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Designing Programs and the Role of Functions Objectives Solve a few simple programs, emphasizing the steps involved in the process. Introduce the concept.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing Programs and the Role of Functions Objectives Solve a few simple programs, emphasizing the steps involved in the process. Introduce the concept."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing Programs and the Role of Functions Objectives Solve a few simple programs, emphasizing the steps involved in the process. Introduce the concept of a function. Understand how to call a function w/o parameters how to write a simple function w/o parameters how to use input parameters for a function how to return a result from a function

2 Sample Problem. Trip Cost. PROBLEM: Input : 1.miles to travel2.speed to drive 3.miles/gallon of car 4.capacity of tank 5.gas cost/gallon6.other expense per stop 7.time per stop Process : Assume that you stop only to refill for gas. On each stop, you will buy items which are not gas items (drinks etc in value 6). In addition you will incur delays at each stop(value 7). Calculate values requested. Output : number of stops at gas stations money spent on gas, non-gas items and total cost time required to make the trip

3 Algorithm: 1. Read values 2. Calculate total number of gallons required 3. Calculate mileage expected for a tank. Assume you can pull into a station on the FUMES. 4. Calculate tanks expected for the trip. Assume the tank is initially empty and you begin at the station. 5. Calculate cost of the gas 6. Calculate cost of other expenses for all stops (from answer to part 3) 7. Calculate total cost of the trip for gas and non-gas 8. Calculate time expected to make the trip excluding stops 9. Calculate time required for the stops 10. Calculate total time for the trip

4 #include #include // for ceil function Fig. 3.2 p. 147 void main() { float total_miles, speed, mpg, gallons_in_tank, cost_p_gallon, other_cost_p_stop, time_p_stop; int fillups_needed; float gallons_reqd, miles_p_tank, cost_of_gas, other_cost, total_cost, time_drive, time_for_stops, total_time; cout << “Enter input information” << endl; // yuck cin >> total_miles >> speed >> mpg; cin >> gallons_in_tank >> cost_p_gallon; cin >> other_cost_p_stop >> time_p_stop; // GALLONS REQUIRED gallons_reqd = total_miles / mpg; // mileage per tank miles_p_tank = mpg * gallons_in_tank; // tanks for trip fillups_needed = ceil(total_miles / miles_p_tank); // cost of gas cost_of_gas = gallons_reqd * cost_p_gallon;

5 (Cont.) // cost of drinks etc other_cost = fillups_needed * other_cost_p_stop; // total_cost total_cost = cost_of_gas + other_cost; // time for the trip without stops time_drive = total_miles / speed; // time for stops time_for_stops = fillups_needed * time_p_stop; // total_time total_time = time_drive + time_for_stops; // cout statements cout << "The trip is " << total_miles << " miles long.\n"; cout << "It will cost " << cost_of_gas << " for gas,\n"; cout << " and " << other_cost << " for other things.\n"; cout " << total_cost; cout " << total_time; }

6 The PRIMARY purpose of FUNCTIONS Functions simplify the interface! Simpler Interfaces Make Our Job Easier!

7 First examples are NOT typical We'll start with very simple ones and BUILD Examples in the text are functions which OUTPUT. Consider the program and drawing. #include void draw_circle() {cout << " * " << endl; * cout << "* *" << endl;* * } void draw_box() {cout << "*****" << endl;***** cout << "* *" << endl;* * cout << "*****" << endl;***** } * void main () * * { // function prototypes * * void draw_circle(); ***** void draw_box(); * * // calls to functions ***** draw_circle(); * draw_box(); * * draw_circle(); * * }// functions definions would follow

8 #include void draw_circle() {cout << " * " << endl; * cout << "* *" << endl;* * } void draw_box() {cout << "*****" << endl;***** cout << "* *" << endl;* * cout << "*****" << endl;***** } * void main () * * { // function prototypes * * void draw_circle(); ***** void draw_box(); * * // calls to functions ***** draw_circle(); * draw_box(); * * draw_circle(); * * }// functions definions would follow How do you trace the program flow(control)? This is a little tricky. Think of a boomerang. The function always returns to the place from which it was called!

9 #include void draw_circle() {cout << " * " << endl; * cout << "* *" << endl;* * } void draw_box() {cout << "*****" << endl;***** cout << "* *" << endl;* * cout << "*****" << endl;***** } * void main () * * { // function prototypes * * void draw_circle(); ***** void draw_box(); * * // calls to functions ***** draw_circle(); * draw_box(); * * draw_circle(); * * }// functions definions would follow How do you trace the program flow(control)? This is a little tricky. Think of a boomerang. The function always returns to the place from which it was called!

