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Merciful God Merciful God, O abounding in love, Faithful to all who draw near You; Hearing the cries of the humble in heart, Showing the cross they may.

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Presentation on theme: "Merciful God Merciful God, O abounding in love, Faithful to all who draw near You; Hearing the cries of the humble in heart, Showing the cross they may."— Presentation transcript:


2 Merciful God Merciful God, O abounding in love, Faithful to all who draw near You; Hearing the cries of the humble in heart, Showing the cross they may cling to.

3 Broken I come, helpless in sin, Found at the feet of Your mercy. Father, forgive; may my sin be remembered no more.

4 Merciful God, O abounding in love, Faithful through times we have failed You; Selfish in thought and uncaring in deed, Foolish in word and ungrateful.

5 Spirit of God, conquer our hearts With love that flows from forgiveness; Cause us to yield and return to the mercy of God.

6 Merciful God, O abounding in love, Faithful to keep us from falling; Guiding our ways with Your fatherly heart, Growing our faith with each testing.

7 God speed the day struggles will end; Faultless we'll gaze on Your glory. Then we will stand overwhelmed by the mercy of God. ***

8 Putting the Plan on Hold Only God can accomplish man’s redemption God Builds a nation – Israel and delivers them from Egypt God reveals His message – at Mt Sinai Obedience is essential

9 Numbers What could stop them now? They’re on a roll! 2 nd observance of Passover What could possibly mess things up now? Promised Land, here we come!!!

10 What is the only thing that God allows to hinder Him? He set up His plan to include Faith as a key factor.

11 What is the only thing that God allows to hinder Him? UNBELIEF 11.1ffOh no, here we go again! Omen of things to come Even Moses A mere 11 days' journey from that land

12 Why spy out a land that God had already approved and designated for Israel? This is the way in which God works He tests our faith in His faithfulness Yes… But…

13 WE ARE UNABLE unbelief actually discredits God unbelief limits the work of God Psalm 78:41 Their verdict was the most appalling accusation ever to fall from human lips GOD IS NOT ABLE

14 Unbelief, if not checked, will fester inside the soul of man until it surfaces as sin's most rank sore--rebellion. Rebellion, simply defined, is going in the opposite direction from God. GOD’S PROGRAM WAS BROUGHT TO A HALT FOR-40 YEARS!!!!!

15 Hear the lament in God’s word to Moses:Numbers 14:20-23 Moses, I can't do it with this generation of people, but, believe Me, I will do it! God simply cannot work through an unbelieving and obstinate people— and so He will wait for the next generation. God can overcome any obstacle except unbelief and rebellion in those who are ordained to be His.

16 It wasn't because of the walls, nor the giants; it was because of their heart attitudes of unbelief and rebellion. God still seeks for men and women whose heart is humble towards Him. How about you?

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