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Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations Note to viewer To view this presentation, be sure the screen shows this slide, the outline of the presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations Note to viewer To view this presentation, be sure the screen shows this slide, the outline of the presentation."— Presentation transcript:


2 Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations

3 Note to viewer To view this presentation, be sure the screen shows this slide, the outline of the presentation on the left, and the speaker notes below. Use “View” in the navigation bar and the appropriate viewing mode. Adjust the margins of the three frames as needed. To show this presentation, hide this slide (and slide 24) before selecting “slide show.”

4 Overview  PowerPoint features  Presentation elements  Formatting  Content  Rehearsal  Instructions specific to this class  Works consulted

5 PowerPoint features  Commonly used in business presentations  Provides colorful choices  Coordinates vividly with oral delivery  Offers amazing flexibility  Utilizes multi-media (text, graphics, sound, etc.)  Keeps audience on track

6 Presentation elements  Title page  Presenter(s) introduction  Overview page (presentation contents)  Concise content  Conclusion

7 Formatting: Text  Use only 1 or 2 fonts Serif and sans-serif Broad line strokes Complementary styles  Use 18 pt. or larger  Include up to 3 type treatments per page Size, bold, italics Don’t underline  This is Arial  This is Garamond  This is Aristocrat LET  This is Antique Olive  This is Delphian  Which is easiest to read?

8 Formatting: Text  Consistently use upper and lower case  Use consistent placement in layout  Avoid using all upper case letters  Use parallel construction in vertical lists  Omit most punctuation  May use symbols (“&” instead of “and”)

9 Formatting: Graphics  Represent the topic clearly with graphics  Select suitable & concise graphics  Discard or manipulate wordy insertions  Avoid adulteration  Use a combination of graphics (color, art, charts, graphs, etc.)

10 Formatting: Graphics  Graphics use several different formats.psd.jpeg.eps  File format compatibility should be considered (PC vs. Mac formats)  Resolution can be low (about 72 dpi)

11 Formatting: Graphics  Often overused (especially clip art)  Often poorly related to text/topic  Might be obscure (meaning)  Sometimes positioned poorly  Slows transitions and downloading  May not be free (do not steal it!)

12 Formatting: Graphics  Makes slide more interesting  Might add color  Directs the eye  Enhances or makes a point  May provide humor

13 Formatting: Graphics  Select diversity “sensitive” clip art  Select clearly-drawn graphics  Avoid “dated” art  Alter free art as needed  Avoid unnecessary clutter  Place graphics appropriately

14 Formatting: Layouts  Alter slide layouts sparingly, but appropriately  Select some “permanent” elements for all slides  This is a 2-column layout  Use the 6 X 6 rule for text Up to 6 lines per page Up to 6 words per line Less when graphics are utilized

15 Formatting: Layouts  Use basic design concepts for layout  Balance top-to-bottom for placement  Center left-to-right  Size graphics to balance with text  Use appropriate hierarchy in text sizes  Alter slide layout as needed

16 Formatting: Layouts  Be creative!  Utilize… Hyperlinks Sound Animation Transitions  Enhance content, don’t compete

17 Formatting: Notes  Contain presenter’s words and directions  Won’t be seen in “slide show” view  Differentiate between words and directions Directions in all upper case or brackets What presenter will say in upper/lower case Use appropriate punctuation in notes

18 Content: Purpose  Content depends on purpose  Should relate to audience  Avoid content presenter can’t pronounce  Select highlights  Avoid unnecessary, minute details (dates, figures, etc.)  Provide content that is interesting, yet easy to follow for listeners

19 Content: Sources  Cite material from other sources May be on slides May be in notes (speaker says it) May be at the end of presentation Don’t forget sources for graphics  Footnotes should be 1/2 size of text 1  Follow a standard format (MLA, APA, etc.) 1 Lehman & DuFrene, Business Communication, 13th ed. New York: South-Western Thomson Learning, 2002.

20 Rehearsal: Set the stage  Dark room requires light background  Light room requires dark background  Contrast is the key  Room width/depth determine who can see screen  Obstructions should be avoided  The presenter(s) shouldn’t obstruct the view

21 Rehearsal: Testing, testing  Assure availability of compatible equipment  Use Web-safe colors  Check for differences between PCs and Macs (type, color, file format)  Check hyperlinks  Always have a back-up plan for projection

22 Rehearsal: Getting it right  Proofread carefully  Practice in front of others several times  Seek objective feedback  Eradicate spelling errors (presentation & handouts)  Don’t read straight from slides (look at audience)

23 Rehearsal: Timing  Coordinate speaking and visuals  Use 1 to 2 slides per minute  Maximum: 30 slides per 15-minute presentation (average is 20 slides)  Practice speed, tone, volume, projection (of voice), and movement

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