10 #include void draw_circle() {cout << " * " << endl; * cout << "* *" << endl;* * } void draw_box() {cout << "*****" << endl;***** cout << "* *" << endl;* * cout << "*****" << endl;***** } * void main () * * { // function prototypes * * void draw_circle(); ***** void draw_box(); * * // calls to functions ***** draw_circle(); * draw_box(); * * draw_circle(); * * }// functions definions would follow How do you trace the program flow(control)? This is a little tricky. Think of a boomerang. The function always returns to the place from which it was called!

11 Compare the program with a version which does NOT use FUNCTIONS Note the CLARITY of what the programmer is trying to accomplish. We have further aggravated the problem by avoiding the use of comments. How LONG would it take to figure it out? #include void main () {cout << " * " << endl; cout << "* *" << endl; cout << "*****" << endl; cout << "* *" << endl; cout << "*****" << endl; cout << " * " << endl; cout << "* *" << endl; }

12 REUSABILITY Once we write the function we can create many figures which use boxes and circles! The problem with software reusability is that what we think is GENERAL tends NOT TO BE SO. Consider drawing***** * * ***** THIS WON’T WORK! draw_box(); It will draw boxes VERTICALLY. True REUSABILITY takes lots of practice and FORESIGHT. OOP/OOD helps.

13 Functions with PARAMETERS As you design programs think of a function as a LITTLE PROGRAM INPUT -> PROCESS -> OUTPUT Example: From the gas problem write a function to determine the mileage expected from a tank of gas. mpg-> multiply -> mp_tank gallons_in_tank // DEFINITION OF THE FUNCTION float mp_tank ( float mpg, float gallons_in_tank ) { return mpg * gallons_in_tank; } // USE OF THE FUNCTION // replace the old assignment statement with miles_p_tank = mp_tank( mpg, gallons_in_tank); // instead of // miles_p_tank = mpg * gallons_in_tank;

14 Formal vs Actual PARAMETERS Why do we want the added confusion? Example: calculating the area of a circle from the radius // function definition //input: radius (float) //output: area of a circle with that radius float area_of_circle( float r) { return (3.14159 * r * r ); } What happens when you use it? We like them to be REUSABLE. We want to find the area of DIFFERENT circles. We want to use the function in different ways. cout <<area_of_circle(10.5); //radius from constant x = 2.3; cout << area_of_circle(x); //radius from x y = 77.9; z = area_of_circle(y); //radius from y We want Formal and Actual to be different! Formal Parameter r Actual Parameters 10.5 x y

15 Where does all of this stuff GO? Two basic choices: 1. In the same program example fig. 3.4 p. 151/152 2. Put the functions in a separate file and use include. There's a lot more to this. We'll do it later! We choose “in the same program”.. the SIMPLER one!

16 General Structure #include // METHOD 1 // function definitions void main () {//no prototypes needed for functions defined above // place any variable and const declarations // place any executable statements } OR #include // METHOD 2 // PROTOTYPES NEEDED for functions defined BELOW void main () { // place any variable and const declarations // place any executable statements } // function definitions

17 General Structure (cont.) OR // a file with function definitions only // assume it is named myfunct.C // a file containing ONLY the prototype // assume it is named myfunct.h #include // METHOD 3 #include "myfunct.h" void main () {//prototypes for functions in myfunct.h not here // place any variable and const declarations // place any executable statements }

18 Advantages of Methods of Organization Methods 1 and 2. No significant difference. Method 1 requires NO prototype. Method 3. It is more complicated to set up BUT... Allows separation of the code to actually do the function from the interface. -> author can distribute object and.h without giving up the source -> you can compile the library ONCE and use.h to incorporate calls -> you can redefine the actual code and update other programs to relink as long as interface is the same

19 Are We Through With Parameters? This is NOT the complete story! You have only seen cases of 1. NO INPUT and NO RETURNED VALUE (void) 2. Using INPUTS and A RETURNED VALUE Examples of combinations for later: 1. NO INPUT and a single output 2. Multiple OUTPUTS (???) 3. Changing the value of a parameter RULES FOR NOW 1. When passing parameters, be sure the parameters in the procedure and in the call are typed the same (int, float, etc.) 2. Also make sure they agree in number and position. 3. Place functions after the main routine. 4. Include a PROTOTYPE for the function where it is called. (Method 2)

20 Centuries Top 10 Interfaces Loudspeaker Touch-tone telephone Steering Wheel Magnetic-stripe card Traffic light Remote control Cathode-ray tube Liquid crystal display Mouse Barcode scanner According to MIT Technology Review Nov/Dec 1999

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