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PROGRAM REVIEW FOR ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUSINESS SERVICES WHY?? Yes! You too!!! Presentation for the ASCCC Accreditation Institute – March 19, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "PROGRAM REVIEW FOR ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUSINESS SERVICES WHY?? Yes! You too!!! Presentation for the ASCCC Accreditation Institute – March 19, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROGRAM REVIEW FOR ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUSINESS SERVICES WHY?? Yes! You too!!! Presentation for the ASCCC Accreditation Institute – March 19, 2011

2 Program review is required for administrative and business services with the expectation that these reviews will: Assess and evaluate the program’s impact on student learning Inform long and short term planning Inform budget recommendations Collect and analyze information that will be useful in the accreditation process, academic program review deliberation, and college-wide assessment

3 It’s a lot of work… Borrow from others Make it fit your school Share the pain – get many people involved in small parts Therefore, Keep It Simple!

4 ADMINISTRATIVE PROGRAM REVIEW CONTENT Introduction A brief description of the unit under review Relationship of the unit to the college mission and strategic plan

5 ADMINISTRATIVE PROGRAM REVIEW CONTENT Description of the unit Programs, services, activities, special accomplishments Key constituents Dissemination activities Relationship to or support for other programs Including areas of cooperation & collaboration Personnel Resources Financial Resources Facilities/Equipment Influencing Factors (Categorical funding/legal mandates) (Use a good visual/organizational chart. Saves writing a lot of words.)

6 ADMINISTRATIVE PROGRAM REVIEW CONTENT Goals and Outcomes Identify goals of the unit Identify measurable objectives or outcomes for each goal (Remember – the more goals, the more outcomes, the more measuring, so stay broad.)

7 Administrative Unit Outcomes Template Anticipated Administrative Unit Outcomes (AUO): Assessment Methods: Timeframe:Targets/Bench marks: Use of Results: What are you trying to do, or what AUO are you planning to assess? NO MORE THAN 2 What assessment methods do you plan to use? When Will Assessment Be Conducted and Reviewed? What is the minimum result, target, or value that represents success at achieving this outcome? How do you anticipate using the results from the assessment?

8 Self-Study Assessment Assessing the quality of the unit Programs and services as reported in evaluations provided by clients/constituents (Tie this to the goals and outcomes you have identified for the unit.) Procedures and effectiveness as reported in evaluations provided by staff and managers (Tie this to the goals and outcomes you have identified for the unit.)

9 Assessment Continued… Assessing the demand for the unit Demand for programs and services from clients or constituents Demand for programs and services from other units Unmet needs

10 Which leads you conveniently to $$$$ Financial Resources Current use of financial resources Adequacy of financial resources Unmet needs Facilities Equipment/supplies/technology Personnel

11 How does the Administrator know what resources his/her area needs? Instructional Program Reviews Non-Instructional Program Reviews Education Master Plan and Strategic Priorities

12 What evidence can administrators use to support their requests? College’s Mission Statement Education Master Plan’s Strategic Initiatives Priorities outlined in Technology or Facilities Plans Administrative Unit Outcomes (AUOs) Instructional Program Reviews Non-Instructional Program Reviews

13 Making a case for $$ Need/O bjective Link to Academic or Student Service Program Review Requests Office/Perso n Responsible for Completion New Budget Needed for Completion Anticipated Completion/ Measure of Success* Result /Date (Fill in when complete) NoYes/E st. $ Unit’s needs and objectives contained in the annual Instructional or Student Service Program Reviews that could potentially impact your unit:

14 Making a case for $$ ActivitiesLink to Mission, District or Campus Strategic Initiatives, or SLO/AUO Office/Person Responsible for Completion New Budget Needed for Completion Anticipated Completion/ Measure of Success* Result /Date (Fill in when complete) NoYes/E st. $ Unit’s other major activities for year exclusive of those linked to instructional Or student service program reviews:

15 Making a case for Staffing Staff Position TitleBrief RationaleAnnual TCP* for each Employee Staff Positions Needed for Academic Year 2011-2012 by title in rank order: * TCP = “Total Cost of Position” for one year is the cost of an average salary plus benefits for an individual. New positions (not replacement positions) also require space and equipment.

16 Making a case for Facilities or Equipment Equipment or Equipment Repair Brief RationaleAnnual TCO* Cost per item Number Requested Total Cost of Request Equipment or Equipment Repair Needed for Academic Year 2011-2012 for unit on its campus in rank order: * TCO = “Total Cost of Ownership” for one year is the average cost for one year. Facilities NeedsBrief RationaleAnnual TCO* Facilities Needs NOT covered by current building or remodeling Projects:

17 Making a case for Professional Development Professional Development Needs Brief Rationale (in response to AUO findings or needed to update skills) Annual TCO* Cost per item Number Requested Total Cost of Request Professional Development Needs not covered by current budget: Use data and findings from Administrative Unit Outcomes Research to justify Professional Development needs.

18 Who will evaluate the Administrative Unit Outcomes and Program Reviews? The Managers? The Faculty? The Staff? The Students All of these through Participatory Governance Committees?

