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NEW CED RETREAT SUE BONNER Performance Appraisal Training 2011 1.

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Presentation on theme: "NEW CED RETREAT SUE BONNER Performance Appraisal Training 2011 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEW CED RETREAT SUE BONNER Performance Appraisal Training 2011 1

2 Performance Appraisal Training Employees Need to Know – What is expected How to do the job Receive feedback to improve Consequences & rewards 2

3 Performance Appraisal Training Employee is RESPONSIBLE for performance Supervisor provides ACCOUNTABILITY with RESPECT 3

4 Performance Appraisal Training Conduct Performance Reviews Orientation (within 90 days of hire) Interim Annual 4

5 Performance Appraisal Training Supervisor Responsibility PA is required – OSU Policy Measures Performance Opens Communication Two-way – listen & observe 5

6 Performance Appraisal Training Performance Factors for ALL Employees Teamwork Professionalism Service Stewardship 6

7 Performance Appraisal Training Employee Expectations Come to work every day on time Dress appropriately Listen and follow directions Concentrate on work Manage time Recognize problems & find solutions 7

8 Performance Appraisal Training Employee Expectations Be honest & dependable Be cooperative Be positive Be courteous/considerate team member Be continuous learner 8

9 Performance Appraisal Training No surprises at evaluation Do not wait until evaluation time to address or try to correct problems Address issues timely 9

10 Performance Appraisal Training OSU RATING CATEGORIES Not meeting expectations Competent (adequate ability) Commendable (worthy of notice ) 10

11 Performance Appraisal Training Preparing for the PA Review… Review position description Scan previous reviews Employee completes self-appraisal Review documentation file/calendar for accomplishments or areas of needed improvement 11

12 Performance Appraisal Training Documenting Performance – Reviewing the Past Write down the information as soon as possible Be specific Do not include opinions Do not rely on hearsay Document performance for entire period Be consistent in documenting productive & unproductive behaviors 12

13 Performance Appraisal Training RULES OF DOCUMENTATION If is isn’t documented, it didn’t happen If it is documented but not discussed with the employee, it doesn’t count If the employee is allowed to slip back into the old behavior without further counseling, START OVER 13

14 Performance Appraisal Training Conducting the Appraisal Set a positive tone Explain the purpose Discuss actual performance Focus on solving problems, not finding faults Solicit and use input from employee Discuss specific actions to be taken by you and employee Provide recognition 14

15 Performance Appraisal Training Does the Employee Know What to do? Are there clear, measurable, objective guidelines? SSpecific MMeasurable AAttainable RResults-oriented TTime-phased 15

16 Performance Appraisal Training Give a timeframe for the task to be accomplished – Reconcile agency account with 10 days after receiving bank statement. Provide District Office a copy of bank statement, reconciliation report and category report. Instead of saying, “you need to do better” or “you need to be more timely” 16

17 Performance Appraisal Training Goal Setting - Planning for the future Supervisor formulates a plan to best utilize staff Provides vision for unit Provides written documentation If you don’t know where you are going, you could wind up some place else…. 17

18 Performance Appraisal Training At the conclusion of the PA does written documentation support that: The employee met your expectations? Understands expectations to improve and grow – goals for next year? Did you recognize good performance? Is a Plan of Improvement needed? 18

19 Performance Appraisal Training What if performance does not improve? Periodically follow-up to communicate progress with employee Probation can be utilized Termination could result Contact District Director/DANSR HR prior to terminating employee 19

20 Performance Appraisal Training 65% employees receive no praise or recognition in workplace (Gallup Organization Poll) 79% people who leave their jobs cite a lack of appreciation as the key reason (SHRM) 20

21 Performance Appraisal Training Ouestions?? Sue Bonner DASNR Human Resources 405-744-5524 21

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