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Midterm review English 12 Honors, fall 2012. disclaimers Some of these slides are repetitive. Some of them ask the same question but in slightly different.

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Presentation on theme: "Midterm review English 12 Honors, fall 2012. disclaimers Some of these slides are repetitive. Some of them ask the same question but in slightly different."— Presentation transcript:

1 Midterm review English 12 Honors, fall 2012

2 disclaimers Some of these slides are repetitive. Some of them ask the same question but in slightly different ways. Don’t be concerned about that—just be grateful to have this review. Not all of these questions are on the test. And there may be questions on the test that are not on this review. However, if you study this review, you will be well prepared for the midterm.

3 Which character from Twelfth Night is described? “the devil a puritan that he is, or anything constantly but a time-pleaser; an affectioned ass…so crammed, as he thinks, with excellencies, that it is his grounds of faith that all that look on him love him” Malvolio

4 Which character from Twelfth Night is described? “But o, how vile an idol proves this god. Thou hast, ____, done good feature shame.” Whose name fills in the blank? Sebastian

5 Which character from Twelfth Night is described? Marries Maria Toby

6 Which character from Twelfth Night is described? “Well, I’ll put it on, and I will dissemble myself in ‘t, and I would I were the first that ever dissembled in such a gown.” (IV.2.4-6) Fool

7 Which character from Twelfth Night is described? “He did me kindness, sir, drew on my side, / but in conclusion put strange speech upon me” who is “he” ? Antonio

8 Which character from Twelfth Night is described? Marries Sebastian Olivia

9 Which character from Twelfth Night is described? is convinced by Toby that he will eventually win the favor and grace of Olivia Andrew

10 This king united England by encouraging the use of Old English as a common language Alfred the Great

11 This ended Anglo-Saxon rule of England in 1066 Norman Conquest

12 The signing of this limited the power of the English king and gave more power to the barons Magna Carta

13 This is an Anglo-Saxon word meaning “ man- price, ” or the price a tribe must pay for murdering a warrior from another tribe Wergild

14 this is the rigid social system that governed England in the early medieval era Feudalism

15 This conflict helped England develop a sense of national identity Hundred Years War

16 In these places, written texts were copied and preserved during the Anglo-Saxon and Medieval eras Monasteries

17 This is the Anglo-Saxon word for “ fate ” Wyrd

18 This is the Anglo-Saxon word for a travelling storyteller Scop

19 This is the word describing a group composed of a warlord and his followers Comitatus

20 This was the vernacular language in Anglo-Saxon England Old English

21 Chaucer writes about this kind of trip in The Canterbury Tales Pilgrimage

22 This is the language of the church and known by the educated elite in Anglo-Saxon and medieval England Latin

23 This is the language spoken by the ruling class in medieval England French

24 Which character from Twelfth Night is described? who is “the lady” described in Act IV scene 3: “…or else the lady’s mad. Yet if ‘twere so, she could not sway her house, command her followers…” Olivia

25 This is the vernacular language in medieval England Middle English

26 The one hundred most commonly used words in Modern English come from this language Old English

27 Became the basis for English constitutional law Magna Carta

28 This is a long poem telling the deeds of a hero Epic

29 This is a man who does great deeds and represents the values of his people and culture Epic hero

30 A word or phrase used to characterize a particular person, place, or thing Epithet

31 A phrase used in Anglo-Saxon poetry to describe a person, place, or thing Kenning

32 This is a literary device which seems to be contradictory but is actually true in the context of the work of literature. Paradox

33 This is a literary device directly comparing two unlike things metaphor

34 Which character from Twelfth Night is described? says that “such as I am, all true lovers are, unstaid and skittish in all motions else save in the constant image of the creature that is beloved” Orsino

35 The manuscript for Beowulf was probably written in one of these places monasteries

36 This author was born into a middle class family but worked as a page in an upper class household, thus allowing him to know about both social classes. Geoffrey Chaucer

