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TCCD: C HAPTER 13 Essential Question: How does Charlotte’s relationship change with the crew? Why? Answer the Essential Question. Answers to questions.

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Presentation on theme: "TCCD: C HAPTER 13 Essential Question: How does Charlotte’s relationship change with the crew? Why? Answer the Essential Question. Answers to questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 TCCD: C HAPTER 13 Essential Question: How does Charlotte’s relationship change with the crew? Why? Answer the Essential Question. Answers to questions must be in complete sentences (minimum of 2 sentences per question). 1. How does Charlotte prove herself to the crew? 2. Whose idea is it? 3. Describe her journey up and back from the royal yard. (3 events) 4. What does, “And yet I had to climb, this was my restitution,” mean? 5.Describe the crew’s reaction at then end of chapter 13. 6. Predict the captain’s reaction.

2 C HAPTER 13 V OCABULARY “You’re a girl,” Dillingham spat out contemptuously.” Guess _________________ “Having fully committed myself, I was overwhelmed by my audacity.” Guess _________ “Now the full folly of what I was attempting burst upon me with grotesque reality. It had been not only stupid, but suicidal.” Guess _________ “Foley came to his feet. ‘All right then. I’ll go caucus the others.’ Out he went.” Guess _________________

3 TCCD: C HAPTER 14 Essential Question: How is Charlotte changing? Summarize this chapter by answering the EQ. Include, physical appearance, learning new skills, attitude, and interactions with “people” on board. Events and Questions must be written in complete sentences. 5 Events 2 Questions End of chapter Foreshadowing

4 C HAPTER 14 V OCABULARY “No sooner had he done so than the crew – though not Mr. Hollybrass – let out another raucous cheer!” Guess _________________ “Whatever grievous errors I had made before – in thwarting the mutiny led by Cranick and in causing the resulting cruelty toward Zachariah – the sailors appeared to accept my change of heart and position without reservation.” Guess _________ “They saw my desire to become a crew member not only as atonement, but also as a stinging rebuff to Captain Jaggery.” Guess for atonement _________________ Guess for rebuff _____________________ “You may believe me too when I say that I shirked no work.” Guess _________________ “And there I was, joyous, new-made, liberated from a prison I’d thought was my proper place!” Guess _____________________

5 TCCD: C HAPTER 15 Essential Question: What two major events are going to change the course of the story? Summarize this chapter by answering the EQ. Describe the eve Events and Questions must be written in complete sentences. 5 Events 2 Questions End of chapter Foreshadowing

6 C HAPTER 15 V OCABULARY “Even as the cry came, the Seahawk pitched and yawed violently. Whether I got out of my hammock on my own, or was tossed by the wrenching motion of the ship, to this day I do not know!” Guess _________________ “But I woke to find myself sprawling on the floor, the curtain torn asunder, the forecastle in wildest confusion.” Guess _________ “I was certain the Seahawk would flounder, that we were doomed to drown.” Guess _________________ “Human cries came too, shouts that rose up through the maelstrom, words that I couldn’t catch.” Guess ____________ “The wind and rain – as well as the tossing motion of the ship – kept impeding me.” Guess _____________________

7 C HAPTER 15 V OCABULARY ( CONTINUED ) “I don’t know if the storm had somewhat abated or I’d just grown used to it.” Guess ______________________ “Whatever strength I’d had was fast ebbing.” Guess _____________________________ “Within seconds I slept the sleep of the dead who wait – with perfect equanimity- upon the final judgment.” Guess _________________________________

8 TCCD: C HAPTER 16 & 17 Essential Question: Summarize these chapters. Summarize these chapters by answering the questions 1-7. Put the answers in complete answer form. Events and Questions must be written in complete sentences. This is already done!!!!!! 1. Why isn’t Charlotte called up on deck to help? 2. Why does the Capt. say Charlotte killed Hollybrass? 3. Where does the Capt. send Charlotte? 4. Why did the crew not tell Charlotte that Z was alive? 5.What is Z’s plan? 6. Who does Charlotte believe killed Hollybrass? 7. What is the penalty for murdering an officer?

