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28 th June – 9 th July 2010.  Private placements must be submitted by Friday 29 th January 2010  A private placement form must be fully completed and.

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Presentation on theme: "28 th June – 9 th July 2010.  Private placements must be submitted by Friday 29 th January 2010  A private placement form must be fully completed and."— Presentation transcript:

1 28 th June – 9 th July 2010

2  Private placements must be submitted by Friday 29 th January 2010  A private placement form must be fully completed and returned to Mrs Hughes by that deadline  Forms must be signed by a parent/carer and the employer  It is also important to have the employer’s insurance details on the form  Forms will be given out in mentoring sessions

3  Students who don’t get their own placement will choose something from the borough scheme  This will be done in IT lessons in March  You will have to make four choices from the jobs available & will be expected to take any one of those allocated to you  You will need to be flexible: the borough can only offer jobs that employers make available

4  Once all choices have been submitted, the allocation software is run by the borough and jobs are allocated  You will find out what job you have been given in the summer term

5  You will get full details of the job you have been given  Your parents will be asked to sign a form giving their consent for you to do this job  Forms must be returned to Mrs Hughes

6  Once your parents have agreed the job you have been given, you will get a letter telling you to call the employer for an interview  This is really important; the job is not finally confirmed until you have had a successful interview  If you fail to contact the employer when you are asked to, you may lose your placement  At the interview, the employer will sign a form to say you have been accepted; this should be returned to Mrs Hughes

7  In assembly you will watch a DVD about Health & Safety in the workplace and you will be given a booklet which you should read carefully  You will go over some other things in your mentoring sessions  You can check out information on the school system  You can look at the borough work experience website:  If you have any questions, come & ask Mrs Hughes

8  The most important things are:  Attend every day  Be on time  Be willing  Ask questions any time you are not sure what to do  Let the employer know if you can’t attend on a particular day for a really good reason  At all times, be positive!

9  Your employer will send in a report which can be really useful when you go for interviews in future  You will also get a report from the teacher who visits your placement  You will be asked to write up your own report  You will get a certificate if you attend well & complete successfully  All this will go in a folder so that you can keep it

10  Work experience is your first chance to try out the world of work:  Make sure you make the most of your chance!

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