN HP/de tijd Elsevier aviation logistics trade Grey lit websites Daily papers Opinions Trade & industry Etc.

11 8 1)Anxxxxamide 2)BeexxN 3)Cheexxxxing Enzyme 4)Cholxxxxxxxptide 5)Labelxxxxxflavours 6)Deexxxxaste 7)Novxxxx Prebiotic 8)Lysxxxxdase 9)Mooxxxx Peptides 10)Mxxxx 11)Nytaxxxxxxxxxxnanas 12)Nxxxxxn for flxxxer bxxxxs 13)Nooxxxxxxxredients 14)Waxxxxxnding 15)Glxxxxxxxxpment Feasibilities 1 4 7 52 12 11 6 13 3 10 9 product market capability 15 14 exist new exist new Intermed. 8 14 7 5 2 6 13 3 10 9 15 14 12 11 new

12 Business Intelligence Competitor Intelligence Supplier IntelligenceCustomer Int. Knowledge base researchCore process Past current future Technology Science Stakeholder intelligence (business, environment, political) Market intelligence Strategic intelligence Media Intelligence (comm.&PR) (sourcing) (CRM) (KM) Client of client Info-S responsibility BI mgt. responsibilityInterface (visualisation, interaction, capturing) Informed decisions Resource Intelligence (core process)

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