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Political Terms Bondsman: slave Commons: common people Consul: chief magistrate/highest official in Roman Republic Dictator: total political control by.

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Presentation on theme: "Political Terms Bondsman: slave Commons: common people Consul: chief magistrate/highest official in Roman Republic Dictator: total political control by."— Presentation transcript:


2 Political Terms Bondsman: slave Commons: common people Consul: chief magistrate/highest official in Roman Republic Dictator: total political control by one person Plebeian: common people

3 Political Terms Praetor: Roman judge/magistrate next to consul in rank Rabblement/Rout: rabble, mob Senator: mainly patricians (wealthy, high born) who make laws Tribune: magistrate—protects the rights of the lower classes Triumvirate: rule by three men

4 Military Terms Alarum: trumpet/drum call to arms Battle: unit or part of army Battles: armed forces drawn up for fighting Charges: troops Cohort: army division

5 Military Terms Ensign: flag-standard or standard bearer The horse in general: calvary Legion: 3000-6000 soldiers of 10 cohorts Parley: conference between opposing forces Tributaries: captives who had to pay a tribute or ransom to Rome before they could obtain their freedom

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