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Let Guidance Help Light the Way! © © Copyright 2002 Janet M. Bender.

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2 Let Guidance Help Light the Way! © © Copyright 2002 Janet M. Bender

3 Under the Guidance Umbrella …   Guidance Curriculum   Individual Planning   Responsive Services   System Support rom: ACA by Gysbers and Moore (1974) Adapted from: ACA by Gysbers and Moore (1974)

4 © © Copyright 2002 Janet M. Bender Our Goal is… …to light the way for all students to become the best they can be.

5 © © Copyright 2002 Janet M. Bender We do that through… Consulting Coordinating Caring Curriculum Counseling

6 © © Copyright 2002 Janet M. Bender We Anchor With Curriculum Through… School-Wide Programs School-Wide Programs Classroom Guidance Activities Classroom Guidance Activities Small Group Activities Small Group Activities Adapted from: ACA by Gysbers and Moore (1974)

7 © © Copyright 2002 Janet M. Bender Classroom guidance topics include: SelfAwareness Study Skills CareerAwareness PeerRelationsResponsibility CharacterEducation

8 © © Copyright 2002 Janet M. Bender We Help Students NAVIGATE Toward Their Goals With… Individual Planning –A–A–A–Assessment Abilities, skills, interests –P–P–P–Placement –A–A–A–Advisement Personal/social Educational Career Adapted from: ACA by Gysbers and Moore (1974)

9 © © Copyright 2002 Janet M. Bender We Respond to Student Needs Through… Consultation Consultation Personal Counseling Personal Counseling –Individually –In small groups Crisis Counseling Crisis Counseling Outside Referrals Outside Referrals –Mental Health –Social Services –Juvenile Services –Medical Resources Adapted from: ACA by Gysbers and Moore (1974)

10 © © Copyright 2002 Janet M. Bender We Develop System Support Through… Research & Development Research & Development Staff/Community Public Relations Staff/Community Public Relations Professional Development Professional Development Committee/Advisory Boards Committee/Advisory Boards Community Outreach Community Outreach Program Management Program Management Adapted from: ACA by Gysbers and Moore, (1974)

11 © © Copyright 2002 Janet M. Bender The teacher The teacher The student may self refer The student may self refer A parent A parent Administrators/staff Administrators/staff Any concerned person Any concerned person

12 © © Copyright 2002 Janet M. Bender Please make a referral to the counselor if… You suspect child abuse or neglect. You suspect child abuse or neglect. You notice a severe change in the child’s behavior. You notice a severe change in the child’s behavior. The child is struggling with family changes. The child is struggling with family changes. The child’s self-concept is low. The child’s self-concept is low. An illness or death in the family is upsetting the child. An illness or death in the family is upsetting the child. You suspect extreme financial hardship in the family and the child needs supplies, shoes, etc. You suspect extreme financial hardship in the family and the child needs supplies, shoes, etc. A behavior modification plan could help. A behavior modification plan could help.

13 © © Copyright 2002 Janet M. Bender The child is living in a home where there is substance abuse or recovery from such. The child is living in a home where there is substance abuse or recovery from such. The child daydreams a lot or seems preoccupied a major portion of the day. The child daydreams a lot or seems preoccupied a major portion of the day. The child’s grades are declining. The child’s grades are declining. A child has excessive absences. A child has excessive absences. The child’s home situation interferes with school performance. The child’s home situation interferes with school performance. Something seems to be bothering the child. Something seems to be bothering the child. Or… Or…

14 © © Copyright 2002 Janet M. Bender We will schedule counseling with: Individual students Individual students Small groups of students Small groups of students

15 © © Copyright 2002 Janet M. Bender

16 Providing a lifeboat (crisis intervention.) Providing a lifeboat (crisis intervention.) Giving sailing lessons (teaching coping skills.) Giving sailing lessons (teaching coping skills.) Blowing wind into their sails (giving encouragement.) Blowing wind into their sails (giving encouragement.) We will help by…

17 © © Copyright 2002 Janet M. Bender Counselors do lots of consulting with… Administrators Administrators Teachers and staff Teachers and staff Parents Parents Other professionals Other professionals

18 © © Copyright 2002 Janet M. Bender Counselors coordinate many school-wide programs such as: New Student Orientation New Student Orientation Substance Awareness Substance Awareness Conflict Management Conflict Management Character Education Character Education Testing Programs Testing Programs Career Awareness Initiatives Career Awareness Initiatives Behavior Management Strategies Behavior Management Strategies Materials/Resource Sharing Materials/Resource Sharing National School Counseling Week National School Counseling Week

19 © © Copyright 2002 Janet M. Bender Counselors show caring with… Staff Support Crisis Intervention Child Abuse Prevention Education Listening Giving Lots of Hugs

20 © © Copyright 2002 Janet M. Bender Sometimes we need to make outside referrals to… Mental Health Mental Health Private Professional Helpers Private Professional Helpers Social Services Social Services Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Medical Resources Medical Resources Juvenile Services Juvenile Services Special School Programs Special School Programs Other Other

21 © © Copyright 2002 Janet M. Bender Counselors regularly provide… Academic Support Academic Support Parent/Child Relationships Parent/Child Relationships Students’ Special Needs Students’ Special Needs Behavior Management Behavior Management Through workshops, presentations, conferences and newsletter articles on topics of need such as:

22 © © Copyright 2002 Janet M. Bender Counselors often coordinate or assist with… Psychological Referral Process Psychological Referral Process Student Support Team Student Support Team 504 Plans 504 Plans School & Community Projects School & Community Projects Standardized Testing Programs Standardized Testing Programs

23 © © Copyright 2002 Janet M. Bender Once in a while we may sail away for… Professional Development… Development….…through conventions, meetings, courses and workshops.

24 © © Copyright 2002 Janet M. Bender Through it all, school counselors help light the way for smooth sailing and bright futures for our students.

25 References Bender, J.M. (1999). Ready…Set…Go! A Practical Resource for Elementary Counselors. Chapin, SC: Youthlight, Inc Bender, J.M. (1999). Ready…Set…Go! A Practical Resource for Elementary Counselors. Chapin, SC: Youthlight, Inc Microsoft Corporation 2002. Office XP, PowerPoint 2002. Microsoft Corporation 2002. Office XP, PowerPoint 2002. VA: American Association for Counseling and Development by Gysbers, N. C., & Moore, E. J. (1974). Career guidance, counseling and placement: Elements of an illustrative program guide (A life career development perspective). Columbia, MO: University of Missouri, Columbia. VA: American Association for Counseling and Development by Gysbers, N. C., & Moore, E. J. (1974). Career guidance, counseling and placement: Elements of an illustrative program guide (A life career development perspective). Columbia, MO: University of Missouri, Columbia. The End

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