9 C HAPTER 16/17 V OCABULARY “No matter what the circumstances, it’s irregular for any member of a crew to be allowed to sleep so long. For the moment, however, I remained in my hammock, blithely assuming it was simply not yet time for my normal watch.” Guess _________________ “…the jacket was soiled and showed… rips. A cuff was frayed, a button gone. Small points perhaps, but not for a man of his fastidiousness.” Guess _________ “Miss Doyle, your trial for murder will commence at the first bell of the first dog watch today.” Guess _________________

10 C HAPTER 18/19 V OCABULARY “ Teaching her to use a knife?” the captain repeated portentously.” Guess _________________ “Something in my voice must have alerted him. He scrutinized me shrewdly. ‘Miss Doyle, why are you calling me Mister Zachariah?’” Guess _________ “Charlotte,’ he said with the utmost solemnity, ‘I did not kill Mr. Hollybrass’.” Guess _________________ “When – after the storm – he did nothing, I decided that was exactly what he thought; that I was an apparition.” Guess _________________

11 TCCD: C HAPTER 18 Essential Question: What are the major points that are made during the trial? Summarize this chapter by answering the EQ. Events and Questions must be written in complete sentences. 5 Events 2 Questions End of chapter Prediction

12 TCCD: C HAPTER 19 Essential Question: Explain who Charlotte now believes murdered Mr. Hollybrass. What is the plan to help Charlotte escape hanging? Summarize the chapter by answering the Essential Question. Minimum of 5 sentences. Events and Questions must be written in complete sentences. 5 Events 2 Questions about the Charlotte and Zachariah’s motives

13 TCCD: C HAPTER 20 Essential Question: How are Charlotte and Zachariah going to save her from hanging? Summarize the chapter by answering the Essential Question. Minimum of 5 sentencs. Questions must be written in complete sentences. 1.Describe Charlotte’s thoughts about her family. 2.Who do they get to help them with the plan? 3.What does, “it’s this or the royal yard” mean? 4.What memory is triggered by the door banging? 5.What was the long ago conversation about?

14 C HAPTER 21 V OCABULARY “But you, Miss Doyle, you interfered with that order. You presumed to meddle where you had no right.” Guess _________________ “Resume your place and station. Publicly renounce your way, bet for mercy before the crew, and I – you have my word – I will grant it.” Guess _____________________________ “Do you wish to put into port and have this girl spread the slander that she, a girl, took command of this ship, took over each and every one of you and told you what to do?” Guess ____________________________

15 C HAPTER 21 V OCABULARY “But you, Miss Doyle, you interfered with that order. You presumed to meddle where you had no right.” Actual: to interfere “Resume your place and station. Publicly renounce your way, bet for mercy before the crew, and I – you have my word – I will grant it.” Actual: to give up, reject “Do you wish to put into port and have this girl spread the slander that she, a girl, took command of this ship, took over each and every one of you and told you what to do?” Actual: a false or mean statement

16 TCCD: C HAPTER 22 Essential Question: Explain Zachariah’s advice: “A sailor chooses the wind that takes the ship from a safe port. ….winds have a mind of their own. Be careful, Charlotte of the wind you choose.” Summarize the conclusion by answering the EQ. Events and Questions must be written in complete sentences. This is already done!!!!!! Answer these questions: 1.How are the deaths of the Captain and Hollybrass recorded? 2. What “word” does Charlotte’s father use to describe her stories? 3. Give 3 examples that show how Charlotte feels now that she is back with her family. 4. Do you think Charlotte made the right decision? Explain.

17 C HAPTER 22 V OCABULARY “… the fact that I was the daughter of an officer in the company that owned the Seahawk was no small factor in my formal elevation (to captain). It would preserve the niceties.” Guess _________________ “There was much rejoicing among the crew…. as for me, I found myself plunged into instant, and to me, inexplicable melancholia.” Guess _________ “He’d discovered me up at the fore-peak, morosely watching the sea and the coast toward which we were drawing ever closer.” Guess _________________ It’s well known that sailors have an unhealthy tendency toward exaggeration. I look forward to reading a more sober account in your journal.” Guess _________________

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