19 Rubric for Evaluating AUOs ItemCriteriaDoes not Meet Criteria Meets Criteria Mission and Goals  the objective is tied to the college mission and the unit goals Adapted from Mt Sac APPENDIX D: AUO CHECKLIST

20 Rubric for Evaluating AUOs ItemCriteriaDoes not Meet Criteria Meets Criteria Intended Objectives  is current  aligns with department goals  is reasonable given the scope of the experience  states that the unit will provide, improve, decrease or that the clients will understand, be satisfied with or receive specific service  is measurable (can be observed or tested)  is central to the unit Adapted from Mt Sac APPENDIX D: AUO CHECKLIST

21 Rubric for Evaluating AUOs ItemCriteriaDoes not Meet Criteria Meets Criteria Means of Assessment  identifies specific assessment method category (focus group, survey, etc.) for the objective  details the assessment method used to measure the objective Adapted from Mt Sac APPENDIX D: AUO CHECKLIST

22 Rubric for Evaluating AUOs Item Criteria Does not Meet Criteria Meets Criteria Targets and Benchmarks: Criteria for Success  establishes minimum expected score for success at achieving objective  quantifies (%, fraction or actual number) of clients who are expected to meet minimum score  indicates consideration of alternate data (previous AUO assessment effort(s), external reports), if available (optional) Adapted from Mt Sac APPENDIX D: AUO CHECKLIST

23 Rubric for Evaluating AUOs Item Criteria Does not Meet Criteria Meets Criteria Time Frame  specifies the time frame in which objective will be assessed  specifies who will administer the assessment Evaluation  identifies evaluator(s)  specifies evaluation process  attach relevant document(s), if applicable Adapted from Mt Sac APPENDIX D: AUO CHECKLIST

24 Rubric for Evaluating AUOs Item Criteria Does not Meet Criteria Meets Criteria Summary of Data  addresses the means of assessment and criteria for success  reports the actual results and compare with the number (%, fraction, actual number) originally expected to meet the minimum score  includes additional data for sub- category  highlights key findings from the data, if applicable Adapted from Mt Sac APPENDIX D: AUO CHECKLIST

25 Rubric for Evaluating AUOs Item Criteria Does not Meet Criteria Meets Criteria Use of Results  reports what the department/unit members have done or are doing as a result of the findings  identifies who has made or is making the changes  indicates the time frame for the changes Adapted from Mt Sac APPENDIX D: AUO CHECKLIST

26 Coastline College

27 Key Elements to Remember ACCJC Wants Us to Plan-Don’t Panic Create What Fits Your Institution Keep It Simple Easy to Assess Easy to Document

28 Admin Services Accountable? Budgeting Audited Accounting Practices Accuracy Critical-No Audit Exceptions

29 How it Works! Template Planning/Evaluating Student Input Program Review Committee Presentation Comment Review Make Changes

30 What We Are Doing At Coastline Community College Student Success Belongs to Everyone!!! Everyone is a Part of the Educational Process!!! Program Review Makes Us Better For Students!!! Piloted Department Service Reviews (DSR) 2008-2009 Every Department Completed DSR by 2009-2010 1 year Internal Review/5-year DSR Review

31 How it Works! Review Past Goals Planning/Evaluating Template Student Input Program Review Committee Presentation Comment Review Make Changes

32 DSR Planning/Evaluating Everyone Has a Voice (Including Students) Prep Give Mission Priorities Ahead of Time Have Members Think About the Discussion for 1 week All-Hands Department Meeting Review Priorities/Goals Determine Outcomes and Implementation Strategies Review Plans with Student Representative Following Meeting

33 DSR Template Select the Priorities that are applicable to your department and the services you provide. List your Program Goals as they appear in your Program Review. Department Service Area Outcomes What information or content do you want the students to gain from the services offered? What should students be able to do with that information? Is the delivery of a particular service effective?

34 DSR Template Cont. Criteria for Measurement Did the student utilize the service? Did the student benefit from the service? Analysis/Conclusion of Data Collected Action Plan

35 DSR Template Master Plan Priority 1 CCC will create, expand, and enhance educational programs and student support services that reflect the College’s global orientation in order to attract, retain, and successfully graduate its students. Department Goal 1: Develop Process to Help Students Maintain Class Enrollment while collecting tuition/fee payments Expected OutcomesCriteriaAnalysis/Criteria for Assessment Action Plan (Implementation Strategies) Change the 4 day pay or drop policy Retain StudentsAre there legal restrictions on dropping for non-payment -Review Title V Language with A/R Director -Review Cash-Flow Affects

36 DSR Program Review Presentation Department Benefits Pride and Ownership Outside Feedback College Benefits Respect Awareness (No More Silos) Just One Puzzle Piece

37 DSR Comment Review Outside Look Consider Modify or Not Go!!!!

38 Useful Resources Riverside Community College Foothill College Mt. San Jacinto Community College Saddleback Community College Western Nevada College Florida Keys Community College University of Central Florida

39 Presenters Yolanda Bellisimo – SLO Facilitator, College of Marin Sara McKinnon – Academic Senate President, College of Marin Nancy Jones – Academic Senate President, Coastline College

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