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 1 Corinthians 10:1-11 ●God was not pleased with them ●Their bodies were scattered in the wilderness ●Examples to us ●Warning us who live at the end of.

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Presentation on theme: " 1 Corinthians 10:1-11 ●God was not pleased with them ●Their bodies were scattered in the wilderness ●Examples to us ●Warning us who live at the end of."— Presentation transcript:

1  1 Corinthians 10:1-11 ●God was not pleased with them ●Their bodies were scattered in the wilderness ●Examples to us ●Warning us who live at the end of the age  1 Corinthians 10:1-11 ●God was not pleased with them ●Their bodies were scattered in the wilderness ●Examples to us ●Warning us who live at the end of the age

2 The Believers Promised Land A Journey Portrayed in Israel’s History A Message for Those Living in the End of the Age A Journey Portrayed in Israel’s History A Message for Those Living in the End of the Age

3 I. Israel’s History (Readers Digest Version)  Acts 6:8 – 7:60


















21 II. Examples and Warnings  Hebrews 3:1 – 4:3 ●Rebelled even though they heard his voice ●Because of their unbelief they could not enter his rest ●God’s promise of entering his rest still stands ●Only we who believe can enter  Hebrews 3:1 – 4:3 ●Rebelled even though they heard his voice ●Because of their unbelief they could not enter his rest ●God’s promise of entering his rest still stands ●Only we who believe can enter

22  The Believer’s Journey ●Our captivity ●Our Passover ●Our exodus ●Our Sinai ●Our wilderness ●Our choice to enter his rest ●Facing the giants ●Progressive possession  The Believer’s Journey ●Our captivity ●Our Passover ●Our exodus ●Our Sinai ●Our wilderness ●Our choice to enter his rest ●Facing the giants ●Progressive possession

23 Reflection Time  Through Israel’s history faith was required for God’s people to walk in all that God had for them. Abraham – to leave his country without knowing where God was leading him. Moses to respond to God’s call to lead his people out of Egypt. Israelites to face the giants of Canaan to possess the promised land, etc. What step of faith is God speaking to you? Unbelief disqualifies you from God’s promises. How are you responding to God’s words to you?

24  Observe the character qualities and testimony of Stephen. ●Full of grace and power ●None could stand against the wisdom and Spirit with which he spoke ●His face as bright as an angel’s ●Willing to die for his faith ●No angst against his persecutors How do you think these qualities were a part of him? What would you do to see these qualities increase in you?  Observe the character qualities and testimony of Stephen. ●Full of grace and power ●None could stand against the wisdom and Spirit with which he spoke ●His face as bright as an angel’s ●Willing to die for his faith ●No angst against his persecutors How do you think these qualities were a part of him? What would you do to see these qualities increase in you?





29 IV.



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