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 DIN’s  Reminders *edmodo *gizmos *remind  Books online vs Physical book  Chap 1.1 -1.2 read PPs 4-12  Work your VOCAB!

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Presentation on theme: " DIN’s  Reminders *edmodo *gizmos *remind  Books online vs Physical book  Chap 1.1 -1.2 read PPs 4-12  Work your VOCAB!"— Presentation transcript:


2  DIN’s  Reminders *edmodo *gizmos *remind  Books online vs Physical book  Chap 1.1 -1.2 read PPs 4-12  Work your VOCAB!

3 What Science Is and Is Not Thinking Like a Scientist

4  Science---organized way of using evidence to learn about the natural world; a process of gathering knowledge.  Science also refers to the complete body of knowledge that humans have gathered over the years.  The goal of science is to provide explanations of why things happen in the natural world and then use this knowledge to predict future natural events.

5  What is the scientific method?  Technique for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge or correcting and integrating previous knowledge.

6  What are the steps?  1. Observation of the Phenomena  2. Creating the Question  3. Forming a hypothesis  4. Controlled experiment  5. Analyze Data & Make Conclusion  6. Repeat  7. Peer review (page 12 in your text)


8  What are the steps of the scientific method?  1. Observation of the Phenomena  What are the phenomena?  Facts or occurrences that can be observed  2. Creating the Question (5W’s & 1 H)  Who,What,When, Where,Why & How  Well worded questions that help create a well-worded hypothesis.

9  What are  the steps of the scientific method?  3. Formatting the hypothesis  Definition: a possible answer to why the phenomena occurred. The scientists expects his hypothesis to be correct; it is a prediction.  Written as an “if…then…” statement  “If” part =manipulated/independent variables  “Then” part =responding/dependant variable

10  What are the steps of the scientific method?  4. Controlled Experiment-tests the hypothesis  Has two parts  Control group- no variables for comparison  Experimental group –has both of the variables

11  What are the steps of the scientific method?  4. Controlled Experiment-What are the variables?  Manipulated/independant variable- deliberately changed; it is the difference between the control & experimental groups.  It is what is actually being tested.  Responding/dependant variable - the change that is caused by the manipulated variable. It can be observed & measured.

12  What are the steps of the scientific method?  5. Analyze data & make a conclusion  What is data? Information collected from the experiment Two types of data:  A. Quantitative (numbers) B. Qualitative (description)  Conclusion: Is the hypothesis correct? Why?

13  6. Repeat  Why? Consistent data provides better evidence to support the hypothesis. 7. Peer Review : other scientists review your work and give their opinons on the validity of your conclusion. How is this done? A.E-mail, Skype, FaceTime, etc. B.Presentations, conferences, webinars, etc. C.Publish in a scientific journal like Nature or Science.

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