37 This is the plot structure used for The Canterbury Tales and The Decameron. Frame narrative/story

38 This is the language commonly spoken every day by a large group of people Vernacular

39 This Italian work is an important source for Chaucer ’ s Canterbury Tales The Decameron

40 This type of story became the most popular work of literature in medieval England. Romance

41 This is the code of behavior for knights in medieval England Chivalry

42 This word means “ entertainment value ” in Middle English “ solace ”

43 Which character from Twelfth Night is described? writes a deceptive letter Maria

44 This word means “ lesson or moral ” in Middle English “ sentence ”

45 This pilgrim is on the pilgrimage to Canterbury specifically to give thanks to God. Knight

46 This pilgrim works with pharmacists to maximize their profits. Doctor

47 This religious pilgrim has the gift of gab and loves to spend time with the wealthy people in town, hearing their confessions for a fee. Friar

48 This pilgrim has beautiful manners and cares very much about animal welfare. Nun

49 This is a journey that is meant to show religious devotion. Pilgrimage

50 This pilgrim loves to travel and knows the “ remedies ” for the pains of love. Wife of Bath

51 This man is one of Chaucer ’ s perfect pilgrims and spends much time traveling around his community, visiting people. Parson

52 This pilgrim rides at the very end of the group so that he can watch everybody else. Reeve

53 This pilgrim accepts bribes from sinners and allows them to continue sinning. Summoner

54 This pilgrim deceives people with false relics. Pardoner

55 Beowulf is an example of this kind of literary character Epic hero

56 This is the language spoken by William the Conqueror and his nobles French

57 This pilgrim carries a pillow case said to be a piece of the Virgin Mary ’ s veil; sings an offertory very well Pardoner

58 This pilgrim has terrible sores on the face and loves to eat garlic and onions; only speaks Latin when drunk Summoner

59 This pilgrim can sweet talk a poor widow out of her last farthing, but prefers hanging out with the rich people Friar

60 “ My mind is full of scorpions ” is an example of this literary device metaphor

61 “ Fair is foul, foul is fair ” is an example of this literary device paradox

62 Chaucer wrote in this language Middle English

63 In this story, young, wealthy Italians travel the countryside to escape an outbreak of the plague. The Decameron

64 “ the Almighty ’ s enemy, ” “ that shadow of death, ” “ shepherd of evil, ” and “ guardian of crime ” are all examples from Beowulf of this Anglo-Saxon literary device. kenning

65 this document, signed in 1215, became the basis for English constitutional government Magna Carta

66 Who’s the author? Utopia Thomas More

67 his rule began in 871, and he united the Saxon tribes of southern England and led them to victory against the Danes Alfred the Great

68 invasion of England that occurred in 1066 Norman Conquest

69 Which character from Twelfth Night is described? rescues Viola from a duel Antonio

70 This social system had the king at the top and serfs at the bottom, with land-owning nobles in the middle feudalism

71 The Canterbury Tales was written in this language Middle English

72 language that the Beowulf manuscript is written in Old English

73 plot structure that creates a story within a story Frame narrative

74 Which character from Twelfth Night is described? Dresses as a priest in Act IV Fool

75 True or false? Beowulf becomes king of the Danes. false

76 True or false? Hrothgar sends for Beowulf to help him defeat Grendel. false

77 True or false? Beowulf ’ s first important battle is with the dragon. false

78 True or false? Beowulf ’ s warriors all display great bravery in the fight with the dragon. false

79 Beowulf is king of the Geats. true

80 True or false? Beowulf says Wiglaf should be king after him. True

81 wrote an important Italian work that influenced Chaucer Giovanni Boccaccio

82 has been to Jerusalem three times; is “ skilled in wandering by the way ” and wears nice clothing Wife of Bath

83 “ Children were afraid when he appeared. ” Summoner

84 practices what he preaches Parson

85 his skinny appearance is an indicated that he is tight-fisted with money and secretive in his dealings with people Reeve

86 has relationships with women, then finds them husbands and pays the women to keep it secret Friar

87 Who’s the author? “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” Chaucer

88 embezzles from his boss and is secretly wealthy Reeve

89 Which character from Twelfth Night is described? is convinced by a letter that he has already won the favor and grace of Olivia Malvolio

90 his writing helped give legitimacy and significance to Middle English Chaucer

91 This is a humorous imitation of a literary work that aims to point out the work ’ s shortcomings. parody

92 Renaissance poetry This poem describes “dull sublunary lovers’ love” and a different, more “refined” type of love “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning”

