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Relationships Build Retention ACCE Annual Presentation to the CCTCE April 14, 2011.

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1 Relationships Build Retention ACCE Annual Presentation to the CCTCE April 14, 2011

2 Classified Employees Advocate Change Classified employees advocate for cultural change. Classified employees seek leadership and direction in this effort. Classified employees realize such effort has to be initiated at the highest levels of the organization. HEPC, CCTCE and BOGs must advocate and activate the cultural change by clearly demonstrating that all categories of employees, faculty, non-classified and classified, are valued for the duties and responsibilities performed.

3 Misinformation/Treatment? Institutional misconceptions do occur on issues (recently occurred on discussion of HRIS system in SB 330). Working with any new system will have its pitfalls but improvement of the system should be the goal; standing pat is unacceptable as we will fall behind. Many times the administrative response on employee issues is “consider yourself lucky to have a job.”

4 Accountable System Reporting requirements in SB 330 will make everyone accountable, employees and employers. CCTCE will be able to see data on all employees, not just faculty, creating the ability to make data-driven decisions about the system. Data based information creates credible results and increases trust in the system.

5 Educating/Training Our Own Classified employees can be part of a solution to increase college completion in WV. An emphasis on training and educating our own; developing a classification system where employees can see what additional education/training is needed to advance and allow those employees to advance once received would help increase our college completion rates.

6 Inadequate Wage Scale Employees educated and working in WV are not able to remain in the state due to inadequate wage scales. Need to focus on full-funding of Mercer scale and updating the scale to current market. Issues need to have ownership, completion time frames, and measurable benchmarks.


8 Factors of Employee Management Regular PIQ Updates Regular Job Family Reviews Regular Performance Evaluations All of the above need to happen on a regular basis for proper employee management.

9 Compensation Not paying all employee groups at the same percentage of market sends a message of how employees are valued in the workplace. There are institutions not yet current with the 2001 market scale.

10 RETENTION Everyone Takes Part Retention must be on everyone’s agenda; students, employees and BOG members need to be involved. All categories of higher education employees need to work as a collective body to ensure both increased retention and graduation rates.

11 Relationships = Retention Classified employees have important relationships with students; financial aid, admissions, scheduling, tutoring, graduation, supervision of a student worker, etc. Classified employees are already developing relationships with students. They are an untapped resource to help retain these students. Classified employees need to know that their contributions are valued by the administration. They offer many valuable services.

12 Efforts Employees connecting and becoming involved at institutions tend to stay and become successful, but they want (need) to be compensated fairly. ACCE has internally taken action on student retention and educating our own. We established a Student Retention and Education WV subcommittee. An involved employee makes connections with students, faculty, alumni and friends, all of whom could become involved with the institution. These efforts could result in new students and more involved alumni bringing in increased donations. The possibilities are endless.

13 Promoting Cultural Change Classified employees look to you for the required leadership and direction to effectuate an improved higher education personnel system.

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