93 Renaissance poetry This poem describes its subject as “slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men” “Death be not Proud”

94 Renaissance poetry The speaker in this poem describes a “civil war” within himself in which “Despair” throws darts at him. Come Sleep

95 Renaissance poetry The speaker in this poem promises to give a woman beautiful gifts. The Passionate Shepherd

96 Renaissance poetry In this poem the speaker uses the simile of the “usurped town” to describe himself. Batter My Heart

97 Which character from Twelfth Night is described? he “wear[s] not motley in [his] brain” Fool

98 Renaissance poetry This poem contains the most famous example of a metaphysical conceit—the “stiff twin compasses.” “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning”

99 Renaissance poetry This poem contains a simile comparing the speaker’ situation to “the lark at break of day arising.” When, in disgrace….. 29

100 Renaissance poetry The speaker mocks many of his contemporaries’ love poems with a realistic portrait of his lover. 130, My mistress’ eyes

101 Renaissance poetry The speaker in this poem describes his unrequited love as a paradox that defies natural laws. 30, My love is like to ice

102 Which character from Twelfth Night is described? loves to hear music, especially old love songs Orsino

103 Renaissance poetry In this poem the speaker is jealous of other men who have more friends, talents, or power than he does. 29, When in disgrace

104 Renaissance poetry This poem is full of paradoxical descriptions of a person’s relationship with God. 14, Batter my heart

105 Renaissance poetry In this poem love is a mark, a star, and “not Time’s fool.” 116, Let me not to the marriage…

106 Renaissance poetry The speaker of this poem expresses his intention to immortalize his lover in poetry. 75, One day I wrote her name

107 Renaissance poetry This poem contains a simile comparing two lovers’ souls to “gold to airy thinness beat.” “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning”

108 Chaucer’s pilgrims is “Epicurus’ very son,” famous for his hospitality and his well-spread table Franklin

109 Chaucer’s pilgrims carries a pillow case said to be a piece of the Virgin Mary’s veil; sings an offertory very well Pardoner

110 Chaucer’s pilgrims has beautiful manners and several small dogs; strains to “counterfeit a courtly kind of grace” Nun

111 Chaucer’s pilgrims professional knowledge is grounded in astronomy; loves gold; works with apothecaries to maximize profits Doctor

112 Chaucer’s pilgrims has been to Jerusalem three times; is “skilled in wandering by the way” Wife of Bath

113 Chaucer’s pilgrims has terrible sores on the face and loves to eat garlic and onions; only speaks Latin when drunk Summoner

114 Who’s the author? 10, “Death be not proud” John Donne

115 Chaucer’s pilgrims “he rode the hindmost of our cavalcade” Reeve

116 Chaucer’s pilgrims loves hunting; “was he to leave the world upon the shelf?” Monk

117 Who’s the author? The Decameron Boccaccio

118 Chaucer’s pilgrims “Children were afraid when he appeared.” Summoner

119 Chaucer’s pilgrims practices what he preaches Parson

120 Chaucer’s pilgrims skinny; loves books more than anything; is very single-minded and serious Clerk

121 Chaucer’s pilgrims knows remedies for the pains of love; believes women should have power in relationships Wife of Bath

122 Chaucer’s pilgrims can sweet talk a poor widow out of her last farthing, but prefers hanging out with the rich people Friar

123 Who’s the author? “The Passionate Shepherd to his Love” Marlowe

124 Which character from Twelfth Night is described? discovers that disguise is a “wickedness” but decides not to try to “untie” the “knot” created by the disguise Viola

125 Who’s the author? “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd” Raleigh

126 Who’s the author? 30, “My love is like to ice…” Spenser

127 Who’s the author? 29, “When, in disgrace with Fortune” Shakespeare

128 Who’s the author? 116, “Let me not to the marriage…” Shakespeare

129 Who’s the author? 14, “Batter my heart…” Donne

130 Who’s the author? “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning” Donne

131 Who’s the author? 39, “Come Sleep” Sidney

132 Who’s the author? 75, “One day I wrote her name…” Spenser

133 Who’s the author? 130, “My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun…” Shakespeare

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